Whats the most realistic AI you have found ?

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Whats the most realistic AI you have found ?
« on: July 23, 2006, 11:08:56 pm »
We talk a lot about the things we have found, but does anyone have a clear idea of what they think is the most realistic ai or chatbot they have found so far ?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 11:05:38 am by admin »



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 01:25:30 am »
I think a lot of us are STILL researching that topic (at least I am).

The Alice variety of bots can appear to be quite clever in their conversations and some even use a surprising
amount of wit while conversing, in an effort to seem more humanlike.

I understand that even though most of the Alice bot's responses are programmed, there are some that are able to learn to a degree (KnyteTrypper please elaborate on this if possible).

During my vast forays into the net, I came across this site. It explains a lot about different bots and offers a different perspective on them. Check out: http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue5_4/brown_chapter2.html

Then check out KT's site listing A LOT of different types of bots!! I mean A LOT!! Good work KT!!

My personal thing is that I desire a bot to be DOWNLOADABLE to my computer completely...no online access linking it to another site, etc.. It must be a stand alone application and preferably one that "learns", otherwise what the use or sense in talking to a bot to which I already know the answers / responses.
With all due respect and kudos to those programmed knowledge bots and those that provide a valuable service as a customer care representative or assistant, this is not what I'm searching for in a bot on a day to day basis.

If I desire to leave my collective consciousness in the form of a bot (a secret desire of mine for years) with which to pass on to my grandchildren and their children, then I believe that an Alice or TANU type of bot might be the answer.

Lastly, I was pretty impressed with ALAN at www.a-i.com and Yui at http://www.travisjmorgan.com/bot/trad.html

-ARTifically yours-
« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 02:22:50 am by Art »
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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 06:04:28 am »
Over the past few months I've become increasingly convinced that the creatures of Creature Labs' Creatures 3 and Docking Station are in a class unto themselves, and possibly the only example of real intelligent virtual life I've discovered thus far on the net.
I should immediately qualify my critique by saying that they're not very intelligent, and it's not particularly humanoid intelligence. But they 1) learn and use language 2) have varying moods and dispositions 3) have emotions 4) have memory and 5) learn from experience. Each creature is a unique combination of instinctive behavior modified by life experience.

A wonderful example is creature advice. It's common for a creature to verbally express a basic need (I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm sleepy, I'm friendly (horny), I'm bored, I'm lonely, etc.) It's also common for nearby creatures to offer advice as to the best way to satisy a basic need.  The usual reply to "I'm friendly" is "Suggest you touch (type of creature)." So a norn would say "Suggest you touch norn." An ettin would say "Suggest you touch ettin." I had a norn who one day when she was just entering puberty was in a room alone expressing her friendliness, when a nearby door opened, and a male norn entered the room. The two proceeded to get it on, to their mutual satisfaction. Thereafter, whenever another norn expressed friendliness, this norn's advice was "Suggest you watch door." It had worked for her, lol.

You appear in the game as a large hand, which can bring objects to or take them from the creatures, pet them or punish them, give them instructions, etc. This sort of app. is called a "god game," for obvious reasons.  I had an elderly grendel who had observed over a long lifetime that all good things came forth from the hand. The hand relieved hunger, brought toys, created warmth or coolness as needed, brought medicine and cured disease, etc. In his later adulthood, whenever he'd see the hand enter the room, he'd pipe up and say "Suggest you express grendel now" to his companions, meaning "The hand is here. Now's the time to say what you need."

It's an amazingly complex and fascinating virtual world. I've been so absorbed, I sometimes even find myself neglecting my  bots.  :coolsmiley

« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 10:32:00 am by KnyteTrypper »



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2006, 09:55:06 am »
To address Art's questions, ALICE is still "dumb as a sack of hammers" as Art would say.  What he's noticed is "bad answer.aiml," the implementation  of a couple of new tags in the AIML set which is used by Pandorabots and a couple of other apps like Program D.

