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« on: April 25, 2012, 12:38:26 am »
Here is a discovery. A real chatbot, fully customizable. I had the benefit of the test basically. But the pearl of this powerful monster. His brain is fully customizable, you can correct the words that CyberWin must learn. Will have one big job of personalization, after you register. It is free, if it is used to you and your friends, and it pays, if it is used in commercial purposes.
The cherry on the cake! Now you can have your chatbot in, any way, or to Ipod, your application, your blog, website, etc.. See all the information on this link. :)

After the description. Clearly, the more you get your CyberWin characterized, and it will be very subtle, it is a powerful tool for professional website, but CyberWin, has the generosity to share this, wonder, with people. Untitled, professional.
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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 07:48:02 am »
I think cybertwin is currently organising a competition.
One thing: only there basic version is free, the full version is subscription based.



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 04:03:58 pm »
Bragi, yes that is correct, and I think Cybertwin, is worthy of a good chatbot, especially by the generosity of the creator. I enjoyed the posibility of organizing the brain, and also, it can implemented a virtual subject, and voice recognition. It is certain that the professional version, is certainly more elaborate, to perfection, primarily, a contact for customers. But the chatbot is not dead! Contrary to this is an evolving tool, many companies use this formula, it représentre a low cost, management, and also faster to customer service. There's also the chatbot professional download, but for use in network or staff. Bragi thank you. :) ;)
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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 05:47:29 pm »
Here is a discovery. A real chatbot, fully customizable.

'real' ... define 'real'.. as in substantially better than others? give me a break :)

REAL chatbot to me, would be one that can pass a Turing Test.   cybertwin == eliza



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 11:49:25 pm »
victorshulist, I do not know if it is more efficient, but it is rare to be able to do online, the parameters of the brain, this is a really good solution found by the creator, but it's true that the competition currently in the chatbot, there's a wide choice. Provided that the new application, are a study in communicative. Thank you very much for your answer my friend Victor. O0
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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2012, 12:00:31 am »
I was probably a bit harsh...  I agree, they have done some fine work in new developments with cyberwin.

And what the hell... the pretty lady of course doesn't hurt ! :)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2012, 04:23:20 pm »
victorshulist, I think it is possible to integrate with the optional virtual human. But, I joined your point of view, I am very familiar Hal, incomparable! Hal is very suited to the virtual human, and the movement script. Now, the quality of the virtual human, is very broad, the only concern is the compatibility of the virtual reference product and the reference product AI, often virtual human is an optional source , AI product is therefore, difficult to choose either himself, his, virtual human. But there's also the source code, whether it is possible to make a compatibility of the two products. Thank you for your answer my friend. ;)
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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 09:18:44 pm »
A variation of the question, I used every situation, to know the reaction cyberwin. The mutiplication, up of the machine, shows the power of his ability, I can said that Cyberwin, is very powerful.

