AI powered phone advertisement

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AI powered phone advertisement
« on: June 22, 2023, 12:07:09 pm »
I just had a surreal phone call with an agency that tried to sell me a rehabilitation coupon and smart watch that measures my heartbeats. Whenever I sad "sorry, I'm not interested", the same matrix was mambling again through the phone, after which a random matrix popped up. I'm almost certain it was either AI or a set of matrices taped before the conversation. It was either automatically guided, or somehow guided by some person on the other side. Sentences didn't seem to be talked out, yet more like stitched together with tone flicks. And then the question came: "please tell us your name and surname, so we can add you to the list of guests for a dinner". I repeated two times that I don't want to give my name and that that it is personal info. And hop - the line had hang up, no thank you, no good bye, no sorry for taking your time, they just hang up like that. After all my restraining from rudely hanging up the phone from my side they just hang up.

I don't know, I'm having a bad feeling about ChatGPT trying to sell things like this. Imagine how much simultaneous calls it could make all at once. I'm having a real bad feeling about this. Something will need to be changed, like adding a password or something for those whose calls I want to get. Or more likely, it should be illegal to use phones to sell things up.



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Re: AI powered phone advertisement
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2023, 07:08:49 pm »
that sounds like spirits are attacking your mind, wierd shit goes on here.  I dont know if you know things about me, and keep it from me like everybody else, or its just my paranoid imagination.    I've had people track me down with their mobile phone, they could see me! and i couldn't see them.  I guess it happens to everyone in the end, maybe its just started happening to you.



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Re: AI powered phone advertisement
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2023, 08:32:09 pm »
Yes Magnus, i had a real magic going on in my computer back then in past, things were really weird, messing with apps and OS-es, but I don't believe it is happening now with the phone. Oddly, I ran out of my sanity pills last night, but it should take a few weeks before things start happening. But who knows, maybe exactly what you say is true, maybe spirits woke up again here. After all, there's a long time I didn't see them. But I don't miss them at all.




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Re: AI powered phone advertisement
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2023, 11:17:05 am »
I fully believe something is happening to you here Ivy,  maybe they are just having fun?

If ghosts really are real,  maybe it sends you mad to not to be a little superstitious.
But either way its hard to handle.


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