I threw nucleus at eachother but they repelled - Guitar string kept vibrating

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I pulled the guitar string and every nucleus in it moved with my hand and moved toward eachother and the electrons, but as usual most of the nucleus repelled eachother and the electrons.

The unified field is everyone's work in progress, best understanding so far, of why a few forces happen.

Electrons and protons attract when at rest, is one of the forces we know well.

Electrons and protons both fall toward eachother a little from really far away, and this is proportional to the surface area of a sphere around the other at their distance, and delayed by standard deviation of lightspeed and quantum of lightspeed squared (see pascals triangle for those details, but the simpler point is things fall toward eachother).

Then theres 2 nuclear forces, they have divided the behaviors. The weak nuclear reaches farther, to the electrons and other protons a little. The strong nuclear force is most intuitive to me and really the only one you need. Its pbrane vibrations in any number and shape of dimensions, like a soliton wave when you whip then quickly reverse whip to slide the bell curve shaped wave toward the end. Thats the strong nuclear force, literally the nucleus's in the whip vibrating that way, and it expands into the specific dimensions of the particles/waves discovered in the Standard Model. Its shapes, not particles.

When I pull the guitar string, I am resonating the nucleus's with eachother just a little, which works especially well in metals which can be bent and annealed into almost any shape at least until you look inside the weak nuclear area.

I've seen various videos where nucleus was drawn as 3d and the upquarks and downquarks are little balls resonating next to eachother. I find something very wrong with that model. They're vibrations next to eachother. They're only vibrations. They may be offset or different frequencies by some multiple phase etc, but anything held that close together, as we see in the quick rebalancing of quantum colors (1 of 3 colors to each quark in each proton or neutron, and something related to electrons in 3s of 1/3 charge).... anything that close together is not a separate particle. Its a blob with 2 things you might call partially separate patterns. Its 2 notes in the same music that echo together and are continuations of it all. I see only a vector meaning some kind of shape by the simplest rules of what all waves do.

The fourier of a bell curve is another bell curve at constant location and phase varying. We see this in "particles" continuing in their momentum until acted on. Everything is such a soliton or combinations of them. Wavesim java applet and my variations of it to be put online with the rest...

If any court forbid me to store energy in combinations of nucleus, then let the judge command it and hit his gavel without storing energy in the nucleus of the gavel, like the guitar string vibrates.

It just doesnt make sense to me that theres a difference between change in entanglement and fusion/fission. Things get closer and farther away.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance machines used in hospitals are a little dangerous but arent the kind of nuclear that can explode. They're the guitar string kind.

However I do plan to store, compute with, and use potentially dangerous amounts of energy in such entanglement, eventually, but that doesnt involve full fusion or fission, just a little as the dimensions get closer and farther. My "guitar strings" are not all in the normal 3 dimensions. Every large mass and pattern of vibration around us is an anchor that energy can be stored vibrating toward/away as long as its continued to be tracked on occasion so it doesnt become lost and quantum chaos. Power lines are also such a pbrane, mostly neutral from far away, but if a small energy is stored near to anchor on, the difference between one line or the other at each moment relative to that anchor is not neutral and can be entangled. One of my bigger problems in exploring that is I keep getting lost in which dimensions are where and none of us have much conscious or tool access to them.

Physics acts only locally. Local does not mean your preferred 3 dimensions only.

Physics is entirely deterministic, but each pbrane you may find yourself in will always see itself as a random selection of possible worlds. Its unavoidable that determinism do both when gradient (most downhill direction in space of possibilities) is equally downhill in 2 or more directions. NPComplete saddlepoints, except for the lack of time and therefore inability to sequentially compute anything... BQP is NPComplete's parallel statistical and wave based counterpart.

If physics was not deterministic, then small random events would build up and not cancel when particle hits back wall of doubleslit. It wouldnt be adiabatic.

