Controlling matter with sound

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Controlling matter with sound
« on: March 22, 2015, 02:48:15 pm »
Sound is a very powerful thing - from what we have seen so far (either in experiments or science-fiction) it can be easily weaponized, used in medicine and now it even seems that it could be used to levitate things. Depending on how scale-able these generators are, it could even be used to make 3D holograms which you can feels (by using small, dust-like particles), except there might be a health risk since ultrasound (and infrasound) are very dangerous, but a desk-top 'holo-emitter' shouldn't be a problem...

Please discard the 'fact' that this is the FIRST time 'scientists' have been able to achieve this - it has been a while now since the first time this was done in a lab, and there are already how-to DIY's on this out there. All you need is a powerful ultrasound generator and a reflector (or a second generator, possibly).

Also, proof on the holograms thing (this came out as a paper 1 month after I conceived it as my original idea - believe it or not):

Another theory of mine is that these waves could be used to manipulate the molecular structure of a material (turning charcoal into diamond?) but the wavelength would have to be much smaller (it needs to trap atoms, not ping-pong balls) and thus it must be on a much higher-frequency, which in turn would require a much more powerful device. Also, the atomic bonds require a lot of power in order for them to be separated (depends on the atoms and what they are 'bonded' with).
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2015, 05:26:27 pm »
There are some who theorize that the great pyramids were built using sound to move the stones.  One of the many theories.

However sound can move things and there is evidence. Have a look here.

It's cool to see the different shapes created by the frequencies.



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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2015, 12:19:07 am »
I always enjoy reading 'conspiracy' theories... If nothing else, it proves that there are countless possibilities and in most cases helps open your mind towards a much wider perspective.

On that particular theory, with today's technology it would take an ultrasound generator the size of the pyramids themselves to move the stones, which I am not saying didn't happen. Also, if you take this from the perspective of a modern day's politician, it is much cheaper to grab a few slaves then build and use a generator of that size. And from another logical perspective, if the device were that big, then they must of had more efficient ways to move big stuff in the first place.

To take it further, it is possible that they had learned to harness the energy of a natural phenomenon (that maybe doesn't even occur anymore) and used it as a generator or source of power. So... Many... Possibilities...

On the note of stuff we actually understand, it is so easy to go from 2D ultrasound manipulation to 3D. The video you posted shows the use of a different method of manipulating matter, as opposed to the ones I was relating to (they use a source and a mirror). But nonetheless it is interesting. There are also similar ones to yours where they manipulate actual flames with sound - if anybody wishes to learn more, google Rubens' Flame Tube...

A link and example, for the lazy:

This has also been done on a 2D-plane Rubens 'tube' (or rather, Rubens' Plane).
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2015, 12:35:03 am »
How about sound / noise waves to bring down a structure / wall? Joshua and the battle of Jericho where the walls tumbled down from the trumpets, yelling and noise? Perhaps?

How about a sound vortex?

Sorry but I am not responsible for this host's abundant enthusiasm that overflows with each success, but it is interesting, nonetheless. Nothing to do with a story about 3 pigs and a wolf either. ;)

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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2015, 10:49:49 pm »
That is amazing, Art! Actually, it is insane! I had previously underestimated the power of such devices...

I really would like to explore the theoretical possibilities of using this as a form of propulsion. Sadly, the immediately obvious truth is that it would be a sub-orbital engine, at best. This means ion engines are still on top of my wish list... Then again, why not 'Ion Vortex' engines!?
Pretty sure that would be insane...

It is also cool knowing that (theoretically) you can destroy anything with sound - given that your source is powerful enough and hits the right frequency - the oscillating frequency of the object targeted. One of the main issues is finding this frequency (I believe it is referred to as 'brown note'?) as well as generating a powerful enough wave. While I am no expert, I also believe that the specific oscillating frequency of a certain object isn't constant - even when there is no external influence over it. There must at least be some slight variations - a few Hertz probably, but maybe more.

I'd be grateful if anyone could shed some light on this, since it is a bit more complex than google-ing 2 terms or reading up a few articles on Wikipedia. Also, the public internet spots tend to be somewhat inaccurate and if we are exploring concepts of potential use to the military, I would imagine this data to be unavailable or contain highly distorted facts.
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2015, 08:13:22 am »
Sound cannons are becoming a more frequently used tool for police forces to break up riots and protests.



