The Before & After experience

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The Before & After experience
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:59:46 pm »
I came across this while surfing one of my favorite sites and thought about the many discussions we've all played through our minds from time to time with family, friends and perhaps work associates regarding life and death.
Is there a meaning to it all? Is there a continuum after death? What happens after you die? What happened before you were born?
Take a listen to this interesting 3-1/2 minute look from Mr. Alan Watts:
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Re: The Before & After experience
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2015, 11:32:21 pm »
Amazing speech - both in terms of context and voice... What a wonderful way to discuss birth, life and death.

Sadly this provokes bad feelings in myself... I guess I somewhat fear endings... All endings brake me - life, stories and even the end of a day or a group visit from my friends. As I child i would often even cry at the end of a day (mostly fun and cheerful days) - I suppose there are leftover emotions...

I suppose (at least to some) it might be somewhat teasing to think of life and consciousness as sort of artificial intelligence or program - your are simple an instance of a program (a very slightly updated version from that of your parent's) which is made unique only by the 'problems' it encounters or experiences it has in life. You are initiated, you calculate, store and memorize, and after you pass your most valuable lessons you begin to slowly stop each 'thread' and carefully shut down.

We will all serve our purpose - we can't possibly not do this. Even if you decide you do not want to help your species and it's evolution, that decision alone is your personal logical conclusion on what is best for yourself and sub-consciously your species.

Just my thoughts and feelings on this... If you give it some think, it doesn't seem as much as a theory as it does seem a possibility and fact - it makes fine sense and the analogy is cute.
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Re: The Before & After experience
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2015, 11:59:42 am »
a thousand regrets



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Re: The Before & After experience
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2015, 08:20:07 pm »
Heart-piercing - as always, Ivan! Amazing...
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Re: The Before & After experience
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2015, 09:32:04 pm »
Very nice, Ivan.

I've often had the above mentioned discussion with friends and some family. It seems the majority feel sort of like they are afraid that they will miss something, almost as if being a bit nosy and somewhat greedy in not being able to share the upcoming experiences. Perhaps it is a bit of both.

I too, have regrets about my life and I think anyone who says they don't is lying or not being truthful with themselves.

I also realize that my life has been a journey, over good roads and some not as good. I've made a lot of friends and acquaintances, shared my share of laughs and sorrows, cheers and tears...witnessed wonderful births of my children and grandchildren and the deaths of my great grand father, grandparents and friends. I have been bold and afraid, fearless and fearful. I have loved and lost, hurt feelings and had my own feelings trampled. I have been both stupid and wise in my youth and my older years. I have written stories and poems of my own and read stories of others that take me a thousand miles or light years from here and enjoyed every trip. I have had a love affair with peanut butter and chocolate for many years, but in moderation! (my one great weakness, other than Kryptonite!) ;)

So as my journey starts slowing down toward it's ultimate ending, I take heart in knowing that my time here, this one lifetime, which I have been given, was mine alone to use, experience and enjoy, which I have up to now.

I am thankful for each day, that I can enjoy the beauty of the sunset and hopeful when I see the sunrise of tomorrow.

For it is the journey that helps define each of us, not the destination.

Be well!
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Re: The Before & After experience
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2015, 11:07:45 pm »
Regarding regrets about actions in our past... I may regret individual events or the way I handled them, however they made who I am today and in the end, the joint outcome of all those events is something I cannot regret as that would mean not liking who and what I am today.
Software and Hardware developer, and everything in between.


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