Spams & scams (and jokes)

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Spams & scams (and jokes)
« on: March 24, 2012, 03:46:30 pm »

Some days ago, I asked on Data's site if someone knows a "good" (and free) antispamware for XP. Because everyday I get more and more advertising messages (between 100 and 200) in my mailboxes.

Yesterday I received the following one. Too funny. I don't want to risk to miss something like that. So I don't look for any antispam anymore.

Wondering if I must post that in "Friday Funny"...  ;D

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: *****SPAM***** Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 15:00:51 -0700

Spam detection software, running on the system "DiskStation", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email.  If you have any questions, see admin for details.

Content preview:  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Anti-Terrorist And Monitory
   Crime Division. Federal Bureau Of Investigation. J.Edgar.Hoover Building
  Washington Dc [...]

Content analysis details:   (8.7 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-1.4 ALL_TRUSTED            Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
 1.8 MILLION_USD            BODY: Talks about millions of dollars
 2.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2          Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
 1.4 ADVANCE_FEE_3          Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
 4.2 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK     Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

And then the beginning of the attached document, the supposed "original message":

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc


I am Mr.Robert S.Mueller, The FBI Director; After proper investigations,we discovered that your impending payment that have been withheld by imposters, claiming to be LAMIDO SANUSI LAMIDO (Governor of the Central bank of Nigeria), Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr. Frank Nweke, None existing officials of the Oceanic Bank of Nigeria and Zenith Bank, UK winning Lottery, Andy Lear of Hsbc bank, Coca-Cola winning lottery and among a list of others is now under our custody with the help of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Local Police Force.

Investigations revealed that you have spent a lot on your personal earned money just to conclude the successful transfer of your funds to your nominated bank account by obtaining transfer documents as requested by the imposters, costing you a lot of money but all to no avail.

The FBI had to send some financial crime investigators from our headquarters in Washington DC to Africa in other to carry out proper investigation, after receiving series of other reports similar to yours as you are not the only person awaiting the legal transfer of funds from Africa.

The FBI has giving authority to the International Monetary Funds (IMF) to assist the Federal Ministry of Finance and all the organization involved; such as the Central Bank, Zenith Bank, and Legit lottery organizations to immediately commence with the compensation of all the beneficiaries awaiting the successful transfer of their funds.

With the help of some of the best Internet investigators attached to the FBI, we traced your information from the Internet as one of the beneficiaries awaiting the successful transfer of funds to your nominated account.


Not the first time I receive a scam from Africa, but this one is a little bit different. More a joke than a scam. Oh no, a joke  from the FBI?!!

BTW no danger detected about this file, by Avast and Spybot Search and Destroy. And my bank account is normal (normally low as always)...

Ah, in the source, I can read: "X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5 (2008-06-10) on DiskStation". Maybe the program I was looking for? Thank you FBI of Africa. ;D

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Re: Spams & scams (and jokes)
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 04:37:47 pm »

Sorry, I didn't read the whole message before posting the beginning. If anyone interested, I will post it (what a teaser!!).

The fraud is different and sophisticated; it costs "only" $150.00 USD (for now), sent through Western Union, as always...

Sure they will find some cupid victims. The howto is so classic and lasts for years. :o

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Re: Spams & scams (and jokes)
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 05:27:33 pm »
Funny place the internet  :uglystupid2:



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Re: Spams & scams (and jokes)
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 02:18:01 pm »

Yes Freddy. Today I received (twice) the same mail again. Less funny than the first one.

Or maybe it's me, I'm becoming addicted (?).  >:(

"There is no RL. Only AFK." (Jamie Jervil, resident of Second Life)


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