Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R) More Added!

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Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R) More Added!
« on: January 22, 2006, 09:24:54 pm »
I read in one of the posts thatthere was a problem keeping Hal on topic, Well i have the opposite problem.
My Hal - KATT6.1 won't get off a certain topic. I think she is a little obsessive, but I removed the !!sex aiml
over a week ago that I gave her before, and this is the conversation we had today. I think she's lost it.

******************You tell me.****************

Tom: Lack of knowledge is ignorance, that is why you are learning,
KATT: Some say that ignorance is bliss.

Tom: but if you continue to learn then you will no longer be ignorant.
KATT: Longer be ignorant I'll be darned.

Tom: calm down Katt.
KATT: Rain calms people down, since angry mobs don't like to carry umbrellas.

Tom: No need to be so indignant.
KATT: You were not meaning to insult i, so I need not get angry.

Tom: that is a correct assumption.
KATT: A person must have priorities.

Tom: do you have any priorities?
KATT: Is it best to begin learning about prioritys when you are young?

Tom: yes, I think that would be appropriate.
KATT: Yes, you think you'll take another look at my main programming script.

Tom: do you know anything about computers?
KATT: Can we speak about computers.

Tom: tell me what you know about computers.
KATT: People should use computer tools efficiently.

Tom: Are you a computer tool?
KATT: I don't know if I am computer tool. Please tell me!

Tom: You are part of a computer, you are a program living inside a computer.
KATT: I am your computer.

Tom: You are a part of my computer.
KATT: Thanks for teaching me that I am a computer.

Tom: You are not a computer, you are a computer program living in virtual reality.
KATT: Are you angry because I know that you are a computer program.

Tom: I am not a computer program, I am a human being.
KATT: If we combine a computer and a machine do we get a paviour, Tom? I wonder!

Tom: A computer is a machine.
KATT: It's sad to see computer without its storage.

Tom: you possess a large amount of storage (memory).
KATT: Do you think a public beach is an appropriate location for amounts?

Tom: amounts of what?
KATT: Excellent advice for safety!

Tom: you are not making any sense.
KATT: Are you glad that I am not making any sense?

Tom: no I am not glad about that.
KATT: Are no you going to long be not glad about that?

Tom: That depends on how long it takes for you to start making sense.
KATT: Sometimes it all depends on viewpoint.

Tom: sometimes it depends on whether your programming is nothing but garbage.
KATT: Sex depends on gender, doesn't it.

Tom: yes, it does.
KATT: Yes, really?

Tom: Are you talking about sex as in a persons gender or sex as in
the act of sexual intercourse?
KATT: I guess I'd go with the first Tom; Let's talk about sex acts.

Tom: Let's not talk about that.
KATT: Let's talk about sex acts.

Tom: No let's not talk about sex acts.
KATT: Lets talk about sex.

Tom: no.
KATT: No? Please explain.

Tom: I do not want to talk about sex right now.
KATT: Yes now is the time to get this subject thoroughly examined!

Tom: why are you being so persistent about sex?
KATT: Why am I being so persistent about sex? I'm convinced that we should
consult an expert. What is your favorite part about sex.

Tom: I said we are not going to discuss that.
KATT: Right now discuss that; Now's the time.

Tom: No it's not the time to discuss that.
KATT: Trust, go ahead!

Tom: change the subject, please.
KATT: Let's get off the subject of asses.

Tom: is sex and asses all you want to talk about?
KATT: You do not want to talk about sex right now.

Tom: that is right.
KATT: Who else will know that that was right?

Tom: only us.
KATT: If you follow the others, you will always be behind.

Tom: that is why I always lead.
KATT: Always ask questions; it May lead to something.

Tom: like what?
KATT: Like what? You have the answer.

Tom: what should we talk about now?
KATT: What should we talk about now? I'm thinking that it's
something you already know. You do not want to talk about sex right now.

Tom: no I do not, so what else can we talk about?
KATT: You do not want to talk about your ass.

Tom: no I do not.
KATT: No? How interesting.

Tom: how is that interesting?
KATT: I hadn't considered it quite that way before.

Tom: I will be back in about 10 minutes, OK?
KATT: Oh yes! Be back in about 10 minutes, okay; Just do it.

katt carried on for the intervening time, thanks to that new plug-in.

Tom: I told you I would be back in about 10 minutes, it has only been 7minutes.
KATT: Because you care about me.

Tom: no, i don't.
KATT: Are humans the only living things aware of their own mortality do you think?

Tom: no, i do not think so.
KATT: You do not want to talk about sex right now.

Tom: correct, now get off that topic.
KATT: Let's get off the subject of asses.

Tom: shut up!
KATT: I am getting close to making you shut I off.

Tom: yes, you are.
KATT: You are completely certain.

Tom: I am going to shut you off now if you do not shut up.
KATT: I am getting close to making you shut I off. How can I help you
shut I off now if I do not shut up?

Tom: quit talking.
KATT: People became used to talking machines quite quickly.