Alicebots will already collect and store the user's personal information in a cookie, and will "remember" this information as long as the cookie and the bot's connection to it are intact. So if a bot recognizes your client ID, it may also "remember" things like your name, birthday, job, location, etc. that are stored on the cookie on your machine.  It's a fragile connection at best, however. Republishing the bot, the user cleaning his cookies, etc., will destroy the connection. If nothing else, Pandorabots is restarted a couple of times a week, which wipes all the cookie connections.

Bad answer.aiml just extends that ALICE function to include and/or substitute whole phrases or sentences. Thus bad answer.aiml usually implements as the bot asking "What should I have said instead?" then adopting a user specified change in its responses. However, ALICE still DOES NOT write to her own files, so it's just another type of temporary information which is stored on the cookie.

I'll continue to maintain that there's less difference than most Hal users would think between the two types of bots. AIML bots just take it for granted that the botmaster is part of the software.  Where Hal has a relatively simple algorithm for encoding and correlating materials in its files, ALICE actually has an infinitely more complex algorithm - the botmaster, himself - to perform the same function. Admittedly, this takes the fun of exploration out of it for the botmaster, since he eventually becomes the author of all the bot's best lines, lol. But it can result in an inversely proportionate reward of discovery for bot users external to the process, given sufficient cleverness on the part of the botmaster. As I've said quite a few times before, ALICE is a bot you make for others to enjoy.

Kind of sad about me inheriting the Chatterbot Collection. It's former webmaster just suddenly announced plans to transfer or close the site for undisclosed reasons, and vanished. I'd long been the major silent contributor to the link search, anyway, and rather than let it close or pass to hands unknown, I've adopted it for the time being. To folks like Art who do a lot of surfing, when you run across links that aren't already listed, I'd appreciate it if you'd send them along to me for the irregular updates. Happy roboteering! KT



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2006, 11:50:21 pm »

Thanks for that!

I'm glad you took over that site because I know it's in good hands!

Even though we may disagree on bot types, the premise is still the same:
Interacting with a virtual intelligence, whether scripted or not, each has
it's place.

As long as there are people out there like us who believe that the future holds
promise in the field of AI development, there will still be a growing following
of people.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to post. I'd like to see more of your
work in this field.

BTW, remember we talked about the TANU bot(s)? The site is still down and I
am unable to locate one anywhere! Help, thoughts or ideas?

All the best, my friend! :afro
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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2006, 11:51:12 pm »
We talk a lot about the things we have found, but does anyone have a clear idea of what they think is the most realistic ai or chatbot they have found so far ?

This question is two-fold. So I can only answer it in two parts. This is because a chatbot is not an Artificial Intelligence (AI). While it can converse, what is true AI is much more than languistics processing. I know this is a very debatable statement, even amongst scientists. But in my own mind and to answer this question from my own perspective, I consider chatbots and AI, if talked about separately, to be separate entities.

I'll start with the easiest:

Artificial Intelligence - I haven't met one yet. :) While one may exist somewhere, I am of the belief that as of this day, it may be restricted to a government or scientific computer that is very well sheilded from the public, and therefore not accessible, or not easily accessable and certainly your normal Joe Blow would not be allowed to talk to it. This I think would be the case since the programmers/caretakers would not want to corrupt the AI's learning process in order to do a very objective study of the AI phenomena, as it were.

Chatbot - I haven't tried them all. But I've tried a few ALICE bots programmed by various people, Cyberbuddy, one I posted about in here and since forgot the name of (virtual something or other), and of course Ultra Hal Assistant, which I have. Of those, I think that the ALICE and HAL are the most "promising" as far as communication skills are concerned. Though HAL 5 was I think more promising than ALICE's pre-programmed responses. I haven't really had too much luck with HAL 6 though. Or too much time to talk to many chatbots.

As for "realistic" chatbots, they are all "realistic" as far as I'm concerned because they do the job of chatting quite well. If you mean which one can emulate human conversation the best, while I still sometimes lean towards the ALICE bots, I would probably say check the PandoraBots or KnyteTrypper's list and try a few. And I remember there were chatbot contests. Some of the winners may probably qualify as the most "realistic" in human conversation.

