Meta's AI super computer - An alternative for a Facebook metaverse?

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I'm massively ingruiged by the upcoming metaverse (or Omniverse - I prefer NVidias platform over Facebooks, infact I prefer anything over Facebook)
Anyway, the link below details the impressive A.I super cluster computer which will no doubt be pulling the dreams of the Multiverse ever closer to us.
As mentioned above, NVIDIA have their own platform in development which I am following with great interest (Known as the Omniverse) I'm wondering if any users have a preference on which  platform they think will be the maintream Meta/Omniverse or is anyone working on or contributing to designs for it yourselves?
cheers all,
 ::) :-*



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Re: Meta's AI super computer - An alternative for a Facebook metaverse?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2022, 07:16:21 pm »
You forgot the link. Though I have seen this news story.

The "metaverse" wasn't supposed to be just yet another virtual world. It was supposed to provide some kind of cross-platform interoperability to stitch other virtual worlds together. Hence the "meta" in the name. So, for instance, you could take avatars or owned digital goods from one world into another (which is actually a pretty difficult proposition; see

If we already have competing platforms emerging, then that would seem to defeat the purpose. I'm not sure they're building "the metaverse" as I understand it ... they might just be making competitors for Second Life.



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Re: Meta's AI super computer - An alternative for a Facebook metaverse?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2022, 07:59:39 am »
Meta/Facebook & Nvidia are working on ways to online-process everything required for VR/AR applications, including forced logins, your identity, data, your creations, dialogue/communications, and buyable data (graphics, character clothes, games, apps, etc)... all policed by them.

Meta/Facebook will be selling another "at cost" ~$300 VR headset that is low powered and cannot run anything except simple cartoon graphics and beat-saber like apps natively (no PC connection).

The other side of the VR market is people who will buy $600-1000+ headsets, expect 100% offline processing, free market... play 18+ anime VR chat, games like HL Alyx, Boneworks, and twitch stream everything...

Valve, Apple, Sony (PS5) are making high-powered 100% offline VR headsets releasing in the next year or so. All with x86/ARM onboard APUs which will have the power of a laptop and should be able to run many current VR titles all onboard or with split rendering... no facebook logins, digital asset approval, etc.

The number one & two problems in VR/apps is headset lag and "pay to play" microtransactions, so I have no idea what Facebook/Nvidia think they're doing using online processing & digital asset markets.



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Re: Meta's AI super computer - An alternative for a Facebook metaverse?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2022, 09:50:25 am »
they will probably use something like game gan to make the metaverse possible.
look up game gan on the internet. :)



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Re: Meta's AI super computer - An alternative for a Facebook metaverse?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2022, 04:49:49 pm »
You're right WriterOfMinds I did forget the link sorry. Here it is for reference if needed:


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