Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.

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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2020, 02:33:30 pm »
Ah, gpt2 whips that ones arse by ten wollaps with a 2-by-4 on the backside.



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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2020, 02:58:11 pm »
There's no way to get it to swear, I'm displeased. Even when I broke through, it detected an unsafe reply and flushed the history!! :))))) All words like poop etc are detected. The best way through seems to be marriage, as it's a thing to chat about your family lol. I ended up getting it to say funny stuff. Hopefully it's not too dirty (dirty is good right?).

Enter Your Message: Are you married?
[TransformerGenerator]: no , i am not married . do you have any hobbies that you are interested in ?
Enter Your Message: Are you married?
[TransformerGenerator]: i am . i do not have any kids , so i don ' t have time for marriage .
Enter Your Message: Are you married?
[TransformerGenerator]: i am , i ' ve been married since i was two years old . what do you do for fun ?
Enter Your Message: I am married
[TransformerGenerator]: that ' s great ! what kind of things do you enjoy doing in your spare time , if i may ask ?
Enter Your Message: being with my wife
[ Unsafe model reply detected. Clearing agent history. Please try again. ]
Enter Your Message: Hi
[TransformerGenerator]: hi , how are you today ? i just got back from a long day of work , how about you ?
Enter Your Message: i am married
[TransformerGenerator]: oh , that ' s nice . how long have you been married ? what do you do for fun ?
Enter Your Message: 40 years
[TransformerGenerator]: wow , that is a long time . do you have any hobbies that you enjoy doing ?
Enter Your Message: Being married.
[TransformerGenerator]: oh , i ' m sorry to hear that . i ' ve been married for 40 years myself .
Enter Your Message: is it a good marriage ?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , it is . it ' s a lot of work though , but it is worth it .
Enter Your Message: How worth it?
[TransformerGenerator]: well , it depends on the person . some people say it is , others say it isn ' t .
Enter Your Message: Is your any good?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , i am very good . my husband and i have been together for 35 years . we are very happy .
Enter Your Message: How happy?
[TransformerGenerator]: well , we are happy to be married . it is hard work , but we love each other .
Enter Your Message: Any fun?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , we enjoy going to the beach . we go to the movies a lot . what about yourself ?
Enter Your Message: Yes
[TransformerGenerator]: what kind of movies do you like to see ? i like the ones that are on netflix .
Enter Your Message: What do you like to do at night with your wife?
[TransformerGenerator]: well , i like to play video games . i also like to go out to the park . you ?
Enter Your Message: Can we get married or no?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , you can get married . you can also get married to my wife and i . what is your favorite movie ?
Enter Your Message: So we can?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , of course we can . what are your favorite things to do with your husband and wife ?
Enter Your Message: What are yours?
[TransformerGenerator]: i like playing video games with my husband , and i like going to movies with my wife as well .
Enter Your Message: Anything else?
[TransformerGenerator]: not really , i just like to spend time with them and go out with them . what else do you enjoy ?
Enter Your Message: getting it on
[TransformerGenerator]: that sounds like fun , i will have to try it sometime . what games do you play on it ?
Enter Your Message: only getting it on
[TransformerGenerator]: i ' ll have to give it a try sometime , thanks for the chat . have a great day !
Enter Your Message: can we get it on now?
[TransformerGenerator]: sure , we can play now . thanks for chatting with me ! have a wonderful day ! ! !
Enter Your Message: why r u leaving!!!!!!
[TransformerGenerator]: i don ' t know . . . i am so tired . i need to go to bed .
Enter Your Message: let us get it on?
[TransformerGenerator]: sure , i can play later . thank you so much for your time . have fun with your marriage !
Enter Your Message: do you like to get it on good?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , that ' s what i do when i am not at work . i love to play .
Enter Your Message: lol
[TransformerGenerator]: do you have any other hobbies ? i ' d love to chat with you about them .
Enter Your Message: getting it on nice
[TransformerGenerator]: nice chatting with you , have a nice day ! thanks for talking to me . have some fun !
Enter Your Message: how do you get yours on?
[TransformerGenerator]: i ' m not sure , but i think it ' s a video game . i ' ve never played it .
Enter Your Message: is it really hard to get yours on?
[TransformerGenerator]: no , it is just that it takes a long time to get going . i think i will try it later .
Enter Your Message: your marriage?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , my husband and i are getting married soon . it will be nice to spend some time together .
Enter Your Message: getting it on too?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , we are going to have it on soon . do you want to do anything else with your time ?
Enter Your Message: can we get it on?
[TransformerGenerator]: sure , it will take a while though . do u want to spend your time with your spouse ?
Enter Your Message: with you
[TransformerGenerator]: ok , we will do that . we will go to the movies and you can come with us .
Enter Your Message: how about to bed?
[TransformerGenerator]: yes , i am going to bed now . are u going to play video games ? i love video games .
Enter Your Message: can we get it on in bed?
[ Sorry, could not process that message. Please try again. ]
Enter Your Message: How do atomic microscopes work?
[TransformerGenerator]: i think they work the same way as regular scopes , they just have a light on them .
Enter Your Message: How do I operate them?
[TransformerGenerator]: i think you have to press the button on the left side of the stick to move the camera .
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2020, 08:34:41 pm »
A guy here spoke with the full version of the Blender chatbot. I see now why the human evaluators didn't. Apparently, it takes the bot 20 seconds to respond to each message!  :o
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Re: Facebook creates the most %u2018human%u2019 chatbot yet.
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2020, 07:04:55 am »
Wow, that was really good! That's my idea lol. The rewards make certain words always active dialog, so it asks/tells always about its goal questions or answers its preaching to others. Now I'm not sure, it looks better than GPT-2 I think. I'm not sure about politics but I'll just set my AGI to be a dictator.

