What's everyone up to ?

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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #915 on: September 10, 2017, 09:28:08 pm »
Thanks for all the replies folks. The box set for season 1 is £12 on Amazon Prime, might give it a look when I have some time.

Cheers :)


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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #916 on: November 24, 2017, 08:25:56 pm »
Just published my first FireFox add-on for summarizing articles  :D.
Official announcement with accompanying blog post will follow some time after I make a Google Chrome version. Setting these things up is quite a hassle, with old systems getting replaced.
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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #917 on: December 11, 2017, 02:09:02 pm »
I'm playing with logic in my theoretical programming language. It seems we can achieve "Sai Baba" effect when dealing with assumption sets.

Suppose we define semantic tables for Boolean operators not, or, and, implies and equals-to. Now, we enter an assumption set with any variables initialized to (True + False). If the derived result is false, it indicates that the assumption set is contradictory. If the negation of the result is false, it indicates that the assumption set is tautology, meaning that the assumption set always yields true, meaning in turn that the assumption set it is a theorem in very logic.

This gives us opportunity to start from merely semantic table of Boolean operators. Then we can construct random logic sentences and check if they are theorems. If they are theorems, we print them out, notifying the very rules of logic. That means we can extract the whole logic theory just from semantic tables! :o

I was having some similar thoughts before, but I didn't connect them with plain solving of Boolean expressions. Definitely worth of checking in reality. :stirthepot:

I wonder how to derive all the math formulas too, but maybe that's beyond capabilities of this method, as math deals with infinite sets of numbers (logic, in example, deals only with `true` and `false`, so we can easily check both cases for each variable). But we should be able to be certain up to some percent, depending on number of  checked examples.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 02:33:39 pm by ivan.moony »



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #918 on: December 31, 2017, 11:40:36 pm »
Watched Ex Machina finally the other night. I always thought it was pronounced Mash-eena, but it appears it's Mack-ena.

Anyway, it was a good film, less about action packed AI fare and more about philosophical issues, which was fine. The Turing Test turned up again as it does in a few movies along these lines. In this movie it seemed more appropriate than others - there's a slight twist on it too which I liked.

Acting was good, but I have to admit I found it a bit depressing too. I probably won't watch it again, but it was worth watching.

By now some of us here must have a book or movie in us I reckon.



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #919 on: January 01, 2018, 04:22:23 am »

Was that a gentle nudge for Mav to continue work on his story? We've all been badgering him for ages. I'm sure the rest is still in him, it's just that like with so many of us, Life seems to get in the way of our lofty pursuits.

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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #920 on: January 20, 2018, 12:56:30 am »
I was trying to get a new name for my programming language. I tried, I won't lie if I say dozens, all taken for this or that purpose. You won't believe it, people open blank accounts on Github, just for taking names, and some accounts are more than five years old, still blank, just taking the name occupied, from now on to forever and ever. Unbelievable. I also wanted to complain about www addresses and so-called domain brokers. What a creeps. And still they yell, full of themselves,  about how they saved a brand quality name, waiting just for us to buy it. Mrffff. Firstly, www addresses shouldn't be unique, and when I say www.something.somewhere, I should get a disambiguation list. Some numeric code, or something else should be unique, not the name, if I'm asked. This is one big conspiracy against us, honest people.

My friends, the World Wide Web is going down, together with us in it. We can't save ourselves, we better say goodbye each to other, while it's on time. So good bye friends, and I wish you well in whatever is behind this terrible reality. And be good, try to learn something from here. This is not for nothing, this naming horror has to have a purpose, no one is that mean to put it that way without a reason, I'm sure it serves just as a valuable  lesson for us. And don't cry for me, I'm just going to visit the bathroom, and as Terminator said: I'll be back.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 01:29:06 am by ivan.moony »



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #921 on: January 20, 2018, 02:39:48 am »

I know what you mean about the web addresses and things - I've often found ones I would like that are abandoned or for sale at some high price.

What I find depressing about the wider net is how hostile people can be. There were always idiots about, but they seem to be multiplying sometimes.


Was that a gentle nudge for Mav to continue work on his story? We've all been badgering him for ages. I'm sure the rest is still in him, it's just that like with so many of us, Life seems to get in the way of our lofty pursuits.

No not really, it was not intentional - it's hard to find time and energy for a lot of things, I understand that.



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #922 on: January 20, 2018, 08:07:16 am »
I know I shouldn't be ungrateful, but sometimes I get myself frustrated. I could spend ten hours plunking over names without a result. It is so hard to come up with something original these days. I'll probably go with some female short name like Lara, or something, I have to know when to give up.

There is a big business about domain names. Blockstack, a sub-web branch has its own sub-domain names business and has some interesting pricing. For example, short and meaningful cool names are more expensive than some long non-wovel constructions, if I remember well. They have some algorithm to decide a price. And they use some novel cryptocurrency to market out names, space and web apps.



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #923 on: January 20, 2018, 10:31:54 am »

Its the business model they use.

Once you have searched for domain name they no you require it, especially if you use their search engine.

Often they will say its already taken and then later list it for a price.

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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #924 on: January 21, 2018, 03:15:20 pm »

Maybe try combining your potential name with a symbol, number or even, and possibly better, a foreign translation of that name.
Then there are all of those "Sound-Alike" names Wurst, Worst, One, Won, Wun, Phoenetic and intentionally misspelled (or mispelled) words.

There are lots of potential ways to beat them if one is subtle or sneaky enough.

Yes, it's a shame that some just gobble up names to keep others from using them or with the hope of making huge profits from them.
Maybe there could/should be a penalty for holding the names and not using them within a certain period of time, else the names get "released or returned" back to available status. Just a thought.

Good Luck!
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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #925 on: January 21, 2018, 03:32:41 pm »
Thanks Art, I like ideas about translating names. Maybe Esperanto sounds nice sometimes, maybe even Latin, like WriterOfMinds picked her name for her project (I hope I didn't insulted Acuitas calling him a project).



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #926 on: January 26, 2018, 08:48:28 pm »
Was kind of hoping to get my computer hacked at some point today so I would have something to do, lol  8)

any serious logic puzzles going on? I'm bored.




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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #927 on: January 27, 2018, 03:54:02 pm »

I know...Turn Off your Anti-Virus software then go exploring the Dark Web.
Something good will surely happen for you (or your computer).  O0
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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #928 on: January 27, 2018, 10:28:07 pm »
@onthecuttingedge: You're bored?  You literally have nothing at all to do?

I don't think I've been in that state for at least a decade.  Pity you can't somehow read my backlog of novels for me.

Get started on an actual long-term project and it should eat up your unspent time right quick. No need to go inviting problems; the world has plenty of existing ones for you to solve.



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Re: What's everyone up to ?
« Reply #929 on: January 28, 2018, 01:17:31 am »
Ivan said, "It is so hard to come up with something original these days. "

That is true, Ivan.  So, you have to figure out a solution.  Recently, I wrote
an search algorithm which found domain name:  AIhax.com

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