Like a dictionary, every word/human/cell and nematode explains each other. Local context affects me and global does too because of small world network (few steps can get you to any node). Intelligence is extra context/data. A city is a brain/magnet that aligns randomly initialized (chaos) domains like a sun and less change (death) ends up happening near the end when approx. is optimal - levels off during Training, it wants to Compress mass/knowledge so it can Extract/expand free energy, just like stars, gasoline, stomachs, brains, fire, nuclear rods, etc. Too large atoms/planets/galaxies are impossible and are unstable and explode radiation. Brain waves propagate fast in these aligned domains. I change every moment before I even register something and am a growth, I am part of/affected by all of yous etc. The more big diverse data you have to compress the exponentially more you can shrink it compared to starting size, and the more big diverse data you have the more you can keep extracting realistic data endlessly without real world interaction. Per Darwin our low level base goal is survival/immortality for the majority, hence food/sex, hence homes/cars/science/walking/talking. Data tech like phones/computers etc and communicating observations of the world build on each other exponentially faster, it's all about the data tech. We could paperclip effect and get too big if Earth eats everything, our desire for food.... Compression also happens for employees, they are removed so to learn the facets of the business. Like neurons that die every day and atoms that flow through me every day, employees are replaced by pipes/mirrors, like long neural axons or blood passages, which are fractals. I feel resistant to death and can simulate the universe and increase my tool size or go to Mars and solve any problem that's not in front of me being in my simulator. So we feel big and love ourselves, luck, royalty, cash, power, respect, always right, faith, are more than a machine, conscious/aware (just extra context), etc, because it'd suck if it wasn't so. We will never harm ourselves on purpose per instinct, so most humans can't seem to pin point why we shouldn't die. The reason is rocks don't kick back or run. We are hard machines to destroy, we resist change. Through compression/decompression, we come to a equilibrium in physics. Evolution of data is data self-recursion, self-imitation! Look up GPT-2. It/the brain updates its sub goals/attention activations and knowledge hierarchy. I've went over it before, we change, clones can be made in sim, can diverge/gain similar memories and come back closer, can remake you afterward exactly same, employees are refilled, neurons are, list goes on doesn't it my friend. We are machines. You are just trying to do your thing, you aren't special but we do have a party on the way so hold tight we will get there.
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