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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2015, 12:28:16 pm »
Yep plenty of toys and uses out there for this technology. I once also saw a documentary regarding haunted houses - they explored this old mansion which was reported to be 'haunted' by the security guard (actually, not sure if it was a mansion) who said he would often see and hear things. It was - in the end - proved that those hallucinations were real and in fact caused by infrasound. Natural sources of low-energy infrasound waves included the sounds that water droplets made when they hit certain objects / surfaces. This also explained why the ghosts came only on days with bad weather (the rain).

Even though today there is people that play with these things - infrasound hallucination inducers, ultrasound dog provokers etc. This technology is still very dangerous - infrasound can tear your organs apart and ultrasound (as concluded by it's uses in medicine) can also have similar effects.

Some interesting facts about inducing fear and infrasound. If you want to skip right to the infrasound part, skip about half the video.

Also, after doing some extra research it turns out that the specific infrasound frequencies that cause these effects are 17Hz - 18.98Hz, the latter being also called 'The Ghost Frequency'.

Also check out this - I so want one of these... Such... Justice...  8)

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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2015, 09:54:54 am »
Recall certain singers that can hit a note with just the correct frequency? Enough to break glass!

I'm sure there are perhaps better examples but I'm running late.

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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2015, 09:35:12 pm »
Correcting myself from earlier - it is 'resonant frequency' not oscillating frequency, although they are nearly the same.

Regarding your video, Art - yes it is possible and simple - however not easy. As I said before, you need to hit the right frequency (and loud enough). It also doesn't work with any glass, specially not with windows (most of them have 3 layers of thick glass stuck nicely in position). It only works with thin glassware such as those vine glasses you always try to avoid passing nearby as to not brake them.

I really wonder if it is possible (in any way) to do this to another material - it can be something simple, like polymers (plastics)... I would imagine rock to be somewhat more of a challenge due to various reasons - for one, it is composed out of multiple chemical... whats the word (not elements)... structures (let's say that) which mean you could only shatter a part of it at a time. But for the sake of the discussion let's say we have a pure sample of 1mm pure-PVC. What does it take to destroy this? (Said in all it's epic glory)
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2015, 10:41:39 pm »
Good point of your mentioning the rock.

It reminds me that doctors will often use an ultrasonic device to destroy something like a patient's kidney stone. Well, it's technically not destroyed but rather broken apart into more tiny sized pieces that would like pass.

Ultrasound is a wonderfully targeted sound wave. It is amazing how many useful applications we discover that are based in part, to a much simpler part or idea. It's the very nature of discovery.

"Sound's" good to me! O0 Those walls of Jericho might be another thing entirely! just saying...
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2015, 10:57:44 pm »
Music + poetry can break hearts, but somehow I think that is not the same thing :)



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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2015, 11:41:19 pm »
Moony those can be just as powerful! They also represent a sound wave which induces certain emotions inside humans. The limits are that it does not always produce the same effect (different people, different time - different reactions). They are also not physically harmful, unless they motivate the subject to suicide or harm himself in any other way.
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2015, 09:27:17 am »
Since we've mentioned, frequencies, sounds and such, I'll toss in HAARP in case you haven't heard of it.

Radio Broadcasting Station? Nope...

A most unearthly sound...

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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2015, 02:06:47 pm »
I find it more logical that HAARP is used for something else, not weather manipulation and mind control. If this were true and the US military did not want it to go public, do you think they would allow this to be broadcast on History? Yeah, no. Conspiracy theories such as these sometimes are of use to the subject (in this case, the HAARP project and the military) since they might help fog up the actual purpose...

I have to see this with my own eyes to prove it... Since that experiment seemed legit (and expensive) enough, I will skip that part. I will attempt to construct an ELF receiver, and if nothing else I will at least get a chance to decrypt some signals I might intercept. The US NAVY have an old ELF transmitter at Clam Lake, Wisconsin which (at least until 1985) was used to communicate with deeply submerged submarines - so, maybe it still broadcasts?

Also, the health and environmental risks associated with ELF waves is nothing new. Back in 1984 there was a trial against the construction of an ELF station by the US NAVY... Read more about it on Wikipedia ("Extremely Low Frequency").
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Re: Controlling matter with sound
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2015, 10:54:02 pm »
Your efforts could be equally suited in the collection of data for S.E.T.I. and many once did and some still do (I presume).

I think that any signals of real value or usefulness that were sent light years ago, are probably worthless to us. Most signals dissipate over time and through the various obstacles, radiation, interference and other anomalies that would contribute to degradation. Than again, my daytime job is not astrophysics. O0
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