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Artificial Intelligence => AI News => Topic started by: Tyler on April 30, 2015, 12:00:18 am

Title: Human Smarts Plus AI Could Unlock Computer Vision
Post by: Tyler on April 30, 2015, 12:00:18 am
Human Smarts Plus AI Could Unlock Computer Vision (
29 April 2015, 12:00 am

   (                 Computer vision is quickly advancing, but it tends to trickle into the world in scattered, specific applications. We encounter it when Facebook automatically tags a friend in a photo, or when Google suggests images similar to one we're searching for.


Source: AI in the News (

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Title: Re: Human Smarts Plus AI Could Unlock Computer Vision
Post by: Don Patrick on April 30, 2015, 08:05:15 am
They already did unlock computer vision, last year. Recognition accuracy went up from 6% to 94% when they had a human manually tag the objects that the vision neural nets got wrong. Basically, they gave AI a human mentor instead of throwing it out on the street to figure things out on its own.
So this application will certainly work, and crowdsourcing people to help will pose as little difficulty as crowdsourcing people to send spam. There is one hitch though: In a lot of countries it is not legal to station cameras. Though I must say I have considered putting up a webcam at the local snackbar myself. Perhaps a motion sensor is a good legal alternative.