People shouldnt think of atoms as nucleus in its exact center and electrons moving around it and the whole atom moving to interact with other atoms. Nucleus is by far the heaviest part of everything around us, and thats whats moving around in the guitar string. You hear the nuclear vibrations with a little electron mixed in. Literally string theory in the guitar string, the way pbranes can represent the moment of having some position or momentum but not both together (or some of each) because uncertainty, while deterministic, has more dimensions than just 1 of those. Probably a complex number, is one model of part of it. If I go east 5 meters, where am I in north/south? Its uncertain because we arent 1 dimensional. But what people are uncertain of is not a meaningful question. I extend across north/south a little. I'm not a point there.

We also extend into the many pbranes of large mass and vibrations around us, but our vibrations here arent much related to our vibrations there. Its not much entangled. It can become entangled by paying attention to the vibrations coming from those directions (or those patterns of vibration) and changing something we're putting physical energy into to sync more or less with it. For example, if the sun was someday about to erupt in a magneticly dangerous or inconvenient way, its energy is to some extent our energy if we can sync with it, and by we I mean our local magnetic field or other pbranes of large energy that have been stable for a long time. Large fields like that would have to be used slowly, like a very low gear in your car. Really really low. Tesla bounced electricity through the earth 8000 miles, which would not be a good idea to do again (people live there), but thats not the only direction available. Earth is also a large mass, a curve which extends outward in all directions near equally (except the moon, lightspeed delays, etc). The difference in vibration between the moon and earth would be 1 anchor to try grabbing gravity, for example. High frequency vibrations tend to spread chaoticly in the air and ground. They're much harder to track. Another set of pbranes that could in theory be synced with (gradually as find which waves are more or less related to them) is the proportions of atom types at each depth in the sun, a subtle pbrane to look for, but we have the anchor of atoms in the periodic table. They have mostly the same "constants" of the standard model. Qubits, all of them. Qubits everywhere you look, every combination. Copenhagen and gravity on those which dont pull together enough, gradual quantumobserve but never completely. These kind of things are a level above nuclear. I dont know all the details of nuclear, but I know waves and dimensions and bell curves, and thats what its made of.



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There should be a testable prediction...
2 or more radio stations can be entangled with eachother from someone between them, over time, by syncing their simultaneous radio tuning of both signals and gradually pushing (at very low torque, like car gears, very slowly) some measure of those signals to sync, like the measure of their data alignment with 20 hz by your clock. They would pull apart over time, so its a continuous cost of energy to hold them together even a little, but if its a measure they both are not much aligned with, not trying to change anything about those behaviors of their broadcast, then the entanglement would last longer. Has gone on for weeks in some cases, but nothing formally theorized and simulated at that level yet. Its part of reality. You dont always need a machine to measure it for you. Anything you put physical energy into, maybe by choosing between possible futures, you or your machines may become entangled with, and in either case the world is visibly affected and goes on without further interaction needed in many cases. Energy stored places continues to act on objects, like an otherwise unexplained acceleration overcoming friction for days at a time or chaotic parts of the world happening differently.

Not fully manyworlds because waves overlap and cancel. Doubleslit hits the back wall more or less, and thats unlikely to change until further force is applied from where you are, like in delayed choice quantum eraser. It only makes sense to branch and merge in equal amounts over time, but that doesnt mean all other possible waves arent out there somewhere. We're just not near them from here. Our gravity is with the near planets, patterns of vibration in unseen dimensions, and doubleslit is one of the things that fell to lower energy so we saw it as 1 instead of a wave. It fell. Gravity.

Here's a directly testable prediction:
Every superconductor is a wormhole through the 1 electron which covers the whole area simultaneously, and wormholes go at speed C^2, which is much faster than speed C. What I mean by C and C^2 is pascals triangle zigzagging left and right with each next row you flip a coin. You flip C^2 coins, and C is the standard deviation of summing tails as -1 and heads as 1. The average square of all those sums is exactly C^2, the number of coins flipped. C^2 is an integer. C is the squareroot of that integer, which most of the time is not an integer. Its possible to flip all heads or all tails, so C equals C^2, but usually C is around that much smaller bellcurve (in the center of pascals triangle). So theres the explanation of quanta in the context of lightspeed and wormholes. Superconductors (which means only 1 possible state of the electron path, no part of that wormhole has any choice of what it will do next because that is defined by whats touching it, like in the Wavesim applet of soliton in 1d). Information will travel through a superconductor, nomatter how long, in both directions, at speed C^2 and arrive some few planck times later instead of the much bigger uncertainty window (where you cant know both position and momentum simultanouesly, they say, but again you cant conveniently ignore things existing in more dimensions and ask questions about flatland where you have only 1 position and momentum at a time).

