Caution to AI coders

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #120 on: May 09, 2018, 09:34:38 am »
The structure of the human brain has not physically altered in tens of millennia.  So if the IQ test results are rising then they are obviously measuring the effects of a modern society on the average human, within a very specific narrow domain… our brains have always been capable of what the IQ tests purport to show.

I think it’s also important to note that an individuals measured fluid intelligence is not fixed; it can be affected/ changed by many factors including learning, application, emotion, environment, age, health and society amongst others.

There are many types of intelligence, one of the many problems with the whole concept of a general measure of intelligence is that any devised IQ test is going to be very biased towards the society/ environments in which it was developed… usually western. 

In my opinion the IQ test was devised to be used as a weapon, a veiled attempt to use pseudo science to segregate certain demographics of the population.  It’s used as a method of control, to pigeon hole an individuals (scientifically proven) mental abilities, it’s a very flawed measure of fluid intelligence…at best.

Take any individual, test their IQ… then test them again the day after a traumatic experience… say a parent dying.  I can guarantee they will be ‘dumber’ the next day… how is that any kind of an accurate measure of anything?

As for young children playing with touch screen devices/ interfaces… it makes me shudder.  As the levels of the above graphs rise, so do the levels of obesity, depression and other mental disorders… there is a definite underlying trend/ problem. Our younger generations are not being given a chance to play/ learn to be an individual in a modern human society, they are missing the relevant coping strategies and the lack of social interaction with their peers is reflected by the current trends to be prissy/ easily offended/ vein/ etc. 

Take that pad of little Billy and take him down the park ffs.

Anyway I digress…when I see an IQ score written on a CV, or hear someone bragging about their IQ it speaks volumes about that person, and their personal perceived level of intelligence.

Understanding/ realising the flaws/ limitations of a general purpose ‘IQ test’… requires a certain level of intelligence.

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #121 on: May 09, 2018, 03:08:12 pm »
The structure of the human brain has not physically altered in tens of millennia.  So if the IQ test results are rising then they are obviously measuring the effects of a modern society on the average human, within a very specific narrow domain… our brains have always been capable of what the IQ tests purport to show.

I think it’s also important to note that an individuals measured fluid intelligence is not fixed; it can be affected/ changed by many factors including learning, application, emotion, environment, age, health and society amongst others.

You're only referring to hardware, and even that is incorrect. IQ is both programming & hardware dependent. Hardware: There's plenty peer reviewed evidence that the human brain is still evolving and changing. Detailed analyses of thousands of sequenced genomes show changes in the human brain as little as one generation. Programming: It's a known fact that people can change their brain wiring, especially during childhood, which is what they're seeing with younger generations. Truth is, an 80 year old is far less likely to improve their IQ as much as a 7 year old can. A child's brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to three where it is producing more than a million neural connections each second.

There are many types of intelligence, one of the many problems with the whole concept of a general measure of intelligence is that any devised IQ test is going to be very biased towards the society/ environments in which it was developed… usually western. 

In my opinion the IQ test was devised to be used as a weapon, a veiled attempt to use pseudo science to segregate certain demographics of the population.  It’s used as a method of control, to pigeon hole an individuals (scientifically proven) mental abilities, it’s a very flawed measure of fluid intelligence…at best.

IQ tests were devices as a weapon? LOL oh my. Great, so you're throw rocks at IQ tests. Try taking a look at one. Nothing's perfect in life. IQ tests are not 100% accurate, but they're good at gauging human IQ. See the image below.

Take any individual, test their IQ… then test them again the day after a traumatic experience… say a parent dying.  I can guarantee they will be ‘dumber’ the next day… how is that any kind of an accurate measure of anything?

Do you have any peer reviewed data on this? What's the average change in IQ? What type of trauma? I bet the IQ is also lower immediately upon awakening. I bet Windows OS slows if you distract it by running something in the background. Come on. You're thinking emotionally. The sky is blue. Earth has gravity. What's the valid point?

As for young children playing with touch screen devices/ interfaces… it makes me shudder.  As the levels of the above graphs rise, so do the levels of obesity, depression and other mental disorders… there is a definite underlying trend/ problem. Our younger generations are not being given a chance to play/ learn to be an individual in a modern human society, they are missing the relevant coping strategies and the lack of social interaction with their peers is reflected by the current trends to be prissy/ easily offended/ vein/ etc. 
It's not a perfect world, but teachers, government, and parents are now making a valiant effort to improve this problem. I'm betting that within a decade children will be considerably healthier and will retain their considerably higher IQ.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #122 on: May 09, 2018, 03:23:09 pm »
I rest my case.

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #123 on: May 09, 2018, 03:27:21 pm »
I rest my case.


Try to be more objective and think less emotional. High IQ people will most likely notice a difference in our recent posts. One is posting emotional strawman arguments. While the other refers to peer reviewed data.

The Klingons vs Spock.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #124 on: May 09, 2018, 04:03:30 pm »
Looks like there's already a definite decline in both adult and childhood obesity. There's also some evidence of a decrease in child obesity, but it's still difficult to say for certain due to fluctuations. Looks like we won't have to wait ten years. More like 4 to 5 years for a definite decline. :)

Here's some data. I'd like to see data in the U.S. that goes up to at least 2016. I've read that there was a definite decline for a few years, but an increase last year. That's fluctuations for you. It'll probably be 4 to 5 more years before seeing a definite trend. Way to go teachers! At least they're trying to educate children to be healthier.