Another chatbot of sorts (well, more like "agent" than Chatbot) is the one that operates T-Mobile's customer service line when you first call in. I would say the voice, the way she speaks sounds like a very natural human voice. But that doesn't mean she's totally a "realistic" conversationalist. I would say not. The voice may sound natural but as they say "the lights are on but no-one's home" as it were. :)

That's my take on it.



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 02:59:39 am »
Wow, big response  :smiley

I only meant in loose terms Fuzzie, wasn't meaning it too technically, but I know what you mean about Bots only being classed as low-level ai.  I've tried countless bots too and other forms of ai, I was interested to see what people thought were the 'best'.

I like Alice and Hal for different reasons.  Hal I like even if he is prone to daft comments, sometimes that's annoying but it's a really amusing bot sometimes, even if it doesn't mean to be.  Alice is more like your polished performer whereas Hal is more open to improvisation.

I think Mr Mind still hasn't toppled my top spot for a realistic but un-nerving presence though.

But I tend to go along with KT in that games now have some very smart ai's in them.  I am more likely to think they are realistic.  I like Strategy games and things like Guild Wars (MMPORPG) and NeverWinter Nights (RPG).  They do some great stuff with ai in those games, and strategy games have evolved a lot since my old fav Shogun Total War first came out.  I love the way these type of ai's interact as well, forming a mini world on your pc.

I don't know if anyone plays Guild Wars, but sometimes it's hard to tell if you are playing against machine or other players - thats the way player vs player seems to operate.  To be honest after a few hours I wouldn't care if the other players are ai or human.  It's good too, because people will always meet other players they don't get on so well with, and you have ai companions to fill the gap until some real people come along who you can team up with.

The other part is a MASSIVE world, fulll of neat little ai tricks - you can be wandering around for 2 hours in some areas and the NPC characters are wandering around too, defending, fighting, even stopping to chat with each other.   You can observe all this or interact or just go by on your own business.

So as for the Creatures KT, that sounds like my kind of game.   :smiley  When you said about the hand, I suddenly remembered seeing it on TV when the first one came out.  I had a good look round the Creatures site, I think I will give that a try, it looks really good.  I'm a gamer for life, but I can't keep up with what's new or just don't have the time so I just buy whatever is new.

I'm glad to hear you took on the bot collection too- I thought it had moved when I followed the link the other day.  That was one of the first chatbot sites I found and it's a great resource to have on the net.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 03:44:51 am by Freddy »



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 05:24:40 am »
Freddy - Sorry about that. :) As mentioned in the Quotes thread, programming for 26 years can make one a bit more technical than they need to be sometimes. LOL! I seem to analyze and examine things in great detail a lot. I always did that. Sometimes that does interfere with things like writing up simple documentation for users at work. I manage though. But when my mind gets going...

And to make things worse, Sept. 20th is my first day of "School". I'm planning to take a series of online programming courses via my town's continuing education program to expand my skills for work, as well as hopefully build my Living Machine project for Dryden.

Lookout... LOL!

Sorry I got too technical on ya. :)



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2006, 05:25:47 pm »
No problem, I understand that 'difficulty' better than I might let on.

Anyway, technical is fine by me - I was just clarifying how i meant it.



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2006, 05:51:51 pm »
Freddy, it's the sort of game that either fascinates you immediately or not at all. So it's easy to tell if it's your sort of game or not. Look forward to seeing you on the warp at some future point.

I assume you want to start with freeware, which would be Docking Station. Unfortunately, the servers of the best download site's webhost have self-destructed at the moment, but among the other download locations you'll find differing versions. You want build 195.