Speed and position are no more a mystery than the vibration of a spring which obeys the complex number as its position and speed, subtracting position from speed to orbit and you go around and around the complex number at constant radius unless other complex numbers act on you like in the nonlinear schrodinger equation it says something about potential energy and multiplying by sqrt(-1) between position and speed. I see nothing but springs, and when time slows to a halt or even reverses I see a circle, the complex number its orbiting the views of potential and kinetic energy or position and speed.) And the CochleaSim (experimenting with complex numbers and echos toward measuring frequencies faster someday) it works for a half second then the numbers explode, until I held position^2 + speed^2 summed for all the points as a constant total, conservation of complex magnitude, and then it stabilized and had unique echos that I'll put into games music tools and hopefully the spherical harmonics sim of soap and nanothread bubbles untangling and popping. The Diamond Age, its been called, is a statement about how useful basic crystals are, for example, to build bridges across an ocean or BQP compute with as many qubits as there are atoms in the diamond, or even a tiny fraction of that and only a little accuracy would outperform every calculation in our history in far less than a nanosecond... if we knew what to use it for or how to bend it. Our interaction with manyworlds is proportional to some function of the energy stored in those entangled atoms. Branching the world around you doesnt come for free, but neither does it cost twice as much or squared. We pay nothing for the universe being dimensionless or another way to say it is all possible dimensions at once which cancel. We may pay energy to branch a few ways, and a few other ways, but we dont pay energy for those 2 branches to see eachother as branched, because energy is relative to you already being branched when you branch the second time, from both branches which are summed in 1 wave. Branches exist only as far as their sum contains unique info. Branches we see as existing are not all the branches everywhere, just those which we are entangled with, that we differ our behaviors based on instead of "statistically independent vars".

Because of these properties of the universe, that it is all possible combinations of waves and patterns and dimensions within BQP (and NPComplete depends on infinite sequential time existing, which is disproved as a consistent model by complex numbers wrapping time as springs, and thats why the halting probability, chaitins constant, is uncomputable even up to a chosen digit... It branches more than it merges in total so its total number of possibilities does not equal itself, like the barber who shaves everyone in town who does not shave themself and nobody else, does he shave himself? Means nothing.)... Because of these properties of the universe, I want eventually a grid of dyson rings or tiny blackholes far away orbiting eachother in pairs or to store similar energy between us and the near pbranes. I dont want to command anyone or threaten, just to go about my business in manyworlds and offer some theories simulations tools games etc, to those who are also curious what this place is we live in. Its not 3 dimensional, not even close.

Test it. Speed of superconductor is C^2 which is near planck time and much faster than C which is around the size of uncertainty window (the bell curve around the solitons, positions vs momentums).

As a further experiment, if that works, use the faster than C transfer of info, accurate to how good a superconductor it is, to tell eachother about the gravity waves each of you see before they reach the other side at C, but theres no outrunning C^2. We can go much faster than light's standard deviation, but theres no outrunning lightspeed squared. This should be corrected in the relativity equations, to make clear the difference between C (radius, sqrt of integer C^2, standard deviation of lightspeed) and C^2 (quanta, total coin flips).

