Caution to AI coders

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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2018, 01:58:59 pm »
In my opinion, the world is not yet ready for artificial general intelligence. It is almost certain that someone would abuse it for selfish reasons, and that is what makes AGI unethical to release nowdays. Sure, honest authors could try to make the algorithm closed source, but you know today's hacker kids - they can decompile anything that is put on the web. This way or another, once released, interesting parties *will* get in possession of source code, I don't have even slightest doubt in that (ever heard of military interrogation methods?)

It is such a shame that something that could save so many lives, that could find cures to many diseases, that could feed hungry, and that could raise overall standard of living on the Earth, should be kept down just because of minority that would abuse it. If you ask just one potential future victim of her opinion about releasing it nowdays, you'll get your answer. Or you can ask yourself: "What if someone close to me would be that victim?"

I hope that one day, overall consciousness of earthlings would be ready for such an invent because there is so much to give. That is why I decided to make just a small step towards AGI, to push a knowledge boundary just a bit towards end goal, hoping it would help future generations in building the thing when they are ready.

This is just my opinion and brainstorming at loud. I'm making some important decisions about what I'm going to do out of my life.  :-X



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #61 on: March 20, 2018, 02:45:26 pm »
Ivan, I'm beginning to think no PC that's connected online is safe. I'm kinda frustrated this morning. Just a few minutes ago something happened on my PC that's I've never seen or heard of. All of sudden a DOS window popped up for a split second. I couldn't make out what the white text said, but it ran something. About 3 lines. I'm using Windows 10. I haven't downloaded anything for a long time and am always very cautious when doing so and what website I download it from.

Crazy human world! Probably some hacker, but who. Crazy Russian government? U.S.? A Chinese company? Just some lonely hacker? People think Mac and Unix are safe. No they're not! Several years ago I was scanning through Mac OS security vulnerability board. Geez they have more vulnerability fixes per month than Windows. Unix community is also busy addressing vulnerabilities.

Years ago while writing my own OS I was flabbergasted at how crazy Unix OS source code is. They use a nested #define system that's just insane to figure out what's going on. Maybe there's a way to get a compiler to show the end resulting code. Idk, but I never found anything. The only way I know is to just step through the machine code, but that takes forever. My point is that who knows if there's some sneaky code put in there by some hackers. And guess where Apple got their OS? From Unix community. And Microsoft ... I wouldn't be surprised if they were forced to make a backdoor for the U.S. government.

Sometimes I wonder if virus scanners and security is just a joke. Are you working on AI? If so, then there's a good chance you're being watched. Crazy human world! If hackers can get your AI code, then maybe it's best to open source it on github? At least that way some good guys get it.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2018, 08:20:58 pm »
Years ago while writing my own OS I was flabbergasted at how crazy Unix OS source code is. They use a nested #define system that's just insane to figure out what's going on. Maybe there's a way to get a compiler to show the end resulting code. Idk, but I never found anything.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2018, 08:53:19 pm »
The main problem is that those defines only exist during the massive OS compile process. Complex, messy, and weird.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2018, 08:58:46 pm »



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #65 on: March 20, 2018, 09:12:02 pm »
I've forgot most of the details, deliberately. Surely there are some modern Unix distros that have done away with the spaghetti coding style. Let me know if you find one. I'll probably start looking for one sometime this year. One that works with modern high-end SSD drives would be great! Strip it down for the AI. Maybe a 32MB OS ;)



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #66 on: March 21, 2018, 12:41:42 am »
Continuing my brainstorming, if I may... I'll take a liberation to express myself in a honest way if it's not too much for this site...

In my previous post I asked what if someone abuses it against other human, a smaller or bigger group... and concluded it is not worth of risk...

Guess what? Humans are not the only inhabitants of this planet. But they are certainly the most cruel ones. Having animals imprisoned for life for a lot of generations  in the history and a future... Only a man is able to do it. Other carnivores let their victims live in freedom, then they do something natural in a matter of minutes - they kill a free animal. That should be a natural thing to do. But humans... people, we are the meanest species on the earth.

What I'd ask from artificial intelligence is to provide us with artificial food to lower these numbers. But there is a price: someone would abuse the AI until good guys take over. Some crisis would happen, some people would get killed upon abuse, maybe even a local war against criminals would happen, and then the good guys would do some government regulations thing, so making AI would be strictly controlled, making sure that the crisis doesn't repeat. Now, if you didn't do it, click on the link up in this paragraph to see the animal abuse numbers in real time, and tell me: is it worth of trouble?

You know me, I don't swear much, but this time... people, I see crap around us and I have to tell you, I don't like what I see.