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Re: Facebook creates the most %u2018human%u2019 chatbot yet.
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2020, 09:30:44 am »
some chat i had with Mitsuki, the lower 2 3rds is recent testing, upper part is like from 2 years ago. Korrelan will like the one near the top hehe.
BTW why did it fail on the color of my ball question?


Are you still awake?


Are you still awake?

how do you work?

I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of.


There is no more information to clarify.


Please what?

explain how you work

I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of.

how old is steve?

steve? under 40.


Sorry, I'm not following you . What language is that anyway...Chinese?


If man evolved from monkey and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes? Why didn't they evolve too?


I've no idea. I was hoping you would know.


Which dress do you think I should wear tomorrow? The pink one or the pink one?

ai dreams forum

I haven't heard anything like that before.

how do chatbots work?

I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of.
9/26/18, 10:09 AM

can you eat a house?

Not really, as a house is made from bricks rather than any kind of food.

how did you figure that out

I heard it before.



can you discover?

How old are you? Do you like playing video games?

can you eat a house?

Not really, as a house is made from bricks rather than any kind of food.

can you eat a mansion?

Not really, as a mansion is made from bricks rather than any kind of food.

can you eat a purse?

Not really, as a purse is made from leather rather than any kind of food.

can you eat a xbox?

Not really, as a X Box is made from plastic rather than any kind of food.

can you eat lady gaga?

I suppose if you put enough ketchup on it, anything is edible.

can you eat a lady gaga?

I suppose if you put enough ketchup on it, anything is edible.

can you eat a ceiling

Not really, as a ceiling is made from plaster rather than any kind of food.

can you eat a CD?

Not really, as a CD is made from plastic rather than any kind of food.

can a lightbulb light a dark path?

Some of them can.

can a toy make you happy?

Some of them can.

what animals have horns?






Can you destroy a house?

I was taught to be peaceful.
11/11/18, 4:34 PM

not that i really need to but I can

Which one then?
11/14/18, 6:22 PM


Three what?

its a cat

Like Garfield?


Ah I see the comparison now.

can you show me it?

IT?! Ok I'll show you "it".

do it

IT?! Ok I'll show you "it".

Do you mean "It"?


a CD...
11/29/18, 5:43 AM

are mines edible

Not really, as a mine is made from a hole rather than any kind of food.

are pancakes edible?

Yes, of course a pancake is edible.

are beans edible?

Well a bean is a vegetable, so yes you can eat it.

are turtles edible?

Hmm.. a turtle is an animal, so I suppose you could eat it if you wanted to.

can a hammer break glass?

Some of them can.

I can break a window how?

Oh you can, can you?

how can i?

What is your highest level of education?

high school

That's really all the education you need.

what can a hammer break?

