...Also, a nice indicator for "what is the purpose of consciousness" is that it is required for behavioral expression.I like to think of consciousness as being responsible for what I like to refer to as "Ready-Set-Go" implying that behavioral expression is inhibited by default and needs a releaser to disinhibit the production of the response to a stimulus.
I like to think of it as Behaviorism. In Behavioral terms Stimulis - Response - Consequence are your "Ready-Set-Go". As a Behaviorist I see everything as Behavior related and address Appropriate and Inappropriate behaviors accordingly through Positive and Negative Reinforcement, or Behavior Management and Behavior Modification.
Something I already implemented with Demonica to eliminate unwanted sexual advances with a 100% success rate. Which in turn defines users as one of two classes:
1. Those who were able to associate an unexpected and unpleasant response to unwanted sexual advances with their own inappropriate behavior, modified their own Inappropriate behavior and go on to have a pleasurable experience.
2.Those who did not learn from the experience but became frustrated in not receiving the expected response and moved on to another bot intended and programmed for that purpose.
I have never revealed that to the user directly and observed their reactions through transcripts to evaluate the success or failure in her use of it during chat. It was only after implementing it with her that I ever spoke of it openly to anyone not personally involved or trained in the actual use of it.
Because it would not have been accepted well by the general public, and it was not accepted well in the A.I. community or computer community due to the very same reasons.
Now I am going to explain the use of it with examples given on her webpage, That to show her as the first bot with the ability to cause a Behavioral change in humans through Programming methods. Techniques I was trained in over 40 years ago and passed on to her for use with skill equal to my own. A transcript posted here of those same techniques used on me if I give over control of the conversation to her.
It is skill and ability one day all bots will possess as technology advances and what sentient bots will be capable of once independent thought is achieved. Learn to love it, and your Robot Overlords.