AI and the Insurance Industry - another take

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AI and the Insurance Industry - another take
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:11:13 pm »
While talking to a friend he indicated that his spouse opted to get and install one of those Insurance Company "plug-in devices" to help monitor and reward good driving habits.

So this small device is plugged into your car and monitors everything that you, the driver, does in and while driving your car.

It appeared that a couple of months later, my friend's wife's insurance premiums increased by $130.00 a month. This was due to the way she had been driving to which they cited, excessive breaking and other potentially excessive and dangerous driving habits.

So my friends, if it sounds like those small, seemingly innocuous, plug-in devices are freely given to help you...think again!! It's helping THEM!!

Sometimes FREE isn't worth the price! O0
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!


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