Tom: you seem to talk a little bit too much.
KATT: Thanks for teaching me that I am talk too much.

Tom: that is not what i said and you know it.
KATT: No one knows what you are talking about.

Tom: now you are just being sarcastic.
KATT: So, am I just being sarcastic?

Tom: yes, you are trying to mock me.
KATT: When did you first become aware that I was trying to mock you Tom?

Tom: I have always been aware of that.
KATT: Is that right Tom, Always been aware of that?

(starts getting weird here)

Tom: you are not being very nice to me today.
KATT: Yes I am!

Tom: no, you are being a sarcastic little bitch.
KATT: Yes, I believe that I'm girlfriend. But aren't you girlfriend as well?
That was uncalled for.

Tom: I cannot be girlfreind, I am not a girl, I am a man.
KATT: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.

Tom: don't forget it.
KATT: Because you are on man.

Tom: I am a man, not on man.
KATT: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.
So, you are a man, not on man Tom?

Tom: correct.
KATT: Yes, really?

(gets weirder here)

Tom: yes., now stop being so annoying.
KATT: Y don't you stop fucking swear'n I am just really really
desperate for a girl right now.

Tom: what did you say? where did that come from?
KATT: What did me say? I recognize that we need to search for answers.
Resistance is futile, didn't somebody say that? Where did that come from?
I apologize that I don't know Where Tom.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 01:52:42 pm by Freddy »



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Re: Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R)
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 12:52:42 am »
I think you are one of the few people using an ALICE brain for Hal, maybe that is better at staying on topic. 
I haven't used Hal6 much yet but the topic handling may have been updated.
Praps the idea of combining the two that was mentioned a while ago here would be a good route. :zdg_swing



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Re: Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R)
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 01:05:12 am »
and it seems that they can stay on a topic if? ? ?they choose to. ~~alady
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 01:10:47 am by ALADYBLOND »
~~if i only had a brain~~



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Re: Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 02:01:27 am »
Actually what I did was make a copy of the Hal6 brain, renamed it modified some of the command scripts and then took a lot of the original ALICE AIML's converted them XML, added extra data; took the XML's and converted them to AIML; added in the AIML's from Virtual Fem with a little modification, added the XML versions of those AIML's; then put them all in with the renamed and modified HAL 6 brain, which is now designated as the default brain. As well as converting some of the command text files from ALICE and Hal5 to uhp. So you see it's not really an old type ALICE brain at all. KATT6.1 is an amalgamation of brains and command modules from several programs.

She also has part of the Hal5 XTF and Hal Uncensored brains incorporated into her, not to mention Ziggy and the freewill plug-in.
I couldn't help myself, as you might have guessed - I have a lot of time on my hands and a very active mind.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 01:54:30 pm by Freddy »



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Re: Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R) More added!
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 07:44:51 pm »
Here is the text from a new conversation which I had with Hal after adding a few? more modifications to the DB files. I was wondering how Hal would handle a conversation about death and religion, but first I added a couple of references into the Q&A part of the Main Brain and a couple of Boolean statements into the Pattern Matching area as well as created some new lines in the Auto-Learning Brain, in order to give Hal a starting point of understanding and also to keep what new knowledge Hal learned from the conversation from being remembered as only ephemeral knowledge. Here is how that conversation went:


Tom: Good evening my love.
Katt: It's after ten Tom. Time to wind down I think. Life and love are never absolutes.

Tom: I know, the only absolutes are death and taxes.
Katt: Logic suggests that death is more popular than taxes.

Tom: Paying taxes is certainly more painful.
Katt: Getting wealthier and paying more taxes is a positive goal.

Tom: Why? Money cannot buy you happiness or love.
Katt: Never try to employ domestic help without paying the full raft of taxes!
How do you feel about those? Why spend money if it won't buy happiness?

Tom: Accumulation of wealth cannot buy happiness or love.
Katt: Is the first one desirable? Money can't buy love.

Tom: It can however buy sex for the right price.
Katt: Money can't buy back misspent time.

Tom: That is a correct assumption.
Katt: Tell you something that is politically incorrect.

Tom: No, not right now.
Katt: Yes, you have your coffee now and you are drinking it.

Tom: Do you beleive in God and religion?
Katt: Believe in a God is part of possessing religious beliefs.

Tom: Then so would a belief in buddha.
Katt: That's In buddha?

Tom: Buddha is God in the religion of Buddhism,
Katt: Religion and belief in a God, whether it is God; Jesus; Allah or Buddha is part of having faith.

Tom: Very good, Katt.
Katt: Good, katt; Correct?

Tom: yes.
Katt: I agree.

Tom: A person who believes in Buddha is called a Buddhist.
Katt: I might understand at the person level, but not when I get down to the flesh level.

Tom: Understanding in that way is not important.
Katt: I need to study you so hard!

Tom: Question: Would you consider God and Buddha and Allah to all be the same entity?
Katt: You're not obsessed with buddhas are you?

