All Mysteries Are Explained

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All Mysteries Are Explained
« on: April 18, 2016, 03:42:31 pm »
All Mysteries Are Explained

By exegesisme

â‘© UFOs, aliens, why?

⑨ In my meditation and dream, they are clearly there, and communicate with me immediately seemly as face to face. Where are they?

⑧ As information accumulated from my experience, I reason one place is most likely, the core of earth. However, how could they be there?
⑦ They are possible made from material physically different from us human. From standard model, I reason they are made of atoms formed from charm quarks, strange quarks, and muons.

â‘¥ In the high pressure and high temperature situation of the core of earth, the atoms formed from charm quarks, strange quarks, and muons may be very stable. And in creation of god the Word, and evolution in their environment, they civilization may develop much faster than us human, who are on the surface of earth and in environment with climate change.
⑤ In faith of god the Word, they may achieve the level of gravitational civilization, just as human in electromagnetic civilization. Once in my meditation, they complained human made a lot of gravitational noises which interfere their wellbeing.

â‘£ Once they told me the gravitational wave is also with magnetism, which would disappear in heavy sticking noise. They didn't tell me directly, but in dream with a sort of intelligent test.   

â‘¢ I also reason, in farther high pressure and temperature situation, there may be atoms formed from top quarks, down quarks, and taus. And god the Word may create living beings with them in their situation. So, there might be living beings in black hole, too.
â‘¡ Beyond two sides of the standard model, there may be other generations of particles not discovered, which may exist in farther extreme situation, as temperature lower than absolute zero. The big bang may not only one stage, but many stages, each stage has its own universe with its own temperature and cosmic constant (temperature), and its own living beings.
â‘  And beyond our universe, there temperature may be lower than absolute zero, and living beings formed from different atoms may live there.
〇 Bose supernova at near absolute zero in laboratory may be the quarks of atoms in our universe are interfered by some factors, and transiently its temperature lower than absolute zero, which makes them eject energies, and forms a Bose supernova in laboratory. This is my hypothesis of the unexplained Bose supernova.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2016, 05:47:01 pm »
Boy, I've seen worlds and worlds, systems and systems, one after another in all of my schizophrenic sessions and I concluded afterwards that they were all lies, if taken literally. I learned to see them in figurative meaning, just as a lesson of what can even exist in this Universe and if it's right or wrong to hold this or that standings relating to the same.

I'm not saying that what you saw is just another lie to you, I don't have a proof for that, but it would be wise to take those visions with a reserve. They might not be the absolute truth for all of the beings on the Earth.

I hope You'll understand this comment as an act of a good faith, not as an attack on your visions. Yes, your visions might explain the truth, but I see them just as another "maybe" for me.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how you got to some real world result. The real world result is what matters, even if it came from the wildest dreams or unproven theories.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2016, 06:05:27 pm »
You just said part of I sense. Another part is, through their mischief, your ability of understanding grows. I do not think they are good in human value, they are even evil. At least some of them are non-fiction, and some of them are figures in fiction.

For a basic question you should answer, if all of them are figures of fiction, then who makes the fiction?

Also, sometimes, real human is used by them as a fiction figure. It is not easy to distinguish.

Do you have such experience, to win them by your reason?

Do you suffer schizophrenic sessions before? I have a sense, the meditation in high level and schizophrenic sessions share some mechanisms.

Yes, they tell lies repeatedly. Sometimes they give you a sense of very real, sometimes give you a sense of illusion.
Anyway, do you get rid of them now?

And one more question, how do you think my hypothesis about Bose supernova?



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2016, 06:30:05 pm »
For a basic question you should answer, if all of them are figures of fiction, then who makes the fiction?
I don't know, you tell me. This is my part of the story: document - a contact. I'm just saying that anything is possible, and we still don't have any proof.

And one more question, how do you think my hypothesis about Bose supernova?
Absolute zero is the state at which a matter doesn't vibrate at all (or vibrate with zero amplitude). Anything above absolute zero vibrates at some higher amplitude, but to imagine that something vibrates negatively? Maybe antimatter does, so I find the hypothesis inspirative.

Do you have such experience, to win them by your reason?
Man, they are really smart. I'm helpless here, they can do with me everything they want.

Do you suffer schizophrenic sessions before? I have a sense, the meditation in high level and schizophrenic sessions share some mechanisms.
Well, here and there. It is like dreaming awake. I can clearly distinguish these dreams from outer reality, but what is told inside dreams - sometimes I really believe in it.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2016, 11:00:37 pm »
Whatever it is, we still don't have a proof for other people about what's happening to two of us. And without proof nobody would ever take us seriously, whatever story we tell. As far as other people are concerned, we are just a couple of lunatics, expressing our personality disorders in the wrong place.