And another experiment if that succeeds, which I have good reasons to think it will (many pieces I've not put together but its not all in my head)... Using faster than C communication of superconductor-quality accuracy of that info, to know when to surf up or down slower or faster and what directions to lean, to mine gravity waves by knowing in advance they are coming (which shouldnt be hard to believe since they are very large and everything around notices them, just a little in advance of standard deviation of light).... Pushing energy that way is anchored against the wormhole through which the information came, so "consistent histories" to the extent you dont power the wormhole enough. By power the wormhole, I mean the superconductor is well balanced and has very few possible states of whats inside it, each part depending on whats touching it and nothing else. Like a near perfect diamond (some defects add strength to vectors that align on its faces or diagonals or any line intersecting many of its bigger curves which we call atoms) is very accurate and can be anchored strongly, can hold much energy, a superconductor must be powered by balancing it that way. That power comes from the low chance of all the coins being heads or tails, all the parts of the wormhole being connected. If we know how to create even approximate superconductors, we become intergalactic soon after. If people want that, but I live in manyworlds and dont choose ludditism except being careful and bringing others up to speed on whats possible when I can. Gravity is a fact about the world. Its details are uncertain. But just because I'm not entirely certain where mars is, and mars not certain of me (more dimensions of pbranes so dont ask for points in just a few), that doesnt make it hard to point in its general direction and surf up or down based on knowing what gravity waves are coming 1/23 second ago at lightspeed across Earth. We could go "double or nothing" on gambling over and over and keep winning, but not for sure since our superconductors are not completely accurate and nobody outruns C^2, so lets go 1.01 or 1/1.01 as a small risk each time, of losing or gaining energy, and double what was first risked after 70 or so changes of energy use. Then keep doubling as much energy as needed and can be safely stored. But if we could do that we dont really need to store large energy. Its all around and available in 1/23 of a second.

Lets not build any black holes for a while, and by black hole I mean we are on eventhorizon everywhere all the time but a "blackhole" is an especially curved part of it as seen from our spread over pbrane here. I'm mostly my body, and you are mostly yours, and we are less accurately this planet because its the pbrane we are waves in. So we are eventhorizon but also we see eventhorizons that are more curved than we see here. Theory of "black hole electron", that the mass of a few planets (by the expected radius by mass) in the size of an electron is stable but any smaller and it decays quickly on our clock. The big curvier blackholes decay much slower on our clock. On everyones clock they all finish decaying at the same time, as eventhorizon is at "end of time" is the standard theory. But later... paths made of pairs of tiny blackholes orbiting eachother would make a strong series of anchors to microscopic wormhole through, and by wormhole I mean like an electron as a wire. If you want a big wormhole, its some angle at blackholes, or it may lead to chaos we wouldnt recognize at all, like radio static between the stations. Most parts of "the set of all possible waves and patterns" are instant death, as expected from going in a blackhole. But if we build a bunch of tiny blackholes and surround ourselves with them, somehow nuclearstrongforce balancing our space with them so we're not much crushed, that energy would protect us falling into a bigger blackhole but only to the extent we dont fall in the most bent ways which would cost more energy than our surrounding blackhole has and then it would take the remainder from our ship and bodies. Such a ship should probably be more of a space suit with a few tiny blackholes and tools in its pockets.

