how should a start page help you

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Re: how should a start page help you
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2015, 01:06:24 pm »
I encountered a few bookmak managers when I was lurking about a start page a few months ago. I can't find any relevant now, but some of them (I think for Firefox) had an interesting crowdsourced option for sharing links among users. If you bookmarked something, you could have proposed a few other links for you, that other users bookmarked, based on similarity of user preferences.

Also it is possible to build a custom search engine (I think Google has some API-s  for this) that searches only pages that other people bookmarked or star-ed. That would raise a quality of search results a million, but you have to have a lot of users.

And, at the end, if you pass bookmarked pages through natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, you could build a high quality knowledge base for an answering machine. The code for parsing could be on client side, with starting processing in the background when users add pages to their collection. But whis would be highly experimental option, as there is only few NLP tools out there.

I don't know how all of this interferes with privacy, but maybe users would like it.



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Re: how should a start page help you
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2015, 10:27:17 am »
I'm not sure I agree about crowdsourced search engine, because I think you end up finding mainly what has already been found by others. We also need to discover things, don't we?

The community-of-users thing is globally a good thing!



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Re: how should a start page help you
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2015, 10:13:14 pm »
Hmm...does it really matter if some other people know something and you don't or simply haven't "discovered it" for yourself?

I haven't met the person who knows everything or who has seen or read it all.

Your last line mentions about the community of users yet you sound as if you don't agree with crowdsourced info like Wikipedia, for instance.

Just wondering what side you're on....
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!



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Re: how should a start page help you
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2015, 06:58:15 pm »
Hmm...does it really matter if some other people know something and you don't or simply haven't "discovered it" for yourself?

No, this doesn't matters indeed. What matters is... mainstream solutions everywhere, everytime, when other solutions exists. How could AIDreams get newcomers if the site doesn't pop up when you use your search engine?

Say, you made a good library, but no one knows about it. So no one rate it. So it doesn't pop up. So no one knows about it.

It's not about who discovered what. It's about giving a chance to new websites/libraries/whatever.

Now, I'm not saying that a star-system would be wrong, I just say that we should also take into account that new things can be good, even if no one knows about them yet.

Well I'm on both side maybe :)


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