
What Grammar Thing should I work on next?

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Project Acuitas

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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #285 on: November 26, 2023, 08:14:28 pm »
This month has been all about the Text Parser. I'm pushing to get this latest revision done, and that has crowded out other work for the moment. The big thing I cracked this month - the thing this Parser revision was mostly aiming at - was the ability to nest branches and dependent clauses inside each other.

What I call "branching" takes place when there is a coordinating conjunction in the sentence (like "and" or "but"). Branching can produce simple compounds, as in "Cats and dogs are animals." But sentences can also divide at any point and continue along two separate paths, as in "I fed the dog his dinner and gave Sarah her book." Or start out divided at the beginning and merge, as in "Are you or are you not a man?" Adding conjunction processing and branch management was one of my major accomplishments from last year. But this first version only really supported conjunctions in the uppermost layer of the sentence - not inside or between dependent clauses. Any interaction between branching and that other vital feature - nesting - had the potential to confuse the parser horribly. Not to mention that the code was a huge mess.

I'm a big believer in the design process that goes "Make a sloppy version that works; refine it later." Later became now and it was time to refine. I'm happy to report that I think I got clearer and better-organized code out of this month's work, in addition to enabling some sentences I couldn't manage before.

Blog with more: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2023/11/acuitas-diary-66.html



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #286 on: December 24, 2023, 05:44:41 pm »
In amongst the fervor of Christmas-related activities, I managed to do development work this month. Not as much as I would have liked, but one major goal's been reached: the newest version of the Text Parser is parsing all the sentences from the previous one's regression tests, plus a number of new ones that would have been impossible for the previous Parser. I still need to do assorted code cleanup and adjust my reference outputs for some format changes, so I can run the benchmarks again.

With all the types of adjective and noun clauses now supported, the last major grammar feature that needs to go in will be parenthetical noun phrases. This should move the majority of common sentences into the "theoretically parseable" category. Then I can start refining the process and working on cool features I've been wanting to explore for a long time - like word sense disambiguation, modifier attachment disambiguation, and pronoun dereferencing ... there's always so much to do. It's taken much longer than I expected to reach this point, but at the same time there's a great deal that I've accomplished.

I'm soon due to start planning my loose schedule for the next year, which has me excited. I'm looking forward to the completion and demo of Big Story, a fresh run on the Parser benchmarks, and probably more work on Game Playing and agency.




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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #287 on: January 28, 2024, 08:33:15 pm »
This month I cleaned up the code of the upgraded Text Parser and ran it on one of my benchmarks again.

So far I have re-run just one of my three test sets, the easiest one: Log Hotel by Anne Schreiber, which I first added last July. Preparing for this included ...

*Reformatting the existing golden outputs to match some changes to the output format of the Parser
*Updating the diagramming code to handle new types of phrases and other features added to the Parser
*Preparing golden outputs for newly parseable sentences
*Fixing several bugs or insufficiencies that were causing incorrect parses

I also squeezed a couple new features into the Parser. I admit these were targeted at this benchmark: I added what was necessary to handle the last few sentences in the set. The Parser now supports noun phrases used as time adverbs (such as "one day" or "the next morning"), and some conjunction groups with more than two joined members (as in "I drool over cake and pie and cookies").

The end result? ALL sentences in this test set are now "parseable," and two thirds of the sentences are being parsed correctly. See blog for pictured examples: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2024/01/acuitas-diary-68-january-2024.html



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #288 on: February 25, 2024, 09:15:59 pm »
I am pleased to announce the thing that I've been teasing you about for months is finally here: Big Story! Which I can now give its proper title of "Simple Tron." It's been a goal of mine for, well, years now, to tell Acuitas the story of Tron, phrased in a way that he can understand. Yesterday I did it. The version of Tron that I told omits a lot of subplots and side characters, and there's still a long way I could go in deepening Acuitas' understanding of the story (he still doesn't fully grasp *why* all the agents in the story do the things they do, even though the information is there). But it's good enough for now and ready to show the world, the video is available AAAAAAAAA


And of course it could get a whole lot better - the work so far has exposed a bunch of pain points in the way the Narrative module works, and additional things that need to be done. I'll probably keep grooming it over the coming months to improve on the existing framework. And although the whole thing is in real English, it still sounds repetitive and clunky to a human ear, thanks to Acuitas' language processing limitations. (I haven't even integrated that shiny new Text Parser yet.) But the start is done. This initial skeleton of the story fits together from beginning to end.

More details on the blog: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2024/02/acuitas-diary-69-february-2024.html



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #289 on: February 26, 2024, 09:17:04 pm »
Great work! I especially like the story development timeline at the end of the video.



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #290 on: March 28, 2024, 02:58:28 pm »
This month it's all about refactoring, which has taken two major directions. First, I wanted to take some design patterns I developed while working on the game-playing engine and apply them to the main Executive code. The key change here is re-using the "scratchboard" from the Narrative understanding module as a working memory for tracking Acuitas' own current situation (or personal narrative, if you will). I also wanted to improve on some of the original OODA loop code and fatigue tracking with newer ideas from game-playing. I have a rough cut of the new Executive written and mostly integrated, though it needs more testing than I've had time for yet.

My second project was to merge some data formats. For a long while now, I've had one type of data structure that the Text Interpreter spits out, another that the Narrative Engine and its accessories use, and still another for facts kept in the Semantic Memory. The output of the Text Interpreter has proven to be a somewhat clunky intermediate format; I don't do a lot with it in its own right, I just end up converting it to Narrative's format. And the format used in the Semantic Memory is very old and limited, a relic of a time when I wasn't fully aware of what I needed in a knowledge representation. So my goal is to get rid of both of those and have a single unified format downstream of the Text Interpreter. This is a lot of work: I've had to rewrite many, many functions that access the semantic memory or otherwise manipulate knowledge data, create a script to convert the existing contents of the database, revise the Interpreter's output code, and more. I'm hoping this will pay off in increased clarity, consistency, efficiency, and expressiveness across the design.