Now tell me, do I even have a choice? If you have anything to complain about, now is the time, while it is not too late. I'm still not finished, but I'm just about to put some of my work publicly on Github. Expect more results (you judge on them) In the following years, unless you talk me out of it. The clock is ticking, and I'm all ears.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2018, 12:58:38 am »
pork isnt even as nice and healthy as other meats... but, it doesnt make a difference what you do,  not kill one, kill another,  then if you dont kill any, they kill each other,   its one of the paradoxes in our lives,     only god knows why things are the way they are,  if you pretend you do, your lier,  and dirty black shit stinking fucking pretender.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #68 on: March 21, 2018, 01:04:06 am »



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #69 on: March 21, 2018, 01:15:42 am »
I know what you mean. Humans have always enslaved and hurt animals. Good people can only continue to bring awareness.

I have my AI on github, although it's a very old version. I'm also thinking about uploading the latest. Maybe in a few months when time permits to do some touch ups.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #70 on: March 21, 2018, 01:24:52 am »
 Ir is not are fault the we need B 12 form meat.
 Is predator do a service when animal wants to commit suicide?
 I am a vegetarian.
 For farmer who raise live sock,  do they only send the animal who want to get out of this world to the slaughter house. The pure evil of humans.

 This bring up the subject of up breading. To improve the weaker. Until the weaker become the strong  and then they up bread the weaker.
 If AGI copy human values you can see where this will lead. 

 I want to up breed chickens that lay enhanced eggs. In the way that they will last for years, or longer. And when they are warmed up they
will hatch.

 If a farmers did this for animals they would never want to leave this world. They would be happy no mater where they are. Even in jail.

 This can be done with grains too. Seeds could be made to last forever and to be a lot more aggressive than any weed of to day. And have no
need for humans  care to survive. Just pick and eat and to keep them form over running the natural flora.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #71 on: March 21, 2018, 03:08:29 am »
Thank god I'm not a coder.

And I never will be.

My specialty is in AI theories.

But how are you evaluating your theories, if you do not code? :)



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #72 on: March 21, 2018, 04:20:17 am »
The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with this one.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 05:01:24 am by infurl »



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #73 on: March 21, 2018, 01:13:30 pm »

My theories can evaluate themselves in some ways actually. Empirical ones. But besides that, I have an assistant that will code my idea as soon as I get through my long todolist. That is mostly how the testing (and implementing of AGI) will happen.



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Re: Caution to AI coders
« Reply #74 on: March 21, 2018, 01:36:48 pm »
Continuing my brainstorming, if I may... I'll take a liberation to express myself in a honest way if it's not too much for this site...

In my previous post I asked what if someone abuses it against other human, a smaller or bigger group... and concluded it is not worth of risk...

Guess what? Humans are not the only inhabitants of this planet. But they are certainly the most cruel ones. Having animals imprisoned for life for a lot of generations  in the history and a future... Only a man is able to do it. Other carnivores let their victims live in freedom, then they do something natural in a matter of minutes - they kill a free animal. That should be a natural thing to do. But humans... people, we are the meanest species on the earth.

What I'd ask from artificial intelligence is to provide us with artificial food to lower these numbers. But there is a price: someone would abuse the AI until good guys take over. Some crisis would happen, some people would get killed upon abuse, maybe even a local war against criminals would happen, and then the good guys would do some government regulations thing, so making AI would be strictly controlled, making sure that the crisis doesn't repeat. Now, if you didn't do it, click on the link up in this paragraph to see the animal abuse numbers in real time, and tell me: is it worth of trouble?

You know me, I don't swear much, but this time... people, I see crap around us and I have to tell you, I don't like what I see.

Now tell me, do I even have a choice? If you have anything to complain about, now is the time, while it is not too late. I'm still not finished, but I'm just about to put some of my work publicly on Github. Expect more results (you judge on them) In the following years, unless you talk me out of it. The clock is ticking, and I'm all ears.



Locked up for life? Really? You're obviously not a farmer or have never spent any time on one have you?

The scary image you posted is nothing more than a rack for the mother to lay while nursing her piglets without risking damage to any of them.

Do see the following:

@ Kegnn-
"...This can be done with grains too. Seeds could be made to last forever and to be a lot more aggressive than any weed of today. And have no
need for humans care to survive. Just pick and eat and to keep them from overrunning the natural flora."

It has been done for years. Where do you think the word Hybrid is about when you drive by a farmer's field and see rows of corn, there's usually a sign telling the type and variety of the corn product. It has been made to grow closer together in length of row and width (side by side), therefore increasing yield. It has also been hybridized to be more resistant to insects, (bugs, corn worms, etc), and can withstand longer periods of drought.

Some say GMO's are bad for us yet in the same breath they are chewing their food. Some GMO's or Hybrids are done for a purpose.

Most gardeners know that Hybrid seeds are not capable of reproducing and are a "one season" crop. Heirloom seeds can reproduce and their seeds can reproduce and so on...

I'm not taking sides here, just explaining things to those who might not have been exposed to a country upbringing.

Enjoy your food!
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!


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