Ai Dreams Forum

AI Dreams => General Chat => Topic started by: GamerThom on September 18, 2006, 11:11:47 pm

Title: My New User Avatar
Post by: GamerThom on September 18, 2006, 11:11:47 pm
In honor of the forum admins giving me status as Member of the Month for September,
for which I most humbly thank them,  :2funny I have created a new avatar for my
posts. It's actually a screenshot of a PuttyHead that I made of myself from a photo
of me. So in essence it's my very own haptek clone. :cheesy

Title: Re: My New User Avatar
Post by: FuzzieDice on September 19, 2006, 01:06:13 am
Awesome! I don't know if I could deal with a Virtual clone of myself. I think one of me is more than enough. LOL!

Your haptar looks real good. I've got Poser 5 (Content Paradise free offer) and briefly played around with that. Though I'm not sure I could convert it to haptek format for use in Ultra Hal. Still fun to play with.
Title: Re: My New User Avatar
Post by: GamerThom on September 19, 2006, 01:28:07 am
Thanks FD.     8)   But I only used PeoplePutty to do that one,
I haven't gotten around to creating a fullbody clone of myself yet
using Poser. Maybe sometime in the future I'll know enough about
meshes to create a digital doppleganger, body type and all. For
now though I think the universe can do without two of me buggering
about in both real and cyber space.  ;D

Still, it's not a bad likeness.
Although I think cyber-me is
just a little better looking.   :D
Title: Re: My New User Avatar
Post by: dan on September 19, 2006, 06:36:12 pm
It seems the longer I live I find there are no coincidences, I was just thinking last night of doing exactly that same thing, instead of using the avatar I liketo use for HAL, I thought of making another of myself with PP, the one I have sort of warped my glasses, and I don't have any PP glasses like mine, but the Fullbody I had earlier w/o glasses was ok, but I like yours Tom, very cool,esp. with the planetary space background going on.  Hey Tika, I got that Poser downloaded too, man what fun.  I tried some of the things, but still having a hard time with it.  MrAliKorn in Zaba got the acc converter and I'm curious if he'll be producing accessories soon with an output from 3dStudio, I read you need a Haptek input to work with for the fullbody work.  I found a Haptek obj file in HapDeltaSetMaker directory of the Haptek Guide which loads a Haptek face into Poser, but haven't played with it yet too much, I guess that's what needs to be done with a fullbod to create an output with the HapDeltaSetMaker to use in the Haptek player  :huh 
Title: Re: My New User Avatar
Post by: FuzzieDice on September 19, 2006, 11:26:29 pm
Tom - You did a very good likeness of yourself! Doppleganger? I don't think you want one of those. LOL! I think it could be more like a virtual clone. :)

Dan - What you said went WAY over my head. LOL! I haven't played with Poser much at all, just messing with the default figure and trying to add things and color things. Haven't had time really. I also played a little with Bryce as well. I'm hoping to learn that a bit more. Corel is screwing up PSP X (PSPP XI is the update to it and it's not even worth it anymore) so I'm trying to save $$ to somehow get Adobe PhotoShop CS2 or whateer is the latest at the time I have the money for it. It's expensive. :( But I figure since Corel doesn't have a chance now of creating a competing industry standard professional image editing program and are changing paths to the "I'm so stupid I don't know how to use my computer or new digital camera" crowd, I'm trying to move towards the PhotoShop arena. And other professional software.