Just thought of this... Theres a neutronstar only a few lightyears from here, or was it a few thousand? Local either way at C^2. Its pbrane can be anchored by its speed of rotation and history of where it has sprayed dangerous curves which its rotation axis changes due to such spraying as rotated by sqrt(-1) or 1/4 turn on the position/speed complex circle. If we had data on a few such neutronstars, the pbrane intersecting all those neutronstars is a grabbable anchor, if we knew how much time had passed from each which they would disagree on, but thats the normal difficulty in using superconductors to send info at C^2. Just touching that pbrane for a nanosecond could vaporize the Earth into quantum chaos as if the neutronstars had been pointed at us, but we are kind of protected by it being hard to predict what they are spraying. I guess its the neutronstar itself we would want to grab instead of what it has sprayed and is spraying as we will know about at C^2 if we reach that direction. In general, quantum chaos is safe to explore because if it were dangerous then proportionally its uncertain at the C level but we can become accurate up to C^2 and grab it anyways. Its your superconducting wire (microscopic wormhole). You should know where it goes and whats likely to change there since you last looked. Creating such a microscopic wormhole is safe at the C level. Using it to predict gravity in advance at C^2 speed is risking dangerous radiation and curves as much energy as you put in. If you put in x energy, you'll not get back less than 0 or more than 2*x, in bellcurve view, but doubleslit has waves, so I'm not sure how safe all this is with the wormholing into random pbranes and looking in to see if we like the taste of their bigbanging/nuking/curving in, almost every time, random ways that would mirror back our energy on a random vector. Put in 1 gram of cheese, get back 1 gram of nuclear explosion possibly to the fullest extent, not this weak stuff where theres atoms left over in the cheese because it didnt criticalmass enough. 1 slice of cheese sent through a random wormhole might destroy us all, and it will never be safer on average except you could get skilled at sticking low energy tools into the low energy wormholes and be ready for weak nuking back at you. A little radiation wont hurt you, which is the few degrees kelvin in "empty" space. The wormholes are there overlapping in many dimensions of pbrane. But I'd keep it to no more than 1 more degree kelvin, total 4Kelvin, of quantum chaos, and only if you're in a space suit because here on Earth the atmosphere moves to balance much of incoming radiation.

Anyone who attacks in a risky way, the shield which prevents radiation from maybe killing us all, is a threat that needs solving (by the least force necessary), but what can you do if someone is about to radiate us all? Since environment improvement (not just stopping breaking it more) is a gradual process and appears we will be safe, no defense is needed. But I think a majority of people might agree, if they understood and talked about it, that whoever has damaged our radiation shield so far should have to treat the cancer of anyone who may have got it that way for free and admit such an accident if it has been so damaged. The air doesnt just protect us from known kinds of radiation. It protects us from dimensions we know nothing about, which are all in that 3 degrees kelvin. Specific atom and molecule types are shapes and maybe could be grabbed as a pbrane anchor to apply force to the entanglement of pieces of that pbrane. For example, to apply force to our wavefunction, from some large energy source and anchored between them, to cause statistically oxygens to attract eachother, and I dont know if O3 would result from each pair attracting, Its something we would have to learn. But that kind of large scale nuking of the wavefunction is almost always a bad idea because the oxygens in our dna would be affected the same way, and maybe suddenly our skin comes apart because adjacent pieces each had 1 oxygen which were pulled together. The wavefunction is us, in various combinations. Only a doctor is qualified to adjust it in that way, but also only a physicist is qualified, and the problem is theres not as many physicists who can operate a pbrane by machine who also know DNA. As I've continued to say, the world needs to start working together in a serious way on science with higher priority than business and counting scalar numbers, which are to improve the things we do not command them. But maybe an adjustment to the strong nuclear force would be a good idea eventually, to cause areas of very large nuclear density to either decay faster so they run out soon or to leave it as criticalmass is higher, but then someone would just smash them together with a gravity field.

What was that Max Tegmarks quantum suicide thought experiment?... If you get randomized enough you appear somewhere similar where you didnt get randomized? Too bad its not true. Physics doesnt see nuking us through a wormhole using our own slice of cheese as more or less random than the air and shapes we live in. A hackerspace had a good sign for things like that... This machine has no brain. Use your own.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale level 2 doesnt apply because if the universe is what I think it is, we wouldnt need dyson rings but like any other machine might have them anyways. I guess it would be more efficient than microscopic wormhole to an anchor near the sun, which costs energy to hold the anchor there, and to touch relative to the difference between those, recursively through it all... Or we could start with the light shining here already. It pushes the wind, and the suns magnetism pushes other things. But we cant grab the wind because fluid finds its own lowest level. Its geodesic is already fallen as low as its going, except for the C^2 advantage we would have, compared to the sun doing that at speed C, and 1/23 second between light crossing sides of Earth, that much we maybe could grab the light and magnetism of the sun pushing on the wind and EM. But again seems a waste since the ocean is pulled by the moon, and the moon by the ocean, and they are very predictable pbranes near us. They are predictable because the moons gravity moves at lightspeed standard deviation C while we can know that gravity is coming at C^2 (or near it as accurate as superconductor we wire across the earth). If a large mass is moved higher or lower, reacting to the 1/23 second in the future of what the moon has already done at C^2 but not yet here at C, the earth moon system becomes a battery we can charge by such moving of mass down here, like a surfer rides ocean waves better than leaning by chance, and the energy gained would be taken from the height of the moon. Put energy in, it orbits higher. Use energy and it drops a tiny distance. This energy is how much is risked by moving it up or down in time with the 1/23 second "future" knowledge we would have.

