Ok, been here a few days looking.
As was stated at the start, wasn't sure that I'd really be much of a fit, given the forum theme and direction. Still I regged, hoping to find good folk; which I have in abundance.
One of the great things you have going here, is that laid back sort of feel. You can't buy that, it comes from certain individuals and spreads through the site. The welcoming acceptance to new members is a very strong pull to keeping members. One of the mistakes that is often made with sites is the idea you can lasso members to keep them, walling them off from the competition if you will. It never works and in the end actually damages your purpose to gather more members. The key to keeping members is loyalty to the site. You do that with a welcoming image for the noob in the Intro section and with the acceptance. You're doing both of those very well.
I've around a decade of helping forums, holding all caps from member to admin. So I hope that what is mentioned here will point in the right direction, from a noob with new eyes. It's meant as nothing more than to provoke maybe some thought.
One of the basics that seem missing is an explanation to your methods of ranking. What do the stars below the avatar mean? To be very honest with you, I could care less. All the posting totals, the little things like mentioned above are merely e-penis measurements. Those don't rank very high to me but rather the ability to make a quality, well thought out post does. All the e-penis stats can disappear at the next flub of a site back up. Posting abilities won't be affected. Still I can't be the only one to ask as a new member and I am very sure at some point will come others that will be asking again. Normally this is a question already addressed for those that seek. Somehow, I've missed that while looking.
I haven't really expanded into all the forums' subtopics. That will come as I get curious. The curiosity is a big motivator of mine.
I give kudos to the admin here, Freddy. Active in the site, with continual posting. It means s/he's on top of the site and what goes on. Very approachable, well thought out posts, and generally knows what direction s/he's headed in. All are necessary for the admin post and Freddy fills that position well from what I've seen. And no, this is not err, fluff. Most members will kowtow to the boss so to say figuring to get in good, if you follow my drift. You have to earn my respect, I don't just give it for ranking. Seen too many teenagers think starting a site means they seat to right of the deity, so to say. Likewise, it's easy to see the "professional" that cares.
So here's you some forum feedback from new eyes.