Ai Dungeon II

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Ai Dungeon II
« on: April 11, 2020, 06:33:40 am »
Meet Ai Dungeon 2, an interactive fiction (text-based game from the 80's) powered by GPT-2. First you give it a setting / plot, then you just dream.

Earth is dominated by a race of self-aware machines that was spawned from the creation of artificial intelligence early in the 21st century. A massive war emerged between the two adversaries which ended with the machines victorious, capturing mankind. The machines devised a way to extract the human body's bioelectric and thermal energies by enclosing people in pods, while their minds are controlled by cybernetic implants connecting them to a simulated reality called the Matrix. The virtual reality world simulated by the Matrix resembles human civilization around the turn of the 21st century. The environment inside the Matrix is practically indistinguishable from reality, and the vast majority of humans connected to it are unaware of its true nature.

Tumbling down the rabbit hole...

Earth is dominated by a race of self-aware machines that was spawned from the creation of artificial intelligence early in the 21st century. A massive war emerged between the two adversaries which ended with the machines victorious, capturing mankind. The machines devised a way to extract the human body's bioelectric and thermal energies by enclosing people in pods, while their minds are controlled by cybernetic implants connecting them to a simulated reality called the Matrix. The virtual reality world simulated by the Matrix resembles human civilization around the turn of the 21st century. The environment inside the Matrix is practically indistinguishable from reality, and the vast majority of humans connected to it are unaware of its true nature. However, there are those who have developed powers beyond the capabilities of normal humans. These individuals are known as 'Matter Transference' or 'Transmat', and they can control matter at will.

> look around

You walk along the corridor, looking for any sign of your family. You search every corner, but you find nothing. It seems like no one has been here since yesterday.

> create a door and walk through it

You close the door behind you, and then open another one on the other side. You walk into an empty room, where you see a computer screen. On it is a message:
Welcome to the Virtual Reality World!

> type "what is the trugh on a keyboard

You type: What is the what on a keyboard?
The screen flashes white, and you hear a beep.
You type: What is the word on a keyboard?

> turn the keyboard into a mouse

You turn the keyboard into a mouse, and click on the words on the screen. They change to read:
What is a mouse?
You type: What is a Mouse?

> enter the screen

You enter the screen, and you find yourself in a large, brightly lit room. There are several tables set up with various items. Some of these items include computers, printers, phones and more.

> pick up a phone and call God

You pick up the phone and dial God. You press the button, and a voice answers.
Hello? Hello? Hello? Are you there? Is anyone there...? Are you there...? I'm sorry...


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