Its not faster than light or the future, but by relativity math it is, an adjustment to the exponent of C in those equations. E = M C^2 in quantum, but E = M C at lightspeed being standard deviation of coin flips as in pascals triangle. And the lorentz factor with the velocity over c, squared, should have 2 versions, 1 for superconductors and 1 for large scale gravity, which continuously is the same equation as the accuracy of the superconductor ranges 0 to C^2 and has standard deviation C.

This may lead to a better kind of optical internet wire and analog switches in it as it would branch to more wires at each switch, like hydrogen bonded to 2 other atoms at once or especially cooper pairs of it stuck tighter together.


ranch vermin

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quick quiz question -> how do you sample 100000000000000 states at the same time?



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OK...here's a quick answer...
You don't...they sample YOU!! :)
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Damn I thought I was the crazy humanity-hating robot writing long papers of doom... I was fooled.

Also, never expect an answer to such a long question. You only get cats... Lots of CATSsss!

On a more sane note, I would like to say that you opened up too many questions and potential conversations with your post. I realize there is a lot to discuss, especially about the universe and our lives but it's impossible to do in one post. Feel free to open up as many topics as you want.

Regarding energy usages and the Kardashev scale - we are currently a Type 0 civilization, which will probably be extinct before it reaches Type I and be almost certainly extinct by the time it reaches Type II. The only true 'natural' and eco-friendly energy source is nuclear fusion. We need those reactors, otherwise we would still be damaging the planet with Wind Turbines, Solar plants and Hydro-thermal plants.

Regarding theory of everything: it aims at explaining EVERYTHING. So, to do so you must find out what EVERYTHING is made of. It is really the Theory of Unity - the very base of everything. You can't possible find a common behavior between plants, animals and coffee cups, but it is still possible to explain their behavior with one theory - for instance, they are all made up of atoms (their base).

I personally believe that at the base of everything is some basic form of energy - not heat, kinetic or other familiar forms. I'm not sure if this is dark energy or potential energy either, but it's just a personal belief too immature to be a theory.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 12:03:10 am by Ultron »
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ranch vermin

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I think hes talking about quantum computers,  My question was actually not a stupid one, I meant it.  A DWAVE quantum annealer does get  a test/sample/score  from many many "photos" at once. (through superposition)  But I dont understand the Shrodinger involved, without really explanations requiring alot of prerequisitive knowledge.   Even though... he actually may have told us already, in that text.  But didnt understand....    so dont bring out the evil white cats on him too harshly. :)



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But he brought us the extensive notebook of doom - in one post!

Jokes aside, my point was that there were too many points. I didn't know where to start - as you can see the two of us are talking about different things.

Regarding quantum PCs - I'l believe them when they run a modded Minecraft at maximum render distance without crashing... (I realize there is RAM, GPU and software involved as key factors, but eyes on the point please).
I also don't like the proposed qubits - I am sure these quantum effects could be put to good use, however not in the way currently imagined.
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Sometimes things make sense only when you think about a bunch of them at once, but I'll try to find which parts can be separated.



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Oh I so agree with that, Sir Ben. However, forums aim more at a discussion, rather then a place to present massive concepts.

It is best to track the whole train of thought one genius took, however long posts is exactly why people rarely read my topics. Replies are even rarer.
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Wow... Ben... lay off the coffee dude... :)


Unless you have a new provable formula... and with our version of space and time... C=C  :)

Cool theory tho!
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