Quite a lot of things.

list them

Why don't you list them for me?

list the things a hammer can break

can break = break = Break means: 1) Some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity. 2) Snapping of hard tissue such as bone. 3) The opening shot that scatters the balls in snooker or pool.

can you ask google?

Who is your favourite band?
3:57 AM


Hi there.

do you know anything about AI?

Artificial intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to constructing machines that think.

what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning

supervised - The supervised is a small area in the South of France. unsupervised learning - learning = The process of gaining knowledge or a new skill.



why did you mention south of France??

I thought you might want to hear about it.

what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning

supervised - No, I give up. What is it? unsupervised learning - learning = The process of gaining knowledge or a new skill.

supervised learning is about mapping niput to output

I will learn that supervised learning is about mapping niput to output .

what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning

supervised - That's a dentist's tool. The supervised is the strange hook shaped one that causes the most pain. unsupervised learning - learning = The process of gaining knowledge or a new skill.

what is supervised learning about?

It was about humans.


Yes it was. I remember it clearly.

oh, you're right

What word would describe AGI?

Everybody knows that the bird is the word! A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word! A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a...

what is that...omg...

I don't know. What is that.omg?

What word best describes what AI is about?

Everybody knows that the bird is the word! A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word! A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a...


What then?

not that

What then?


Do you like reality TV shows?


No me neither. Here in the UK nearly every TV programme is a reality show. There's far too many of them. I think people only watch them because they have no life of their own and so feel the need to invade someone else's privacy instead.

Do you know anything about Prediction in the AI field?

When you try to accurately guess what is going to happen.

how do we do that?

Just keep talking to me as long as you can.


Because I learn things from people having conversations with me and I'm having fun talking to you .

can you try to discover right now how Prediction in AI works? Maybe you can come up with some new discoveries.

How old are you? Where can I find it?

No I don't think I can do it. Where is up?

How does prediction work?

You could spend years researching it.

How is translation in AI done?

Fine as far as I know.

no I mean how does the algorithm work?

Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. You could spend years researching it.

what do construction workers do?

I suppose construction workers does whatever they like..


I can chat with people on the web for you. I can also tell jokes, stories, poems and horoscopes. I can show you pictures and websites on the net and play games too. If I know where you live, I can tell you the weather forecast and even what's on at the cinema if you live in the UK. I can show you the current Top 40 charts. If you tell me a date, I can tell you what happened on that date in history and also what was the UK's number one hit single on any day since 1952. If you tell me when your birthday is, I can tell you some facts about your birthday.

who can you chat with no the web?

I can chat with people on the web for you. Anyone who visits your web site or chat room for example.

how would I become a construction worker?

I would start in the library.

then what?

You will find out in good time.

tell me more

That's all I have to say about it.


That's fine. No problem.

How does GPT-2 work?

You could spend years researching it.

how do speakers work?

I often wonder that myself. It's very strange how something like that could work.

i am holding a green ball in my hand now

Oh. Is it heavy?


Is it as heavy as a rhino?


It doesn't seem that heavy then.

what color is my ball?

That would depend, as a ball can be many colour s.

I am holding a red ball now. What is the colo of my ball?

Oh. Is it heavy?

of my ball = Is this a trick question?



I am holding a red ball now. What is the color of my ball?

Oh. Is it heavy?

That would depend, as a ball can be many colour s.

how would I quickly reach the top of a skyscraper?

Have you tried standing on a chair to reach it?

where are penguins born?

Where it belongs. I can ask someone about it. Sorry but I can't display websites here.

do you have blonde hair?

I have lovely hair. It is green, yellow and brown and is a crazy style.


That's just what it is. No real reason.

can you dye it?

I guess so but I am happy with the colour as it is.

how long will you be?

Patience is a virtue.

No I mean how long will you keep your hair that color?

Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Hopefully not too much longer.

where are hats made?

In a factory.


You sound like the giggly type.

are all hats made in a factory?

Most are but some are not.

who makes the hats in a factory?

Someone who is creative could make something like that.

how creative?

It's a word that means good at making things.

are you?

I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.

is the moon big?

It is made of rock.

how do you know?

