If you will, equate it to farming. A farmer worked extremely hard through years and countless difficult times. At times the back was practically breathing down his neck if he defaulted on a payment. But the farmer and his family continued to work hard to own that property. When the day came for the final land payment the farmer paid it with the pride of knowing that the land was now his.
In the Open Source vein, there were many avenues that the farmer took during those years. Numerous organizations like the 4-H, FFA (Future Farmers of America) as well as Co-Ops (Cooperative ventures and harvest), sub leasing and shared harvesting, free trading and barter systems. Open Source is nothing new to farmers yet the still OWN their property!
Some of you act like ownership is wrong! BS! News Flash!! Some people actually work hard for what they have and for what they hope to have.
There are also those who would gladly take a handout for free if there wer no strings attached! (like work). There are those who have come to expect a handout yet have done nothing in return for it! This is sort of akin to Socialism which works fine until you run out of other people's money!
Freely sharing ideas and methods can be rewarding if done for the right reasons but there are the greedy ones who would take that idea and try to capitalize on it for themselves. Those people have always been with the various societies and cultures since the caveman and I doubt they go away any time soon.
Google has given away much if truth be told and they just keep making money.
They still have to keep some things from being Open Source so they might make a profit which they need to survive like any good business.
I also agree that we actually OWN nothing and nothing is exactly what we will take with us when we leave this life! The "things" we cherish and claim that we "own" are only ours to use or borrow for the time we're here, then someone else will get the items to use while they are here, and so on...etc.
If you want some real irony to chew on, think of this...EVERYTHING...that you see or have or use that is around us, came from the Earth in one form or another. Everything was made from the Earth and one day, Everything will return to the Earth once more.
SO, the idea of Owning a piece of property or item is only for a fleeting moment of time...20-40-60-80 or so years...until you're forced to give it up!
Just some thoughts....
Enjoy your Ownership while you're able!