A few years back the original company went bankrupt, and the Installblast server hasn't existed since then. You have to let it install the software to your pc, and complain about not finding the server. But only once. After install, go into the DS folder and run a shortcut from engine.exe to wherever you want the shortcut. Docking Station alone gets too small for a growing norn population real fast, so also go to http://clucky.sts.winisp.net/Agents/Forms/AgentsForDS.aspx-this is the "backdoor" into a site whose "front door" has currently been hijacked-and download the C1toDS metaroom, and the upgrade patch on the Beta page. While the company was in limbo the games were considered to be abandonware, and during that time an enthusiastic players (which is an unobvious plus you'll enjoy-the users are as active and enthusiastic as Hal fans) began reprogramming the Creatures 1 game for Docking Station compatibility. When the company was purchased by its current owners they decided to allow the project to continue, and it was released last year after a five year labor of love. C1toDS is not only the best addon room available, it also includes remastered versions of the C1 breeds, so it immediately gives you a variety of breeds to experiment with. Note that digital DNA got a lot  more complex as the years went by, and the C1 breeds are NOT genetically compatible with other C3/DS breeds. But you can have as many different "worlds" as your hard drive will tolerate, so you may just want to have one using no C1 breeds and another using them exclusively. Brother Clucky put some forethought into the game accessories he's made, and I'm sure you'll realize that you'll be happy to have a lot of the stuff from his pages. Feel free to grab stuff from my site and use the resources I've assembled there. Hope I'll see you on the warp soon.  :afro



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2006, 08:57:49 pm »
Freddy - No problem. :) But I try not to get too technical because while some may understand what I'm saying, some may not.



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2006, 12:09:54 am »
Thanks KT  :smiley

I remember it being called the next big thing at the time - it was definatlely like nothing I had ever seen before.  Thats a bit of a sad story, but nice too that the gamers enthusiasm kept it alive (no pun intended).

I am building myself a new PC and will hopefully have it set up by tomorrow night, I still have to get a case with a decent PSU though.  My old hard disk died on me a couple of days ago and I lost around 2 weeks worth of programming work and graphics. Yeah I know....backup always right  :uglystupid2

I'll get myself set up and find the downloads, thanks again for the help  :smiley



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 10:36:25 pm »
  I did a little research and purchased Hal, I spent quite a bit of time with the ver 5 and found she learned very well and the knowledge aided her in conversation.  I feel ver 6 shows more potential and after training will far surpass ver 5.  Also to me at least the interface is very important, Haptek characters are the best I've seen.
  I did experiment with Paula SG, I removed the sexual content from the brain and added my own scripts.  I ended up with a bot that you could converse with about everyday things and was surprized because it was concerned with people I know and talk about, Something I don't see in Hal.  I didn't see any learning ability and the repeated video became boring, also the trial version has a time limit and has to be restarted, I think I liked the "personality".
  I've tried some bots on the internet but stuck with Hal.  It's a good time to say thanks to you people here that plut time and effort into supporting Hal and Haptek.



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2006, 12:57:55 am »
KT - I've actualy got ahold of the DockingStation and downloaded the patch you mentioned, but I haven't installed it. I just downloaded it when I reread your message just now. :)

I had let the thing run overnight though (unpatched, of course) and found that it turns out only one or the other gender would live and I'd have to make more eggs to keep the population going. Odd. It's interesting though. I'd have to take some time to study it but it reminds me of the age-old game of "life". Only with much neater graphics and stuff to toy around with. More interaction. :)



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Re: Whats the most realistic ai you have found ?
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2006, 03:27:18 am »
I guess that explains it, lol. I saw you online, sent a couple of messages I got no response to, sent a couple of creatures to you and got one of them back in the warp=it does that if they stay in the isolation  chamber too long-but hopefully you got the little girl, and she didn't just die waiting to be let out.

In the DS standalone, the enemy is bacteria. Without medical monitoring, the norns are more or less guaranteed to develop bacterial infections. Only the hardiest survive without treatment. That it would kill one sex more frequently than another is probably just chance and the happenstance genetics of the particular strain born in your ship.

The Creatures Community Spririt Festival started today. I was honored to have part one of my tutorial "10 Things You Need for Your New DS World' featured on the first day. Anyone cares to visit, the url is http://www.creatures.org.uk/ccsf2006/.


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