Neural networks is a sub technique of machine learning , deep learning is actually only connected to neural networks .... As it is a neural network with many layers .
Machine learning techniques , are mainly used to classify data as being either of one class of data or another .
The KNN algorithm , clusters data in to groups which when plotted produce a scatter chart and the points which are closest to each other are considered to be similar.
Regression , is simular to a growth chart, and can be considered to be predictive .
The apriori algorythm is used to find frequent item sets ... Based on frequencys , predicts which sets will be most frequent ...
All can be also considered to be "data mining"
All can be considered to be unsupervised or supervised learning techniques .
Problems with machine learning is when you have outliers , data which is randomly skewed , this affects all techniques . So they are removed ... (Reshaping the data) . These will create bad classification or predictions . The data is split into training set , and test sets for use by the algorythms .... Problems arise again when you tune your algorythm . As you can overfit your data. Meaning it works with your reshaped data but not with unseen or new data.
Neural networks : deep learning has this problem .... Throwing mire layers at the problem does not solve it , overfits it plus takes longer to process it.
The new buzz about neural networks is hash tables .... Before it could only produce binary or numerical output , but anything can be stored as a table ie; groups of pictures representing a number 4 ... The pictures can be represented as a numerical input . The output produced can ve matched to a lookup table to produce is this image a number stored jn the table. This enables for more complex classification of pictures for instance .
Artificial intelligence goes beyond these techniques. Often considered simular but are greatly distanced. As artificial intelligence has computer programs and object oriented/ polymorphic programming algorithms. Code reduction & refactoring produces faster execution times .
Business intelligence/big data is machine learning but with data warehousing .... Relational or star schema or data vault . Again reshaping data ...or pooling data and using "slices of data"
Such as , sales vs frequency of sales vs location of sales = 3d query .... Multidimensional queries .... Only possible when you have a data warehouse.