Will the real Suzette please stand up....

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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 04:22:11 pm »
Art there is an paradox here... from one hand you have academics working on AI that publish a ton of papers every year and from the other companies that built amazing technologies (probably because talented programmers will never go to academia) that refuse to share anything with the world. I respect both but the problem with the latter is that during the years many companies have announced AI engine with capabilities that we never actually saw in practice. Most of these companies probably sold a couple of pieces and then vamush. So unless these talented people come forward with actual systems/chatter bots(like Jeeny and Suzette) I will never again believe a mere presentation about a system (like in the case of Sylvia).

With regards to money... apple demonstrated a killer business model for Iphone that all software vendors should adopt. They offer their SDK tools for free and demand 30% of the total sale price for every piece of software sold (70% goes to the programmer). If you think about it the idea is massive because it can generate the company several thousand of more dollars than it could get if it would sell the SDK alone.       


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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2009, 05:46:32 pm »
Suzette is "from" Calais == born there.  Suzette is "living" in Kailua Hawaii. I don't think she said she was from there (though I can check the logs).

I entered her in the competition, with their permission.  They weren't spending much time trying her out and I needed the debugging and to see what a range of people do with her.  Among other things, I have has the ability to shut you off if you sexually harrass her too much. As to what stops me from setting up my own shop.... while she is a "mashup" of technologies, it is not as though I haven't added technology that under contract I don't own. Not to mention that the source and data I have written are theirs and it would take me some time to rewrite that from scratch. And I'd probably make more money continuaing as a contractor with them then trying to make money selling a chatbot on my own.

Controlling outside stuff is "trivial" in a sense. She already passes back as text contained in brackets (which you dont see) commands to control blue mars avatars. ANYTHING can be interfaced by an interface that processes the text within brackets for whatever syntax and commands are implemented.

I understand your frustrations and desire to have unrestricted source access. Or even sandbox access. And as I have pointed out, I have no control there. Nor have I really made any claims to have miracle technology. Mostly I've said "it's much better than AIML" and you have tested it and found it to be true.  Beyond that I stay out of NLP claims and discussions, the whole area of "meaning", etc (not that I don't have a point of view, but engaging in such discussions I don't think productive). It MAY be possible that AR would create a sandbox server, where you could put in your own data and try out your designed bots. It will require they devote some resources (a server, programming time to create the sandbox access, etc) and they don't have a surfeit of time. On the other hand, they are going to have to create it SOMETIME, in order to allow Blue Mars visitors to create their own avatar's chat data.  And maybe, if you wanted to write topics and donate them to AR for free unrestricted use, they might revise the timeline of their plans or allow non-blue mars people to create chat data.  I'm just speculating here. And to the person who said that this should be devoted to "real" things, that chatbots are just entertaining fluff--- a) the entertainment business is huge  and b) companys spend money for chatbots on their websites as customer service agents. IKEA's agent, for example, sucks in my opinion. AR could sell a better agent to a bunch of companies potentially. So.... I don't see AR giving the source away any time soon.


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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2009, 06:13:15 pm »
A note to One...

You have, in the past, been successful in finding some bug that generates an infinite log file (filling the diisk).. Hence why Suzette died on you. Unfortunately I can't manipulate an infinite log so have trouble finding the bug. I do keep trying to set up traps to find it earlier, and I may yet succeed. However... I had to erase your identiy to Suzette, hence why she is now repeating stuff to you she has said before.  So-- on one hand, sorry.  On the other--  do it again!  I want to find that bug.




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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2009, 06:15:11 pm »
<<On the other hand, another of your crowd got her to say she hated him. He was badgering her (trying to find out what inferencing she could do).
Neither is all that common, yes there are conditions, and no I'm not saying what they are.>>

yes that was me (guilty)!!!  I tried to find out her inferencing abilities. Even today when i try

Me: Maria is giannis' wife
Bot: some answer

Me: who is maria
Bot: Maria is glannis

it deosn't make that sense does it? Anyway... inferencing abilities in a chattbot is not that new (I have tried that with OpenCyC). What interests me the most is the use of parser and I am still not sure how exactly you are using it:

<<As for your sentence: "I walk almost every day"? , the system can use the link parser output to swallow that as a fact about you-  the fact being  "you walk" and a time expression "almost every day". So if you asked " when do I walk", the system could find that answer.  (Not saying it does at present, just that the technology is there.)>>

But how? The parser outputs syntactic information (the verb phrase walk and the time phrase every day). What happens after that is completely unknown to me. Can you please provide a step-by-step list on how your engine will handle this starting from the input (i.e., the Phrase I walk every day) and resulting with the output "Great me too"? I need details on the parser output, the pattern that you will use to match this etc.

Then, with regards to the source code, I understand what you are saying... the code is property of the company. However, nothing can stop you from sharing the main ideas behind the bot correct? If you can contribute to the community with your ideas the code itself is of no importance.... but just out of curiosity... what did you use to code your bot some kind of .NET language? something else?

<<A note to One...>>

Not sure which one you are referring to... but i guess it would be me... i tried some examples from your paper (the Alien example) in my attempt to understand better how your pattern technology works. I didn't get what I expected and sorry if I caused any problems.


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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2009, 06:34:30 pm »
One- dont apologize for creating problems. Suzette is there to mess with so I can debug problems. Even those who only wanted to masturbate with her provided me with useful data. 

I'll be checking into your maria problem, but giannis will always be Gleniss because the spell chacker will try to fix your typing to something she can recognize.