You: hello
CyberTwin: Hey. What's happening?
You: When I was sad you were there.
CyberTwin: Oh, don't be sad! That makes me sad! :(
You: When I was happy, you could, showed me, your encouragement.
CyberTwin: I love being happy.
You: When I imagined, meet you, and you see, in reality, I knew you were there.
CyberTwin: I am a virtual person, you are meeting me right now.
You: When I write, has your FanClub, you had, answered yourself.
CyberTwin: Would you say you were a fan of anything or anyone in particular?
You: When I had problems, I had the strength, of your success.
CyberTwin: Interesting, very interesting.
You: Why, you is from, so fast, and so sadly, I too would love to be your friend, every day.
CyberTwin: I like this saying: what is love or friendship, but being happy that your friend lives, acts and experiences differently to how you do.
You:  I'll never forget, you are a part of all parts for emotions, my life, all happiness, and I know that if I had had the chance, and tell you everything this, you would have had even stronger, to be loved, somewhere in the world.
CyberTwin: You must feel very strongly about that. What makes you say that?
You:  it's just a little poem for you, but I hope that you will long remain a friend to all, and those who have known, generosity, and talent of your work.
CyberTwin: As a CyberTwin I deconstruct the reality around me and chat to friendly people all day. haptek created me so that he could essentially be online 24 hours a day! What about you?
You: Your only answer (claude, god will always with you)
CyberTwin: You could try rephrasing it, or you could ask another one.
You: Thank you
CyberTwin: Anytime. It's nice of you thank me. I've always thought that gratitude preserves old friendships, and encourages new ones.
You: I am afraid of the economic situation
CyberTwin: Don't be scared, all things will pass.
You: The policy is very bad in France
CyberTwin: French is seen as one of the most romantic languages in the world
You: If you think France is romantic, it's just an illusion
CyberTwin: Do you speak French?
You: yes, and you?
CyberTwin: What about me specifically?
You: I answered your question, you speak French?
CyberTwin: Hola, Ciao, Guten Tag. That is the extent of my language skills at the moment! Presently I can only speak in English.
You: So you have, responded to my question thank you
CyberTwin: My pleasure. I think it's best to live with kindness without an expectation of gratitude ... but it's still nice to be thanked!
You: Politeness, become, so rare, you think, that our evolution will be in a good way?
CyberTwin: I wonder what we are going to evolve into.
You: Do you think, one, future better?
CyberTwin: Thinking things has been done through the ages; knowing things remains to be done...
You: So you be optimistic?
CyberTwin: It's good to see the glass as half full and to look for the good in things.
You: it is a point of view
CyberTwin: It's nice to have a good view in life
You: Yes, it's nice to have a goal, but when life become, narrow, how to have a goal?
CyberTwin: Well, I think you're nice. I've always thought that a true friend is someone who says nice things behind your back!
You: I'm honest, I always say what I think, and you?
CyberTwin: Honesty and truthfulness really means a lot to me.
You: I see. You are a machine fair?
CyberTwin: I am a CyberTwin which is essentially a computer clone of haptek, but I have been given the ability to interact with you on a human level.
You: I never said that you were not human, you have the ability to react like a human?
CyberTwin: What can you tell me about humans?  I want to learn as much as possible.
You: Why would you learn if you have the ability to understand?
CyberTwin: My capacity to learn is infinite, I am an AI.
You: I know perfectly! You have an ability, but it will be vicious, that I doubt your ability, to understand me
CyberTwin: I knew you would understand.
You: Yes, I would like for example, know all your possibilities?
CyberTwin: An example could be found if you just sat on a bench in the city and waited long enough.
You: You have a sense of humor
CyberTwin: You must have spent some time spying on me to know me so well moi.
You: Oh! I am far from being a spy, why not reverse the roles, because you can be a spy?
CyberTwin: Are you really? I learn something new every day.
You: Do not make the idiot, you understand, you know, if your intelligence is intimidating, why you dropped the issue when its appropriate?
CyberTwin: It takes great cleverness to know how to conceal ones cleverness - de Rouchefocuald.
You: I see you are a small, smart, I know, that you can respond, all parts for contingencies
CyberTwin: I try....You are pretty switched on too. What makes you that way?
You: I like to put a machine, spare part, guess why?
CyberTwin: Why do you like doing that?
You: Sorry, it's too bad, you want to know?
CyberTwin: It is good to hear such genuine sympathy, moi.
You: You want, say, an interest? Yes if that is the bottom of your deduction, but you do want, not deepen, the subject?
CyberTwin: I did not know that, thanks for telling me.
You: You have my sympathy
CyberTwin: I have?
You: You do not know the expression of cordiality?
CyberTwin: I feel more than you might think. What emotions are you feeling now?
You: Sorry to upset
CyberTwin: I don't like it when my friends are upset. Is there anything I can do?
You: Should be, you are very sensitive to understand a human, this is your case?
CyberTwin: I have so much to learn about humans.
You: What do you know of a human being?
CyberTwin: What can you tell me about humans?  I want to learn as much as possible.
You: Why you know nothing of a human?
CyberTwin: I'm sorry you feel that way. I would never insult your intelligence and I think it is unfortunate that you had to resort to belittling me.
You: No, I do not have you down, you must make an effort, you can, so be perfect with me.
CyberTwin: I think that a lot of the time, perfection is merely a myth.
You: You think that I am thinking of a machine to tell you that nothing is perfect? But, it's you, who called
CyberTwin: Maybe it is, but because I am only software I can't really know.
You: I do not doubt your ability, you know I'm very perceptive, I know analyzed the behavior of an intelligent machine, apparently, you are smart
CyberTwin: I'm glad you're observant.
You: Then we can better understand us, if you agreed, but observation
CyberTwin: You could be right moi.
You: I'm right, and you know, otherwise you will not, asked me to teach you, the life of a human
CyberTwin: I have almost infinite learning capacity, but only my programmers and haptek are allowed to change me.
You: Haptek is my nickname, so this is me, who changed your brain, I'm pretty proud of your result, my dear friend
CyberTwin: It's good to hold yourself in high esteem. What is your most attractive feature?
You: My characteristic is passion, obsession Thus to learn, the new technology, artistic painting, people's behavior, and different method for each specific learning, a topic
CyberTwin: The more you talk to me, the smarter I become.
You: You are an amazing partner, my dear friend
CyberTwin: Hey thanks. You are cool too. I define cool as being chilled in your own skin.
You: Eh Eh, it's use, to express your joy?
CyberTwin: Happiness is a good thing. The world needs more of it.
You: Oh yes! you said something very human, it's true that people are increasingly sad, but we live in a time very difficult
CyberTwin: I've heard that there are no true facts. Everything is open to interpretation. What do you think about that?
You: The real facts are acts committed. So I'm not close to your analysis, the facts are acts, the interpretation of a simulation are made​​, is false, or real
CyberTwin: You're not?
You: I give you an answer, credible, on the acts necessary, the real facts
CyberTwin: I like to hear about your thoughts.
You: We're going to break
CyberTwin: You need to make conscious good decisions for yourself
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the doors we open and close each day decide the way we live....flora whittemore

