How to get max health... and max productivity...

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How to get max health... and max productivity...
« on: April 02, 2018, 03:38:07 am »
My cool idea!!! Let's call it LOCKSUIT!!

Stephen Hawking died at age 76. He couldn't move his body for most of his life. So how did he exercise and eat healthy? He had expert care-takers move his body for-him and possibly do things like electro-stimulate his muscles to build muscle or used steroids. And they fed him the best food. They also cleaned his body while he worked. He got healthy care while he worked an ok-amount.

I want to introduce a method for how we can achieve MAX life-extension PLUS productivity! Some of us are very busy being very productive in Artificial Intelligence and extending our life, and need as much time and health as possible. You can do both at the same time.

My concept is you can sell your house for up to half a million dollars and take up a very small space at University and Research & Develop all-day-long being maximally productive while being as healthy as possible at the SAME TIME. You would be in a exoskeleton that can position and lock you in place and move your body FOR YOU throughout the day, allow you to take control and jump high or crank a screwdriver hard or lock in place like sitting, walk you to a destination, and allow you to wirelessly incarnate a robot from afar. It would exercise you while making sure not to fall over, and may go into lay down mode from stand up mode at times. And be fed the BEST nutrition all throughout the day through a TPN IV in your chest or neck without those weird tastes nor wasting time deciding what to eat or wasting hours making food and eating it, moving, or disposing of waste, yes also auto-disposal of waste through tubes in your body. If not IV you could take the 100 pills future immortalist Ray Kurzweil takes each day. Ventilators to breath for you. Remove the need to blink. Voice/eye/hand control. You save lots of time and brain-processing that can be put to the AI field, and are maxed out on healthy food and exercise! Next you can wirelessly connect to the local university, global WWW for knowledge/tools/communication/virtual transportation/etc, Google cloud supercomputer/superstorage for running AI algorithms, Google VM for your virtual desktop holding everything in front of you. Virtual/Augmented reality glasses. You can get robotic limbs, organs, with advanced capabilities. See what cameras around the university/cities are seeing.

What do yous think about this idea? Doing this would be my dream.

IV+exoskeleton = best health+most free time for max productivity. Stephen Hawking couldn't move - they had to "move" his body - and my "exoskeleton" would do just that. IV=no need to eat.

Admit it, this is pretty cool :D. You always get your body moved plus fed best. While able to concentrate on working all day without having to concentrate on exercising/eating. You just sit in the air all day man, working. XD

See the pic I drew of it? It's attached. Yeah that's VR/AR glasses and a breathing system XD. He's exercised by the exoskeleton, fed, and waste removed XDDDDD



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2018, 03:55:29 am »
Locksuit you aren't nearly ambitious enough. If you really think it through, you will realise that you don't even need a body to weigh you down. Only your head needs to be preserved and nourished. You should cut off your head and be truly free!



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2018, 04:04:24 am »
I know but my concept was meant to be do-able in the times we are in right now. We have IV TPNs for cheap, waste removal cheap, and the exoskelton needed is idk y its likely 600,000USD not buyable either but you could build your own simple motor metal/sheet mover for under a few thousand dollars. You could hack a bike.



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2018, 04:08:10 am »
I'll just make another post here instead of editing:

see exoskeleton at 2:05



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2018, 04:26:12 am »
I've thought of putting on ankle-weights while I sit at the computer and just moving my feet up and down, so I can get a little leg exercise without going anywhere.

An exoskeleton, though ... if it created resistance that you had to exert effort to move against, then it would be an exercise tool. If it moved your body *for* you, I'm afraid it might have the opposite effect; your muscles would atrophy from lack of use. If you can't move yourself due to disability, then having other people move you helps with your blood/lymph circulation and keeps you from getting bedsores, but it's not really exercise.



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2018, 04:47:14 am »
If you're serious about improving your health and fitness while working, there are two eminently practical and inexpensive things that you can do starting today.

First, use a standing desk at least half the time. Sitting down for long periods of time causes as much harm as smoking, so alternate between sitting and standing. The second thing you can do is get a gym ball (fitness ball, swiss ball) of the right size so you can sit on it at your desk. It will give your leg, abdominal, and back muscles quite a work out while you're working. The disadvantage with these things is that they will divert energy from your primary task. You might find them too distracting to be able to solve the hard problems. Sometimes you can't beat a properly engineered, fully supportive, ergonomic desk chair.

If you're already eating a proper balanced diet then no amount of dietary supplements is going to help you. They are just a waste of money. Except for vitamin D. If you are not getting enough fresh air and exercise out in the sunshine, which is how your body normally obtains vitamin D, or you live near Antarctica like I do, then vitamin D supplements will make a big difference to your health and energy.



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2018, 05:15:32 am »
That's why I mentioned Stephen Hawking lived to 76 and had to have people move his body most likely. Your body will survive without ever having to move a muscle by concentrating on it. Just let it move u. Just sit there haha!



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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2018, 03:13:21 pm »
Everything in moderation.

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Re: How to get max health... and max productivity...
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2018, 03:15:07 am »
just an update yer u can use a nasal feed so no eating just let the most healthiest food drip into ur stomach naturally. There's also a G-tube / PEG

As said about Stehen Hawking, he only had slight facial volunteraiy movement so so all his body-moving for excercise wise was by humans / machine puppetting his body all day for-him.

So ya it's totally feasible to get max health all-day while able to work all-day. Ta-da.

Now will I do it?'s here/there but....just out of my close...



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