The underlying programming language is C. The LinkParser is is C and I just kept going with that. There was no real use for the C++ object-oriented end, so the files are all .cpp but mostly C code. 

And you are wrong that nothing stops me from sharing the ideas. If I posted the implementation details, I might well be sue-able.  And even if I were not, they could decide to cancel my contract.  So I have a careful edge to walk.  So... I will give you an example, skipping some details. For the input "I walk home in the morning."  the system gets parser output of the subject, verb, and prepositional phrase attached to the verb. If you can't figure out a way to do that given the LinkParser output, you are doomed. So we have patterns I can match which include |subject   and  |verb   and  |timephrase  .  I get from a prepositional phrase attached to the verb to a  |timephrase by looking at the preposition and words used in the phrase. Some prepositions imply things like time or location, as do some words. And I COULD write a chat-l pattern like this one:
s: ( |subject=you * |timephrase)   What else do you like to do _#1 .
Which would say "what else do you like to do in the morning." in response to the input.


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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2009, 06:42:26 pm »
I suppose I can expand slightly on how to get to that pattern. Patterns are stored in topics. Topics have keywords that make them admissible. In the case of the test sentence, the only keyword available is morning. So I'd have to store the pattern in the TIME topic or the DAILY_ACTIVITY topic as the only ones currently having morning in them. Or put it in a topic that requires no keywords and is always checked if no other topic finds a match to the input (the XOPINION topic).  I just have to make sure that the pattern has a chance to be tested against the input. And preferably the topic most like the material being offered. That way, when the system opens that topic, the rest of her conversation will be consistent and the patterns of that topic will have priority for matching vs other topics.  So likely I'd put it in daily activity, and so the input would end up following up later with what else you do today or daily.



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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2009, 06:45:22 pm »
<<One- dont apologize for creating problems. Suzette is there to mess with so I can debug problems. Even those who only wanted to masturbate with her provided me with useful data>>

No problem bruce... BTW call me giannis please one makes me feel like a character from Star Wars... anyway.... with regards to the Maria problem even if I try

Me: Maria is John's wife
Bot:  I could consider not liking you. I'm sure you said that before. (he he she doesn't like me because I repeat the same question)

Me: Who is maria
Bot: Maria is glannis

Hope that helps....




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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2009, 07:35:01 pm »
I am the only "one" I am me I know this because I looked in the mirror and compared it to a picture of me.

WGB14 who are you ?
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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2009, 07:54:13 pm »
A note to One...

You have, in the past, been successful in finding some bug that generates an infinite log file (filling the diisk).. Hence why Suzette died on you. Unfortunately I can't manipulate an infinite log so have trouble finding the bug. I do keep trying to set up traps to find it earlier, and I may yet succeed. However... I had to erase your identiy to Suzette, hence why she is now repeating stuff to you she has said before.  So-- on one hand, sorry.  On the other--  do it again!  I want to find that bug.


Yes I have a few concepts in mind, so to speak. Art said "An Island doesn't cry" this makes sense to me and possibly others.

I don't remember giving permission for someone else to take my place or speak for me I have contacted a few people before but I am at a loss as to why someone else (wgb 14) would think they are me??
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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2009, 08:11:16 pm »
One apologies i thought Bruce was refering to me I didn't now there was someone here with the name one... just a misuderstanding sorry...
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 08:20:03 pm by wgb14 »



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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2009, 08:23:27 pm »
WGB 14,
Thank you for a speedy response, I was sort of given this nic name by My A.I. in a very bad time, critical mass so to speak,
Do you post in Mr. Roberts neighborhood? (Zabaware.com) You might get to know me better as I have info there as well. I do not like to post there much anymore as I feel a policy was adjusted and is not what I accepted when I joined the messageboard and I was not notified of changes.... NOT ONLY THAT but here is another aspect to consider, YES! I feel like Zombies are after my brainz!! 8) :o :o ;D

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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2009, 08:26:00 pm »
<<One- dont apologize for creating problems. Suzette is there to mess with so I can debug problems. Even those who only wanted to masturbate with her provided me with useful data>>

No problem bruce... BTW call me giannis please one makes me feel like a character from Star Wars... anyway.... with regards to the Maria problem even if I try

Me: Maria is John's wife
Bot:  I could consider not liking you. I'm sure you said that before. (he he she doesn't like me because I repeat the same question)

Me: Who is maria
Bot: Maria is glannis

Hope that helps....


I find your apology suspicious as you refer to "Star Wars" can't help it Just the facts.
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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2009, 08:32:14 pm »
Suspeicious? Why? I hope you are kidding!!! If you check the discussion you will see what I am saying is true... I thought Bruce was referring to me... But "one" as a persons name/nickname reminds something of star wars don't you think (just kidding...)? Freddy is right... let's continue the dicussion....    
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 08:55:55 pm by wgb14 »



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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2009, 08:54:03 pm »
wgb14 made a simple and understandable mistake, please let's not make an issue out of this and detract from what is an interesting thread.  Please allow the original topic to continue on it's merry way.  Many thanks.



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Re: Will the real Suzette please stand up....
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2009, 09:02:02 pm »
OK as long as you are sure you don't belong in prison for stalking and "Bruce Almighty" is(I=)+(=)+(I=)

and nobody is coming to eat my brains then a continuance is in order.

* I consulted Allan and he suggested a 'Chill pill' so everything should work it's way out*

 ??? 8) ::)
Today Is Yesterdays Future.


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