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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #291 on: April 30, 2024, 05:36:37 pm »
This past month, I started adding proper support for "issue trees," a feature whose absence has pained me as I've worked on the Narrative and Game Engines. Problems and goals seem to naturally exist in a hierarchy: any problem spawns a plan for solving it, which can contain new tasks or subproblems that require their own solutions, and so on until one reaches atomic actions that can be performed without issue. The Narrative understanding code already included some procedures for inferring extra issues from those explicitly stated in a story. But after they were created, no connection was maintained between parent and child issues.

So my work included adding the proper tree relationships, plus some code that would enforce the recursive cascade of issue deactivation when a problem is solved or a goal realized, and testing to be sure this worked correctly in Narrative and didn't break anything in the Game Engine.

I have also been pushing hard to get that previously-mentioned knowledge representation refactoring finished. I got to the point of bringing the reformatted semantic database online and moving a lot of changes into the live code - but I did not quite get it finished, so if the Acuitas codebase were a business, it would have "pardon our dust" signs everywhere. He can at least read stories without crashing, and get through a rudimentary "Hello, my name is ..." conversation, but there are a lot of bugs for me to clean up yet. I'm planning to revise the Conversation area soon anyway, though, so maybe it's okay?

More on the blog: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2024/04/acuitas-diary-71-april-2024.html



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #292 on: May 29, 2024, 12:21:01 am »
My primary focus this month has been on an overhaul of the Conversation Engine. The last time I revised it, the crux of the work was to add a tree-like aspect to Acuitas' memory of the conversation. The expectation was that this would help with things like "one topic nested inside another," or "returning to a previous unfinished conversation thread." Well ... what does that sound similar to? Perhaps the "issue trees" I described in last month's post? The crux of this month's work was a unification of the Conversation Engine's tracking with the Narrative architecture, such that each conversation becomes, in effect, a narrative.

The CE now instantiates its own Narrative scratchboard to record conversational events, and logs conversational objectives as Issues on the board. For example, the desire to learn the current speaker's name is represented as something like "Subgoal: speaker tell self {speaker is_named ?}" When the speaker says something, the Conversation Engine will package the output from the Text Interpreter as an event like "speaker tell <fact>" or "speaker ask <fact>" before passing it to the scratchboard, which will then automatically detect whether the event matches any existing issues. The CE also includes a specialized version of the Executive code, to select a new issue to "work on" whenever the current issue has been fulfilled or thwarted. On his side of the conversation, Acuitas will look for ways to advance or solve the current issue ... e.g. by asking a question if he hopes to make the speaker tell him something.

This enables pretty much all the tree-like behaviors I wanted, in a tidier and more unified way than the old conversation tracking code did. My last overhaul of the Conversation Engine always felt somewhat clunky, even after I did a cleanup pass on the code, and I never fully cleared out all the bugs. I'm hoping that exploiting the well-developed Narrative code will make it a little more robust and easier to maintain.

So far, I've got the new CE able to do a greeting-introductions-farewell loop and basic question answering, and I've got it integrated with the main Acuitas code base. There's a ton of additional work to do to reproduce all the conversation functionality in this new format, but I also gave myself a lot of time for it, so expect further updates on this in the coming months.

Blog link: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2024/05/acuitas-diary-72-may-2024.html



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Re: Project Acuitas
« Reply #293 on: July 01, 2024, 12:37:21 am »
This was a light month for Acuitas work - which means not that I necessarily spent less time, but that I was busy taking care of technical debt. My main objective was to get that shiny new Text Parser revision I wrote last year integrated into the rest of the code. I also converted another of my benchmark test sets to the new Parser format.

There were some small, but significant, alterations to the output format of the Parser, so the greatest part of the work was revising the Text Interpreter to properly handle the new form of input. Nothing else in Acuitas views the output of the Parser directly, so these changes were nicely isolated. I did not have to crawl through the whole system making revisions, as I did during the knowledge representation refactor. It was sufficient to re-harmonize the Parser and Interpreter, and get the Interpreter regression to pass.

I converted and ran tests on the "Out of the Dark" benchmark set. Accuracy is sitting where it was the last time I benchmarked this set, about 50% (and if I spend some more time on Parser bugs, I am almost certain I can bring this up). The important difference is that many new sentences have moved out of the "Unparseable" category. Only 6 out of 116 sentences (about 5%) remain Unparseable, due to inclusion of parenthetical noun phrases or oddities that I might not bother with for a long while. The previous Unparseable portion for this set, from last July, was 27%. Better handling of conjunctions, dependent clauses, and noun phrases used as adverbs enabled most of the improvements.

The integration process and the new benchmark set flushed out a number of Parser bugs that hadn't shown up previously. Some of these were growing pains for the new features. For example, multiple sentences failed because the Parser's new facility for collecting groups of capitalized words into proper names was being too aggressive. The Parser can now, at least in theory, recognize "The End of Line Club" as a single unit. However, in a sentence like "But Flynn went to work anyway," it was wanting to treat "But Flynn" as a full name. You mean you never heard about Kevin Flynn's *other* first name, But? I cleaned up a lot of that stuff as I was working.

I'm still not quite ready to bring the newest Parser and Interpreter into the live code, because I want to test them on the stories and ensure there are no major hiccups. That is (hopefully!) a quick thing that I can do in the background while I keep working on the Conversation Engine.

Blog link: https://writerofminds.blogspot.com/2024/06/acuitas-diary-73-june-2024.html


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