So... in case somebody would want to try it, here is the procedure to set it up.
You'd go to the github repo, and download the zip. In the folder where you extract it, you would launch a "npm install", to install dependencies. Then "npm start" would start the command-line interface. To enter the natural language REPL, type the command "dce". From there, the REPL will show a JSON representation of the sentences you type.
It works only for simple present (no past, no future). The vocabulary is very limited, and it is hard-coded. You can still introduce
unknown words between square brackets, like this:
a [lion] is not always [hungry]
You can put fragments of sentences between parentheses to explicitly indicate the structure. Also, you
need parentheses for: and, or, whose, of, to.
This is intended to be an interface to something that has functionalities similar to
Description Logic, so don't expect it to parse Baudelaire
on the other hand, if you consider it's not parsing correctly something it should, please let me know so I can enhance it.
Here is the built-in vocabulary.
times time persons person years year ways way days day things thing women woman men man worlds world lives life hands hand parts part children child eyes eye places place works work weeks week cases case points point truths truth teams team numbers number groups group problems problem solutions solution facts fact tests test beliefs belief there here now jade time-thing time-things mind-thing mind-things world-thing world-things period periods change changes event events action actions concept concepts instance instances collection collections relation relations area areas object objects agent agents message messages meaning meanings inflected-form inflected-forms definition definitions context contexts synonym synonyms antonym antonyms derivative derivatives special-case special-cases abstraction abstractions member members part parts substance substances aspect aspects symbol symbols location locations neighbor neighbors cause causes posterior-event posterior-events next-event next-events overlapping-event overlapping-events sub-event sub-events first-sub-event first-sub-events last-sub-event last-sub-events prerequisite prerequisites obstacle obstacles desire desires intention intentions creation creations motivation motivations interface interfaces way-to-do ways-to-do purpose purposes capacity capacities saying says say said getting gets get gotten got making makes make made going goes gone go knowing knows known know takes taking taken take sees seeing seen see comes come coming thinks thinking think thought looks looking looked look wants wanting wanted want gives giving given give uses using used use finds finding found find tells telling told tell asks asking asked ask works working worked work seems seeming seemed seem feels feeling felt feel tries trying tried try leaves leave leaving left calls calling called call believes believing believed believe is are am being been accidentally actually always awkwardly beautifully briefly carefully certainly easily especially exactly frequently generally greatly happily helpfully honestly immediately lively mysteriously naturally often politely quickly randomly rapidly regularly seldom slowly suddenly thankfully unexpectedly unfortunately usefully voluntarily wrongly yesterday good new first last long great little own other old right big high low different small large next early young important few public bad same able true false