Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 3 of 9

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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2016, 05:19:16 am »
kei10 posted a code snippet, which may be useful under certain circumstances.
A small special purpose robot would do well with this code technique.  For example,
it would fit on a small IC (integrated circuit) chip, very nicely.

switch (input.ToUpper())
    case "BLARGH": return "What?";
    case "BLORGH": return "Stop it."
    case "BLERGH": return "I said, stop it!"
    case "BLURGH": return "One last time... Stop it."
    case "BLIRGH": return "... ... ..."
    case "BLYRGH": return "GOD DAMNIT YOU LITTLE! --"

However, as the robot expands, this code snippet, raises a question...

repeated eight times in a row?  The answer is... It would respond with the same response, "What?" eight times in a row. 

Yet, there are several other matches, the A.I. could use to produce multiple responses
to choose from: "Stop it.", "I said, stop it!", "One last time... Stop it.", "... ... ...",
"GOSH DARNIT YOU LITTLE!". Giving the A.I. access to multiple responses would make it a more convincing simulation of intelligence.

Would you like to discuss this technique further?
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2016, 05:51:09 am »
Ivan said "I'm not a fan of c/c++. It is an old language (screwed syntax) with no runtime checks (that's why it's fast, but results are buggy) and I avoid it as much as I can."

Sometimes, it can be annoying to deal with segment faults, and syntax errors while trying some new hypothesis in a rush with little planning.  Best advice is, that it simply takes practice, practice and more practice.  And, another good piece of advice, is to keep backups of your last source code that compiled, so you can roll back if you get into trouble. 

There's a joke among programmers, "If it compiles, ship it!"  But seriously, with frequent backups you don't lose anything, when things get twisted out of shape.  Sometimes, it is less work to roll back, and start over, when you get stuck.   Another thing is to leave it, and come back to it another day to take a fresh look at the code.

And, I suggest to keep on going with Java, C#, Python or whatever you're into.  No need to stop with those or any programming language you favour, just because you're trying C Language or C++.   What's wrong with having more than one language?
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2016, 07:41:19 am »
@ivan.moony That's.. informative, I see. Thank you for the details. :O :D

@Art I see, yes, I noticed that price is getting lower for SSD -- oh well, I'm in negative budget. Since I am jobless, I'm just an eyesore to my parents. XD Thank you.

@Data Well I don't have much complain with HDD, actually. But glad to hear that SSD is that reliable, hopefully I can get it once I really manage to progress my project into fruition. Thank you for the reply. :D

@korrelan Hmm, I used Windows 10 a while ago, then it introduced Compressed memory. That helps to reduce a lot of memory, but it's ultra slow to my slow PC. Now I reverted back to Windows 7 (with superfetch and prefetch disabled), little programs ate my RAM away. So I can't use RAM as a drive, but I can finally get my PC a little bit faster. Although it is a good idea, thank you. :O :D

kei10 posted a code snippet, which may be useful under certain circumstances.
A small special purpose robot would do well with this code technique.  For example,
it would fit on a small IC (integrated circuit) chip, very nicely.

However, as the robot expands, this code snippet, raises a question...

repeated eight times in a row?  The answer is... It would respond with the same response, "What?" eight times in a row. 

Yet, there are several other matches, the A.I. could use to produce multiple responses
to choose from: "Stop it.", "I said, stop it!", "One last time... Stop it.", "... ... ...",
"GOSH DARNIT YOU LITTLE!". Giving the A.I. access to multiple responses would make it a more convincing simulation of intelligence.

Would you like to discuss this technique further?

Oh, about that, I know this is the kind of problem that happens all the time. But I know how to deal with it -- I don't mind telling you the method, since it's no biggie, it's pretty basic stuff, really. I named it "Elimination Method".

Let's say you're given an exam objective question, A, B, C, and D. There are four answers to the question. The Elimination works just like that. You would naturally try to eliminate wrong answers until one last-standing option is found -- and that last option, is the ultimate answer -- But of course this little method alone doesn't fix that, it needs other important stuffaz I found from my algorithmmm, yes, yesss, and it's secret, hmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~~ YESSSSSSSSSSSSS ...... Just kidding, I'm sorry.