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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #125 on: May 09, 2018, 07:20:22 pm »
Way to go teachers! At least they're trying to educate children to be healthier.
This ought not be the job of teachers. It's typically the person behind the stove who determines the weight of the family.
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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #126 on: May 09, 2018, 07:34:58 pm »
Way to go teachers! At least they're trying to educate children to be healthier.
This ought not be the job of teachers. It's typically the person behind the stove who determines the weight of the family.

It's not the job of teachers to educate children about health?



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #127 on: May 09, 2018, 08:04:06 pm »
Health is a class usually presented in most public schools, basic hygiene, sex-education, disease prevention, etc.
Healthy living/eating is usually taught by parents and controlled by the same.
TO continue:

Merely having a digital device does not make one "smarter" or increase their IQ level.

Much of those devices, especially the portable ones, phones, tablets are responsible for taking people skills of social interaction out of the equation.
People are so enamored by and glued to their devices that they are and have been putting themselves and others at serious risk.
Some have been so busy texting, typing to each other and various social media sites that they have fallen down stails walked into posts, poles, subways, and traffic. Some have even stepped into open manholes and face-slapped signs while "distracted".

Pretty bright aren't they?

The devices do not make people smarter. It enhances their ability to obtain information more quickly than ever before.

Most Public Libraries are not the same large facility full of shelves crammed with books of all kinds. Now we can order any book we need online and have it the next day or two without driving, parking, hunting through that Dewey Decimal Card Catalogue to see if the book you want has been checked out or if it's still on the shelf, waiting in line, driving back home. Only have about 2 - 4 weeks to read the book and return it else pay a fine.
Nope, most libraries are now re-branded as Community Media Centers. Some still have books but also a large number of card readers, CD's, DVD's, Books on Tape, Regular old fashioned Books and social rooms for small children, teens, adults, catering to all likes and needs. Smarter? Not really, but certainly more in keeping with the times and more diverse.

We are smarter in the way we've fashioned tests to make ourselves seem smarter, largely due to these changes.

Some call it "The Dumbing Down of America or society in general" - Let's make the coursework or testing easier so more students pass the classes and we look like we're providing a better standard of education!   

I'd wager the average high school student could not pass an 8th-grade test in 1895 or 1912. BTW, no computers or calculators nor Internet allowed.

Here's one from 1895

Another one from 1912

Still thinking with your with your smartphone? How smart are you really?

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #128 on: May 09, 2018, 08:39:01 pm »
Art, I failed both! 95% of the answers I did not know.....uh oh...time for me to get smarter.....

Using! The NeW iphone NeXUSsssSSSS 7 !

no that's a fake iphone name I made up afaik.

My head slowly rotates downwards, looking into my chest, what am I? That stupid? Or am I?

Others please dip in your results.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #129 on: May 09, 2018, 09:24:06 pm »
I have no idea how well children would do with older generation tests. I did a quick online search, but was unable to find anything. Although I can tell you there numerous experts on various sites such as who make it very clear that children nowadays know a lot more than older generations. That should not be of any surprise due to children having access to a world of information on the Internet. Anyhow, lets not confuse knowledge with IQ.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #130 on: May 09, 2018, 09:38:38 pm »
One thing I just learned is that the GED exam became significantly more difficult in 2014. Of course a lot of people complained about it. Also, you now have to have basic computer skills.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #131 on: May 09, 2018, 11:21:14 pm »

I’ve actually avoided posting for the last week or so, hoping that your attitude toward me would change for the better, if you were given more breathing space… I see I was in err.

Try to be more objective and think less emotional.

What about my post exactly did you take as being the emotionality?  What gives you the right to give me personal advice on how I post? Are you superior in some way? This is being personal.

High IQ people will most likely notice a difference in our recent posts.

I'm glad you changed 'your' too 'our'.  Meaning who? And what exactly?

One is posting emotional strawman arguments.

When someone starts paragraphs with ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’ most people would usually construe the post to be a personal opinion, are you saying I’m not allowed to post a personal opinion? And again… why the emotional?

While the other refers to peer reviewed data.

Why do I need to site peer reviewed data for a personal opinion? Have the forum rules changed and you are now personally policing my posts?

The Klingons vs Spock.

Again personal.  Explain?

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #132 on: May 09, 2018, 11:27:28 pm »
I can tell you there numerous experts on various sites such as who make it very clear that children nowadays know a lot more than older generations.

Some things are less useful as time goes on and get forgotten... older people may know just as much stuff but it's perhaps older, less useful or not used anymore. I may know more about technology than my Dad, but my Dad knows more about other things, especially DIY.

I've taught both my parents how to use the internet and computers, they are doing great. Silver surfers may surprise you and my Mum finds out things about her tablet that I have not discovered (we both have the same one).

It pays not to underestimate people based on age.

On the subject of exams I've heard people say that they have become easier in the UK... and a lot of people laugh at IQ tests compared to real world problems.

Korrelan makes some good points about how you are treating him, I suggest you have a think about them.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #133 on: May 09, 2018, 11:48:22 pm »
Wow, hmm. I guess that I'm just used to posting at academic science forums where nearly all users value actual peer reviewed data over emotional hunches. On that note, I'll step backwards out of the building to the closest exit. This is where the gang usually groups together for some final words of support. :)



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #134 on: May 09, 2018, 11:50:48 pm »
I can arrange it so you are not a member anymore if you like ?


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