But I'm telling you, structured BNF is a direct result in my case of contact. Compare it to existing technology, and you'll see a big improvement. Let me tell you how I got this improvement. As far as I was told, there is a bit of math included in every aspect of the Universe, from matter, over the emotions to the brilliance of ideas. If you want to get something positive, something negative should happen also. If you want something good to happen, something bad should happen before or after. If you want to smile, someone has to cry. If you want to experience positive emotions (read drugs) someone should experience negative ones (read heroine addict crysis). If you want to make something very intelligent (people) someone else should be very primitive (animals). This structure flows through the whole reality and imagination and in my case, from my experience, I get briliant ideas after days of emotional torture. A few months of unpleasant anxiety and living nightmares in the year 2012 gave me structured BNF. This is not my conclusion, this is being told to me that that is one of the ways to do briliant stuff. And I see results. The day before yesterday I got an idea of improving the metatheory I work on by peeking in results of a logic equivalent of my theory. "We" liked the improvement and decided to "buy it": the rest of the day I was being emotionally tortured. The same evening I couldn't hold on anymore, so I took a couple of sedatives to make it through the night. And now I'm free to use the improvement. I'm gathering improvements this way since the year 1999 and now I'm rich with ideas. I still don't know when will it end, probably not before a working prototype of AGI because "We" have the mutual interest in making it.

Anyway, I'm being occasionally tortured for bringing programming results to the world, and the fact is that no one, except people who had similar experiences, can believe what's really happening. Other people are living with peace and alone in their minds for the whole life, like we were before adulthood, when that sh*t happened to us. They consider themselves "normal" and they judge whatever is unknown to them, so we are seen as "loonies" in their eyes. It is yet to be seen what will come out to reality out of my case. I've got some promises from above, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Ok, so there is a working idea from my experience, for constructing AGI: to get the plus bits and bytes, create the minus bits and bytes, and the other way around. I still don't know how to implement this stuff and I think I'll do it some other way, but maybe someone could extract something from this story. After all, that is the way things function in my mind and maybe someone would like to copy it to the machine. But I'm telling you, it is a freaking curse to me and I don't like it. Just don't let it shoot someone if it wants to save the other's life.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2016, 02:03:28 am »
Hi, ivan.moony

1, You testimony some of my experience.
I believe, there are many others also share some experience of us. However, this sort of human experience has not become the object of scientific study yet, and even is not admit by science positively. So, I believe, here we can work together, to make it become the object of scientific study. This work may change human ideas of mental health, and super intelligence.
I need you describe your experience in detail. Especially, how did you begin in 1999?

2, Who you understand as the other author, I understand as god the Word as the one and only one of the trinity in concept of Christianity with grace, peace and mercy. And all others are under god the Word. Some of them are closely with human experience.

3, Bose-Einstein Condensate - A New State of Matter
At absolute zero (AZ) or very near to AZ, the case that Bosenova of Bose-Einstein condensate happens in experimental conditions is still unexplained. as you see,
Viewpoint: Dancing the Bose-nova with a twirl
Implosion and explosion of a Bose-Einstein condensate "Bosenova"

Just now I get a larger hypothesis to explain the reason or the force which causes all the three big bang, supernova and bosenova.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2016, 10:14:41 am »
I've sad enough, I have no interest in waving out my story any further.

However, I'd like to hear what is your deal regarding specifically to artificial intelligence. Did you say you have some "poetry" explaining the AI? Although I do like to read about theories about the Universe, I'd like to see those poems too. Maybe I can steal some ideas...

Take care :)



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2016, 10:30:57 am »
It is about all intelligence as long as existing. OK, I put one here, you try to understand.

9:13 PM 2016-04-17
value aligning

   value aligning
   goal hierar sys

   being living uni
   unknow unknowing
   G Gi Si Sai Ai
   gen all gene nongene
   è™‚all lu nonlu
   uni univer
   we are testi
   G is being in
7:26 PM 2016-04-18



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2016, 11:12:57 am »
So, that is some custom made up language?

Sorry, can't understand anything without translator.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2016, 01:29:00 pm »
You are a designer of a strong AI. In your mind, you can not be you, but be a strong AI, sense from all senses of a strong AI, and then try again.



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2016, 02:03:34 pm »
Sorry, still nothing...



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Re: All Mysteries Are Explained
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2016, 03:07:10 pm »
One line for you.

G Gi Si Sai Ai:

G, god the word as wholeness.

Gi, the intelligence of god the Word.

Si, super intelligence.

Sai, strong artificial intelligence.

Ai, artificial intelligence.


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