There is a difference between people who justify killing to survive and people who would rather die than kill, no matter of what reason. I think we are not falling into the same category, at least not at justification level.
It is always something on this planet. If it isn't a man, than it is a cow. If it isn't a cow, then it is a fish. If it isn't a fish, then it is a plant (which is also a kind of alive). If it isn't a plant, then it is a bug on the road we step onto. It is simply impossible to get away without killing. And if I think that my life isn't more worth than a life I am taking away, then I have a serious problem with staying alive.
If we explain to AI that each living being should think that her/his life is more important than a life of other living being, we'd have a base to construct an ethical theory about when it is justified to kill or cause a pain. But using terms "ethics", "killing" and "causing a pain" in the same sentence really terrifies me. Are we really trying to find an answer to a question "when it is ethical to kill?" or "when it is ethical to cause a pain?"
I'm a
murderer, and I'll be a
murderer until the day I die, you can't deny that fact, and you can't persuade me that my life is the most important life in the world and because of that I should kill, rather than die and let live. I have a choice to live small as a thief or to die big as a decent being. Unfortunately, I chose to live, but I live trying to minimize the damage I do, that's the least I can do.
If we don't want to close our eyes on a violence, then we are all looking forward to that bullet between the eyes, it is a closed circle. But this planet lets us get away without that bullet. It is about something bigger than humans, most of us live graceful lives, even if we "don't deserve it". It might be something about forgiving, but who would know all the misteries of life? I learned a lesson from that. I choose not to use force. You can choose whatever you want, who am I to tell you what to do and think?
I'm basically vegan, by the way
I was vegetarian a couple of times in my life. Each time I started being a vegan, couldn't stand the hunger, moved onto eggs and milk, still couldn't stand the hunger, then moved onto fish, I was still hungry all the time and then finally returned to meat after a year or so of being hungry. I'm sorry, I should have a stronger character.
Isn't AI research all about creating this very "someone"?
I think biology could be a branch of science that could investigate artificial life, but for now I'm considering only a simulation of intelligence without its alive inhabitant.