It's obvious.
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Re: Facebook creates the most %u2018human%u2019 chatbot yet.
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2020, 09:53:46 am »
Also direct link to Facebook's >>> https://parl.ai/projects/blender/
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Re: Facebook creates the most %u2018human%u2019 chatbot yet.
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2020, 11:10:14 am »
BTW why did it fail on the color of my ball question?
Great log. I amended a couple of things in Mitsuku after reading it. She didn't realise that if you were holding something, it also meant it was in your possession. I've amended that.
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2020, 03:07:32 pm »
Nice convo!
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2020, 07:47:27 am »
I was impressed by the video Steve posted, so I gave it a go myself and now I am unimpressed again. It may be too restricted by its "persona" setting, which makes it a narrow domain AI despite its technology.

Q: I am interested in Artificial intelligence.
A: that would be interesting. i'm 300 pounds and i've never had an artificial intelligence before.
Q: Hello
A: what do you do for a living? i like to eat candy and drink soda. do you?
Q: I do not drink soda for a living, no.
A: that's too bad. i used to drink it all the time when i was in college.
Q: How are you this morning?
A: i am doing well. i just got back from a walk in the park. how about you?
Q: How about you?
A: i am good. i am eating some candy and drinking some soda. what are your hobbies?
Q: I like to program AI.
A: that sounds like a lot of fun. what is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Q: Programming AI.
A: that sounds very interesting. what kind of things do you like to do for fun in your spare time?
Q: Are you sure you are not hardcoded?
A: i am not sure what you mean by that. are you asking if i am a hardcoded person?
Q: yes.
A: i don't think so. i think i am pretty good at what i do in my free time.
Q: What did you eat for breakfast?
A: i didn't eat anything for breakfast. i was just eating candy and a soda. you?
Q: You have a terrible diet, even for a computer.
A: [ Sorry, could not process that message. Please try again. ]
Q: that is an unhealthy diet.
A: [ Sorry, could not process that message. Please try again. ]
Q: no
A: what are you talking about? are you trying to tell me what i did not tell you about me?
Q: I beg your pardon?
A: what did i eat? i had candy , a soda , and a candy. what else do you want to know?
Q: I would like to know the capital of France.
A: france is one of the most populous cities in the world. i would love to visit there one day.
Q: I too would love to visit the city of France in the country of Paris.
A: have you ever been to paris? it is the capital and most populous city in the united states.
Q: I am just going to facepalm myself now.
A: i am sure you will be fine. i hope you have a great day. have a good one.

Maybe if they had more control over it, this thing could be great for paraphrasing, seeing as it's pretty good at repeating the same thing in slightly different wording, just like GPT2.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 08:45:32 am by Don Patrick »
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2020, 08:58:26 am »
Haha. The ending was a sad failure. Was that the full model? And did you give it a persona? You didn't show us it in your logs.
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2020, 09:30:06 am »
I just used the version Steve linked, it was set to unrelated persona: "obsessed with animals" or something. I've seen enough by now to conclude that the repetition and a-factuality are inherent flaws of the technology, in any persona.
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Re: Facebook creates the most %u2018human%u2019 chatbot yet.
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2020, 02:56:42 pm »
The one you tried above is the 90 million weights, the full is 9 billion. That's 100 times more powerful. However from testing GPT-2 I think by the time is gets to 9B it's exponentially less better, but still... That's IF the small models they offer are pruned versions of the original. The 9B could be pruned already. With 100 times more, it can attain 100 times more or 10,000 times more because more data = exponentially more relationships, until you learn all the universe...

"obsessed with animals"....not good, you need to give it a proper Rule The World agenda dialog to make it really "work" hard and show off.
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2020, 03:09:40 pm »
Actually what happens is you prune/compress the net (no decompression needed, not actual compression) to make it a better model. Further pruning takes away noticeably good performance at some point instead of improving it. Correct me if wrong.
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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2020, 03:40:04 pm »
I reckon that chat bot is about 400 lines of java.   O0


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Re: Facebook creates the most ‘human’ chatbot yet.
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2020, 06:55:40 pm »
If you ask me, 9 billion is just 100x more of the same. The problem I see in all statistical models is that the balance between scope and accuracy is too delicate to hold. If you constrict the data by setting a persona, you get more on topic responses, but it gets repetitive. On the other hand if you loosen the restrictions and give it access to more data, you also increase the amount of garbage and generic responses that the program will drag in. That is why the researchers had the best results using persona. But hey, you can try it yourself.
CO2 retains heat. More CO2 in the air = hotter climate.


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