Wait guys......wait guys.....
Remember korrelan showed us the 64 metronomes that sync up? That was amazing. What happened? You had 64 sticks going back-n-forth at different times ON TOP a platform that can slightly move, like random brownwinian motion in an apple. The random sticks synced up and were no longer random motion! It was all the same direction!!!!!
What would happen if we put a sphere of water in space? The heat in it is really just each atom moving its own direction and the tension of the liquid holds them together (boiling water grows in volume and spits off blobs (that's motion!!! Not heat!!!)). Would the heat sync up and make the sphere move in one direction and not age anymore? It should according to the metronome observation.
Further, we can already do cryonics on single cells or small clumps, but larger mammals don't. This may be because we need to get you to frozen point after a ultra slow cooling process - a year or more to cool down to allow EQUILIBRIUM of the heat to settle and not be unevenly distributed more in bones etc.
Proof: No matter if each atom has x number of photons in it ex. 167 trillion or an amount with infinite quantinization ex. ~167 trillion, you should be able to take away heat and have the system simply age slower. You have the same atoms, just less speed. But what happens when an atom must bounce off a vessel wall and sticks now? System is not just slower, but different, oh no. Well, metal in your body is also getting harder now as you get colder, it's possible most atoms will stick at the same time. And not have water freeze first. Ok, what about shrinkage of the system's volume as it cools, it's not just slower... Well, you can compare a thermometer here also btw with red dye, it shouldn't rise the tube (unless that's OK), so, how?, hmm, the fluid shrinks as less random motions is in it........ need some tests.....
Let's think. If we can make photons in a system of atoms not random and equalize the motion to sync up, we may rid ageing. It just ages slower like time slowed down by freezing you ultra slowly over a ex. year (you may need to be anesthetized to not move). But could less photons cause the motion of the atoms to change unevenly or shrink so much that a blood cell can't pass a small vessel anymore? The random motion may actually cause the system to function different - no shrinkage and no sticking unevenly.
What about first heating yourself up? By the time you get back to normal randomness, you also have extra wave motion going on now. However we want to make the heat you do have into motion and/or remove heat. You could not remove any heat and let your body start moving by syncing, and/or you could remove heat veryyy slowly and hope that equalization is all you need to gain no damage.