Its as undecidable as solipsism. it impossible to proove or disproove.
I agree. Fascinating isn't it? It might be the one subject where you have to let go, just look at the robot right in the eyes and say "yeah... I think he's alive". Trusting your feeling about it.
yep. its what I believe. there this old asian thing where they say the whole universe is alive, even a rock. I think its the same conundrum of thought.
But if you just set the weights of a large perceptron to be every possible I and O of a human (using some MRI scan) and it worked, is it alive? It probably has problems changing what it is.
If you manage to get the best matching weights for the entirety of the robots time since activation lot of sensory frames up to now. (Which is actually a linear amount. less than 100 trillion frames for a human lifetime.) My theory unfortunately has a fixed motivation, and itll do really smart things, but its probably not as convincing as we are.
So I actually dont have a theory for human intelligence, probably more like out of space odyssey 2001. and hal was quite soulless was he not.
So its really smart AGI, but its detectably soulless probably. So I actually dont have a concrete example even in speculation of why consciousness cant be a machine exactly.
AIXI is a complete theory even to motivate the goals of the machine, and thats what Im missing, but I dont know how he does it. (Markus Hutter) and maybe that brings it even closer to something seeming conscious? But I havent explored that area yet,. too much things to do than dream too much atm.
I dont care so much about that, because I think the machine becomes untrustworthy if its deciding what to do itself. And I want something more like a tool.
Im actually glad about deciding its not alive, because making something that can suffer is a big ethical mistake. which would surely make you feel very guilty, to point where you cant forgive yourself anymore.
Only god is fool-hardy (insane) enough to do that, and u can see how sad everyone is when we have to send all the pigs to the abortior. Playing god is very dicey thing to do, that all the little kids into science fiction and engineering dont really think about the true consequences too much I dont think.