I would like to donate my money to a AI research group after I die. Could you su

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Hi all,

This is my first post. Sadly, I was told by my doctor that I have about ten more years to live.

I think evolution of human being can only bring the civilization to this far. In the long run, more advanced civilization has to be achieved by man made new biological or mechanical species. By then, human being can retire in the comfortable Earth and let the new species go on advancing. I would like to put my hope on robots and AI.

You may not agree to my view, but could you suggest some research groups that are heading towards the direction I described above? I would like to donate all my savings to the group(s). It is not a lot, only a bit less than $1 million, but I want to contribute to this advancement.

Thank you!



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No offense, but I'm skeptical. If you really are dying, I sympathize, but I'm not going to invest much of myself into this topic in order to protect myself.

If you are for real, perhaps you should establish a charitable trust fund. A charitable donation - all though a good act - is a one time thing, but a trust fund continually generates value via investments. As long as it is well managed it shouldn't ever "dry out".

I'll leave it to you to contact the legal and business people to make it happen.



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I have no problem on how to donate the money. I only have several hundred grands to donate, not worth setting up a trust. I just want to donate it one off to an organization, and then the org I donate to will take care the investing I'm sure.

The answer I'm looking for is who to to donate to. I am really concerned on the future of our civilization, maybe I don't have a lot of years to live (but not dying yet).

You don't need to worry about protecting yourself,  because this will not happen in our generation.



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The Singularity Institute is probably what you're looking for. I don't especially agree with their philosophies, however their goals certainly coincide with your stated goals and they have the infrastructure in place to support your wishes.


I think you should also get in touch with Hugh Loebner, the gentleman who organises the annual Loebner Prize competition for chatbots. Although I expect he already has numerous funding sources, he would also know who could make the best use of your legacy.

I could name various individuals too, but it would be better for a board of trustees to figure out who was worthy.



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Just putting in a small plug, if you will, for THIS SITE and perhaps a few others like it.

We have ongoing monthly / yearly costs in order to "keep the lights on" and the Computer Servers,
Internet Service Providers and Hosters fed.

Even though this is our way of helping to spread the word and enlighten the unitiated to the world
of AI and robotics, it is not for money but rather our passion. It is, to a large degree, what many
of us here strongly believe in...it is our future...our destiny.

I look forward to the real progress of AI and it won't happen all at once but rather slowly, in cars,
phones, appliances, TV's, computers, homes, etc., until....
Well, I don't want to spoil the ending so write your own for now.

Bottom line, though your diagnosis is unfortunate and hopefully incorrect in that I hope you live
many times what you were told. It is, however a very fitting and honorable bequeath you are making.

If you wish to help keep the site going a bit further, we would absolutely appreciate any effort. If not,
that's fine too and know that you will always be welcome here, to share insights, questions, ideas, etc.

Thanks and may the rest of your years be the best of your years! O0
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!



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Hey Art,

I've got lots of money for you, but I'll need your help to get it to you.

All you have to do is pay a small administration fee...



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Hey Art,

I've got lots of money for you, but I'll need your help to get it to you.

All you have to do is pay a small administration fee...

hehe!  ;D
Feeling Chatty?



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Although the original post made by lilila might be genuine, I doubt anyone will take it seriously, we are told over and over again not to trust things like this, if it sounds too good to be true it normally is.

If I had a pound for every e-mail I received that was worded in a similar way, well you know what I mean.

It’s a shame really what the low life spammers  :knuppel2:  have done to the internet. 



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I must get down to the Toronto Dominion Bank in Canada at some point and arrange to take payment ;)



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Hi lilila, it has been bought to my attention that maybe we are being unfair with our jokes.  It's understandable given the amount of times we have all received similar messages in our spam folders.  I apologise, how are you getting on with working this out and is there anything we can do to help ?



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The Singularity Institute is probably what you're looking for. I don't especially agree with their philosophies, however their goals certainly coincide with your stated goals and they have the infrastructure in place to support your wishes.


I think you should also get in touch with Hugh Loebner, the gentleman who organises the annual Loebner Prize competition for chatbots. Although I expect he already has numerous funding sources, he would also know who could make the best use of your legacy.

I could name various individuals too, but it would be better for a board of trustees to figure out who was worthy.

Thank you very much on your suggestions. Let me look through them. :)


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