(going for 3d now!
(latest viddie)
It all started 1.6 years ago, when I wrote a grouping system, that shares shapes between whole entities->
pixel grouper->
and I progressed along and made another one.
grouper (like a restricted boltzmann machine) ->
then my best one of all time doing full colour and multiple levels grouping huge areas together->
The idea is, you share measurements between things in an object oriented hierarchy, with a single unified beginning (or end if you like) of an 'object', a measurement could be pixel intesity, or adjacency information. and everything shares with everything, these measurements, the more measurements you share, the less cells (or 'classes' if you think about it object oriented) you need, and the smarter it is... The real version does it off depth maps, and measures the viewspace distance between the pixels in the depth map.
These measurements are relative and invarient to spin, scaling and translation, and maybe even more when you go to 3d. So you dont know exact positions of things, you just know distances between things... and youll come up with the class, and where it is as a VARIABLE. not a solidly stored thing.
You spacially segment and track temporal conglomerations, using entropy, doing 2d is ALOT easier than 3d, but 3d is the best one, you essentially are going to get video games out of ordinary video off youtube, for example.
Its animation is very similar to a markov chain chat bot, so it doesnt make a hell lot of sense, but retains continuity. you must pick only 1 symbol at a time, because thats how chat bots work, and you want to make sure it works, so you be a little careful and only pick one action for a single class at a time.
You must fire through the same pipes for as many times as there is the same class in view, that is the multiinstancability. (oo paradigm)
When i attempted to add the depth map, to record relative pixel distances, ill need one of these to track camera movement and produce maps best i can.
3d corner tracker->
And thats where im ended.
Ive been programming since I was a kid, I learnt win32 when i was 19, made games ever since then but then I started AI when i was 32, and its been 2 years... and this is where im at.
I want to totally automate video game production, off ordinary video. (my magnum opus.) XD but everyone should have their big important achievement, cause if you dont think somethings important, then you disintrigrate and become sad.
* i need camera movement and depth map.
* the traits reconstruct the image, as well as classify it, they are topological distances. (2d or 3d its the same.) so its kinda like a worldspace model.
youve got a deapth map pixel truncation problem, its kinda antialiased how you make these traits.
temporal traits will reconstruct movement, as well as classify movement.
* the topological information, will spread out the initial counts of things, you should be able to have overlapped classes, if it makes sense.
* sharing traits, will hit local optimas, so youll never get maximum compression, but the more you compress, the better off you are, intelligence&store saving, makes an inefficient thing a little more efficient.
* you can supply some segmentation help, from some instant algorythm, but entropy should do your conglomeration&separation temporally and
spacially... although projected 3d visuals makes it more of a challenge for the algorythm... its a much tighter threshold.