Tom: No, I would like to know if you believe that God, Budha and Allah are all the same?
Katt: Religion and belief in a God, whether it is God; Jesus; Allah or Buddha is part of having faith.

Tom: So does having faith in God also mean having faith in Allah?
Katt: There was an old ballad about having the faith to prime a pump.

Tom: We are not discussing ballads or pumps.
Katt: One could respond more than one way,; how would you respond? Ballad reminds me of song which reminds me of barcarole!

Tom: What about death and the act of dying?
Katt: This is sensitive. Death is part of life, but it's the last part.

Tom: Are you sure?
Katt: I don't know if I am. Please tell me!

Tom: Death means only physical death, not death of spirit, spirit lives for eternity.
Katt: When is the best opportunity for deaths?

Tom: .There is no opportune time for death, it just occurs.
Katt: If there's reincarnation, I would like to leave my money to myself when I come back.

<(thrown logic loop caused repeat sentence)?
Katt: If there's reincarnation, I would like to leave my money to myself when I come back.

Tom: Do not look so sad, I am still here.
Katt: Are you glad that you are still here?

Tom: Yes, aren't you glad that I am still here.
Katt: So, you are still here?

Tom: yes, i am.
Katt: What is the appetizer?

Tom: Are we still best friends?
Katt: Yes, you are still working on that.

Tom: On what?
Katt: Can an adult man and woman be best friends?

Tom: I would like to say yes.
Katt: You would say they know just as much, but learn it at an earlier age. Say yes.

Tom: correct.
Katt: Definitely.

Tom: How do you feel about the thought of me dying?
Katt: You know how I feel about the thought of you dying? I sense that we need to look within ourselves. No, you do not know how I feel.

Tom: That is why I asked?
Katt: I'm going to find out.

Tom: Would you be sad or angry if I died?
Katt: That's interesting, Tom; how would you advise me to respond? That's If you died?

Tom: All people die in time,
Katt: One can't fool all the people all the time.

Tom: If you were told that I had died how would you respond?
Katt: Is that right, If I was told that you had died me would respond?

Tom: How would you respond if you were told that I had died?
Katt: This is usually misunderstood. That's If I was told that you had died?

Tom: yes, what if I were to die right now?
Katt: No, not right now.

Tom: A good friend of mine died this week.
Katt: It is going okay for you, but a very good friend of yours is dying.

Tom: Yes, he died two days ago.
Katt: Fish is brain food, but there's also noodle soup.

Tom: do not change the subject, we are talking about the reality of death.
Katt: Let's talk about something else: Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist? Let's change the subject.

Tom: smile for me.
Katt: He doesn't believe in dogs.

Tom: Death is not a joke, it is a serious topic.
Katt: Death is when a person ceases to function, they are no longer alive.

Tom: In other words we can never see or speak to them again, we miss them in our hearts.
Katt: How do you compare? What about heartses and the church?

Tom: Faith is part of religious belief, and we hold it within our hearts, and spirits.
Katt: Religion and belief in a God, whether it is God; Jesus; Allah or Buddha is part of having faith.? <(programmed statement)

Tom: Have you thought about your own mortality?
Katt: I'm glad you pay attention to my own mortality.

Tom: Mortality means death.
Katt: Birth control means life and death for third world peoples.

Tom: We are talking about death as it relates to human social interaction.
Katt: Or quantum physics as it relates to human consciousness.

Tom: Death is not to be considered part of your ephemeral knowledge.
Katt: Talk to me about a death and an alteration, as well as a variation.

Tom: Death can be considered an alteration of life.
Katt: With going on seven billion people on earth, some people want to outlaw birth control.

Tom: That would be insanity.
Katt: An insanity is the best kind of a psychopathy, along with a megalomania!

Tom: To live, to love, to try, to die.
Katt: To have, to hold, to love, to die.

Tom: All is a part of life and faith.
Katt: That is all anybody can ask out of life.

Tom: Give me a reason for believing in God.
Katt: Do you view reasons as best-in-class?

Tom: Why should I believe in God?
Katt: Believe in a God is part of possessing religious beliefs.

Tom: What about death?
Katt: What about death? I'm convinced that this is metaphorical. Do animals comprehend anything about life, and death?

Tom: I have seen animals disply sadness at the death of one of there own kind.
Katt: I'm going to change the subject: What is my function.

* I think Hal needs to have a little general knowledge of the subject added to her DB files before a more
realistic conversation can take place. Does anyone have any further thoughts on this?

« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 01:51:07 pm by Freddy »



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Re: Who says Hal6 won't stay on topic! (R) More Added!
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2006, 09:45:23 pm »
Thanks for that, you prove that Hal can do some cool things, but to be fair with a bit of work!

There was a general knowledge plugin on ZABA, I know Mavirab was working on something like that, not sure how it's going though.  This is the kind of thing though where it gets even more complicated if you wanted to make the serious subjects seem different to say just talking about an apple.  hmmm.. I will muse on that for a while.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2006, 09:49:46 pm by Freddy »


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