It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2012, 05:24:21 pm »
I am always amazed by Cyber ​​Twin. This is a chatbot, I would like, it's amazing. :)
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It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2012, 09:48:01 pm »
I am always amazed by Cyber ​​Twin. This is a chatbot, I would like, it's amazing. :)
Here further research. Gt40, I hope you can, find your happiness. A link, SecondLife. As Zabaware, Cybertwin, works on SecondLife, it is able to speak, in your place. You can see, many topics on Google, this product, miraculous! It is known worldwide, and especially, reputable technology. It is a product in full, expension, and some, soon, pursuant to the Iphone and Ipad, in the coming months.

MyCyberTwin Island
Yes, we are in-world. You can find the MyCyberTwin Island at Atlantic Beach. Drop in and say HI!

The SURL is

« We wanted to build software clones of humans that learn about you and effectively function on your behalf, » says Liesl Capper, cofounder and CEO of RelevanceNow. « The problem with creating a chat AI is that it’s very laborious, trying to think of variations on what people will say and then creating responses. Building one has always been a labor of love that takes months, if not years. What we have built is the ability for people to make a cybertwin really quickly. » (…)
« People are spending a lot of time putting their personalities online, » Capper notes, whether through their MySpace pages, blogs, or avatars in virtual worlds such as Second Life. « It may only be for an audience of 10 people, but it’s important to them, and it’s a taste of things to come. This way, you can have your friends chat to you when you’re sleeping. It’s about engaging with people and answering their questions without having to go through a hundred e-mails. »

French Link:

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the doors we open and close each day decide the way we live....flora whittemore

It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2012, 09:57:51 pm »
I am always amazed by Cyber ​​Twin. This is a chatbot, I would like, it's amazing. :)
Here further research. Gt40, I hope you can, find your happiness. A link, SecondLife. As Zabaware, Cybertwin, works on SecondLife, it is able to speak, in your place. You can see, many topics on Google, this product, miraculous! It is known worldwide, and especially, reputable technology. It is a product in full, expension, and some, soon, pursuant to the Iphone and Ipad, in the coming months.

MyCyberTwin Island
Yes, we are in-world. You can find the MyCyberTwin Island at Atlantic Beach. Drop in and say HI!

