Future of web search and the end of google?

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Future of web search and the end of google?
« on: July 29, 2007, 06:26:09 am »
Have a look here!!!




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Re: Future of web search and the end of google?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2007, 02:24:39 pm »
It might be nice but it's a sure fire way for other companies to get your email address.
From there, the spam will never stop!

I stay away from any site that is more interested in getting my email addy than explaining
what they're about first.
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!



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Re: Future of web search and the end of google?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2007, 03:04:55 pm »
Sounds interesting.  I signed up but got no closer to a demo.  They say the release date is September so I guess I will just wait until then.  Thanks for posting this wgb14 and I will let you know if I get spammed Art  :o

It will have to be a lot better than 'Ask Alex' and 'Ask Jeeves' (now just 'Ask') or at least as good as they are now to stand a chance.  Incidentally, 'Ask' already does a lot of things some people are trying to get chatbots to do in terms of it's search results and query building.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 03:49:09 pm by Freddy »



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Re: Future of web search and the end of google?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2007, 07:23:50 pm »
There is no spam involved.... The engine looks very impressive.... Have a look here... http://blog.powerset.com/assets/2007/6/16/Jobs-1-20070615_2.png If their engine is that accurate then we are talking about the next big thing after google?



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Re: Future of web search and the end of google?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2007, 04:25:05 pm »
Got an email from these folks today...here it is:

Dear Powerlabbers,

This is an exciting time for Powerset Labs!  We announced at TechCrunch40 that we've begun the process of releasing Powerset Labs to the public.  About 100 close friends and family of Powerset have been using Labs for about a week now and Powerset will be inviting additional users into Labs based on the order you signed up.  We've been overwhelmed with the demand to try out our technology, so we're letting people into the community slowly to make sure that everyone gets a great experience and that the community builds organically.  In fact, we've already begun to implement ideas from our first 100 users, which will help to improve the site when you get your invite! We'll get you your invite as soon as we can.

In addition to announcing the grand opening of Powerset Labs, we've also shown off the first two technology demos that we're releasing: Powermouse and Use Cases.  Though these demos are not full blown search applications, they are windows into our natural language technology. Unlike other search engines that index keywords, Powerset does a deep linguistic analysis on every sentence it reads.  We extract and index facts about each sentence in each page, making our index the first truly robust semantic index of the web. You can read more about these applications in our blog post (http://blog.powerset.com/2007/9/17/powerset-launches-powerset-labs-at-techcrunch40).

Normally we'd send out an announcement like this to our Powerset Labs list first, but we couldn't do so this time because of a press embargo with TechCrunch40. 

Oh, and you might have noticed that we're now calling it "Powerset Labs."  We decided on this change because a lot of people (including people at Powerset) were confusing Powerset with Powerlabs.  Go ahead and think of "Powerlabs" as a shortened version of "Powerset Labs."

We look forward to getting you your invite code for Powerset Labs soon so keep your eye on your inbox!


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