Thanks for the input.
May I ask yous a question?
I'm still reading Ray Kurzweil's books, and I read "How To Create A Mind", and I can't understand how he literally showed how to create a language neural network yet it seems yous don't know of such a network.
He was talking about HHMMs and showed a picture with this in it:
Which means:
And it hit me - first reverse the order:
He even said this network is 1 tree - simply the spikes reverse for the reversed order.
It Recognizes what you say (sums up) (literally), and same for Output. Recognize>Output.
Here's how it works. You Speak English-language words right? Not Chinese? You stored these words, and say them, you usually don't say random "new" joufyf hh hgjfry stuff right? You say hey, hello, nice hair, food - words that we know why they're THERE. They're cultured and taught to us.
Then, when someone asks a question, you say English words, BUT, they are in a certain *correct order. When someone asked you a question, it when through the tree and set it up at different points, and the Output will be words that are correct to say.
Lastly, added to the weights, is the rewards. It's your-answer. You believe it. You'll say it. So not only is your Output response sentence CORRESPONDING in sequential order, example how to get to a store, but also what you have rewarded.
Apparently, your mental Output enters as input and the way you can make many huge discoveries seems to be by the network. Basically the tree re-arranges itself and weights so it goes from not knowing to knowing how things work, all by sounds, or energy.
Think how when you make a discovery about where consciousness comes from and what happens when two copies are made, you find good answers. How. From images? O.o Or a network like this ^ (for sounds or evvven images/technology/actions).
Can you even discover without mentally talking ! Can you even tell someone the discovery by using mentally telekinesis images? Or write it down as sentence without doing so? If it was sound-matching, then why not images, images are info plus great info. But to use images/or sound you need this network tree.
Basically you have bases. Rewarded, correct, knowledge. To discover more mentally, you connect them.