Well, one thing for sure, we all need a working definition for Awareness and Consciousness. Early on, I pondered this for a long time aggravated by how ambiguous the term has become over time. It's one of those meta-words that has come to embody a slew of concepts. The only rational approach to dealing with it that I can see is to focus on what consciousness does or its purpose. I read some place a statement that claimed, "the brain operates primarily by veto." An unconscious person or a person who is asleep seems to support this notion and one would expect that without it being that way, a state of chaos would exist - kin to epilepsy.
Now, it seems that the brain can be both consciously and unconsciously aware of something and this implies that consciousness is a subdivision or subset of awareness. Since we can only thinking of one thing at a time or perceive one thing at a time, consciousness is serial and I believe this is due to attention and focus. We can be aware of things going on outside of what we are conscious of and that is generally seen as a distraction. So, I have adopted a definition that Consciousness is that part of awareness that is in focus and being attended too. Furthermore, as to its purpose. responses generally require some timing considerations and therefore, its purpose is to release the chosen response from its inhibited state. The simple example would be when to swing a bat to hit a ball.
All this subjective stuff, be it an experience of qualia or emotion originate peripherally to consciousness and our taking notice of their existence is relative to a variety of other mental influences, not the least of which is intensity. The subjective stuff are interpretations assigned to experiences that may then interact secondarily with our physiology to arouse and provide an additional dimension of meaning to the experience usually over an alternate modal pathway. The blush, nausea, pain, and tremors initiated by the emergence of an emotional reaction come after the fact - secondary responses that feed back to consciousness through awareness. Awareness is the input buffer from our sensory modalities and consciousness is just the part in focus and being attended too.