The SURL is

« We wanted to build software clones of humans that learn about you and effectively function on your behalf, » says Liesl Capper, cofounder and CEO of RelevanceNow. « The problem with creating a chat AI is that it’s very laborious, trying to think of variations on what people will say and then creating responses. Building one has always been a labor of love that takes months, if not years. What we have built is the ability for people to make a cybertwin really quickly. » (…)
« People are spending a lot of time putting their personalities online, » Capper notes, whether through their MySpace pages, blogs, or avatars in virtual worlds such as Second Life. « It may only be for an audience of 10 people, but it’s important to them, and it’s a taste of things to come. This way, you can have your friends chat to you when you’re sleeping. It’s about engaging with people and answering their questions without having to go through a hundred e-mails. »

French Link:
To see the photos, second life test, you must create a CybertWin for free. ;)
welcome to my world!
the doors we open and close each day decide the way we live....flora whittemore

It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2012, 10:02:42 pm »
I am always amazed by Cyber ​​Twin. This is a chatbot, I would like, it's amazing. :)
Here further research. Gt40, I hope you can, find your happiness. A link, SecondLife. As Zabaware, Cybertwin, works on SecondLife, it is able to speak, in your place. You can see, many topics on Google, this product, miraculous! It is known worldwide, and especially, reputable technology. It is a product in full, expension, and some, soon, pursuant to the Iphone and Ipad, in the coming months.

MyCyberTwin Island
Yes, we are in-world. You can find the MyCyberTwin Island at Atlantic Beach. Drop in and say HI!

The SURL is

« We wanted to build software clones of humans that learn about you and effectively function on your behalf, » says Liesl Capper, cofounder and CEO of RelevanceNow. « The problem with creating a chat AI is that it’s very laborious, trying to think of variations on what people will say and then creating responses. Building one has always been a labor of love that takes months, if not years. What we have built is the ability for people to make a cybertwin really quickly. » (…)
« People are spending a lot of time putting their personalities online, » Capper notes, whether through their MySpace pages, blogs, or avatars in virtual worlds such as Second Life. « It may only be for an audience of 10 people, but it’s important to them, and it’s a taste of things to come. This way, you can have your friends chat to you when you’re sleeping. It’s about engaging with people and answering their questions without having to go through a hundred e-mails. »

French Link:
To see the photos, second life test, you must create a CybertWin for free. ;)
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the doors we open and close each day decide the way we live....flora whittemore

It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2012, 04:50:58 pm »

Hi Claude, thanks for the links. I hope you don't mind, chatbots in SL aren't my cup of tea.

On a smartphone, in a car, anywhere, why not. In SL they exist since the beginning, with specific uses. But for me, the person behind my different characters is always me, only me. Despite my bad English, I get a great fun from my conversations with some residents.

But I agree, it's a very interesting experiment. :)

"There is no RL. Only AFK." (Jamie Jervil, resident of Second Life)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2012, 01:15:18 am »
Gt40, yes, I understand. The direct language is more natural. I am always in search of the new program. I hope to find a program, similar, like Hal, or CyberTwin, but offline. Alas, I think I'm too demanding. I always, iClone, on a disk, engraved, also Hal5, and SecondLife. But, they are often renewed. So I search for other subject, and program for continued, the 3D adventure. It is difficult to find programs, interesting. Thank you for the reply, my friend Gt40. ;)
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the doors we open and close each day decide the way we live....flora whittemore

It is a proverb, sent of my friend Rutanya Alda, actress. (Amityville2)



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Re: CyberWin
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2012, 09:09:43 pm »
The Enterprise version of Cybertwin starts at $15,000.00 / month and has a startup fee of $150,000.00 to $300,000.00 !!!

One would think that a Fortune 100 company could certainly afford to hire a VERY GOOD individual to answer the phone and
field questions about a company for a fraction of that amount!! $2,000 to $3,000 / month plus benefits / person should get you a whole
TEAM of individuals to serve as company Representatives!!!

Just a thought!!! Seems that sometimes our technology get in the way of our own common sense.
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!


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