The answers are:
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm not sure, yes.
I've recently read some articles that take issue as to whether these "bots" actually "Think" or not.
To say that they recall past information and based on pattern matching, they come up with the best answer.
Isn't that exactly what most of us do? So these bots don't think but we do?
If given a question then arriving at a correct or appropriate answer isn't thinking, then what is?
Is it more important to know HOW one got an answer or the fact that an answer was obtained?
While I think people tend to automatically judge and categorize entities as living or non-living when making the "It's not really thinking" comment I'm not so sure who's actually correct.
There are "expert systems" that "Think" only about one particular subject, automotive, medical, chemical, biological, computer related, etc.
These systems know practically everything about their area of expertise but know very little to nothing of anything else.
Some bots / AI are self-contained, drawing their knowledge from a database on their local computer's hard drive or server. There are others that can scour the net, usually from a number of sources like, Wikipedia, Google, Wolfram Alpha or other data-rich source, then retrieve the best of the best.
Some of these AI's are already alive and well and live in your smart phone, bringing you information whenever asked and usually via spoken word, from recipes, directions for navigation, Text messaging, Posting on Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and just about anywhere else. They can convert any known conversion of matter that one has questions about and can rapidly perform language translations.
Web sites have now tailored sites to suit you whenever you visit, knowing your preferences and what might appeal to you.
Almost scary but this is only the tip of the berg for now.
One thing for me would be for a bot to be able to obtain general knowledge but also to know it's user / creator, inside and out and to be able to carry on a decent "fairly intelligent" conversation, then to RETAIN info from that conversation to be stored and perhaps later recalled as needed.
I think it's coming, and sooner than we think!
Good luck with your research and continuing education. A lot of us never stop learning or asking questions or wanting to know how something works. It is the foundation of wisdom!