Additional information, my AI project ... is not a robot. I won't be building a robot, no circuit chipset needed or such, so, that's why I am not concerned about other programming languages beside the comfortable C#. My project is split into two, SC and 0D. SC is the True AI, and 0D is [redacted], where no one really bothered with before. Together SC0D is my plan -- that works entirely on a console. Indeed, that's a good point that it's never been bad to have an arsenal of more programming languages that we could use. Sometimes C++ could beat the hell out of C#, depends on whatever we're trying to do. Back then I only use Game Maker Studio, it has a lot of limits, especially unlike objects, they use "instances" instead. It's like in-game entities that has built-in garbage that slows down everything. Pushing through the frustration, I learned C#. But I find it weird that I have trouble learning Java.

Thanks for reminding me about the backup plans, I actually do backup my projects -- sometimes. Although I usually backup when my project is required to twist into a new shape. It's never been a good idea to forget backup, it happens all the time and I literally have to slam my head against my keyboard in agony.  :D

And, yeah, I'ma still stick with C#, I encounter a lot of obstructions, every languages has their limits, nevertheless. And I would have to ache my head around it to turn the tables.

Thanks all of ya for teh replies, wewewewew~~ WEWEWEWEWE -- Just kidding.

2016-07-16 Saturday 03.33.51 PM
New scribble for the update of the progress:

Full-size image - Mechanism 7 -

As you can see, posting these here helps me to plan, because it makes me want to go crazy with these planning, resulting more crazy scribbles. 0D Phase 1 is gradually progressing, there were a lot of problems, whew...

"Kei... ...? What is this dump? The hella did you just scrawled? It's illegible! Are you trying to blow my eyes apart? ...... ... .." - Anonymous.

"Very good!" - Kei.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 09:42:28 am by kei10 »
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2016, 11:07:18 pm »
"It's illegible!" Anonymous exclaimed.  Yet, Kei simply posted the scribble upsidedown, as a primitive form of cipher, I prefer to think. Leonardo da Vinci used mirror writing.
#include "stdio.h"

#define BLARGH 6952064634741  // "What?"
#define BLORGH 6952065137859  // "Stop it."
#define BLERGH 6952064778489  // "I said, stop it!"
#define BLURGH 6952065353481  // "One last time... Stop it."

const char *response[] = {
"Stop it.",
"I said, stop it!",
"One last time... Stop it."};

const unsigned long hash(const char *str) {
    unsigned long hash = 5381; 
    int c;

    while ((c = *str++))
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
    return hash;

int main() {

    char *stimulus = "BLURGH";

    switch(hash(stimulus)) {
    case BLARGH:
        printf("Response:%lu is: %s...\n",hash("BLARGH"), response[0]);
    case BLORGH:
        printf("Response:%lu is: %s...\n",hash("BLORGH"), response[1]);
    case BLERGH:
        printf("Response:%lu is: %s...\n",hash("BLERGH"), response[2]);
    case BLURGH:
        printf("Response:%lu is: %s...\n",hash("BLURGH"), response[3]);
        printf("Command '%s' is not found.\n", stimulus);

Pure C Language source code, which demonstrates a hash function.   Please ask about this example, if you may find it to be curious.  Join our discussion.  We're all friends here. 

Program Output:

Response:6952065353481 is: One last time... Stop it....
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2016, 11:58:53 pm »
Not really, the scribble isn't upside down, sorry to say.  >:D

None of my scribbles are upside down or flipped in anyway. They are actual and genuine of my work in one piece -- except only the words that describes the symbols are erased -- especially critical ones in order to hide information.

Although after a while after posting that, the entire scribble is now invalid because the mechanism isn't working too well, I must discard the idea. I just came up the idea of using "Chain Reaction Properties", and I am not sure how this is gonna work, yet. Hopefully I can progress 0D Phase 1, which I've been literally stuck for years.

The SC (AI) Phase 1 where I plan the AI is supposed to come after the 0D Phase 1, but while getting stuck for so long, somehow I completed the SC Phase 1 before I could even progress 0D Phase 1 -- which the progress is still 0%, yes, all of those scribbles I worked with were useless... But they're important for me to not making the same mistakes again -- hopefully... hm...

I can read that C code. I just learned Python recently. It was a fun programming language.

Edit: *Removed old cringey parts of my earlier self*, I'm sorry.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 06:02:46 pm by kei10 »
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - 0D Phase 1
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2016, 06:12:52 pm »
New scribble for the update of the progress:

Full-size image - Mechanism 8 -

So much problems. The Chain Reaction Property seems to work, but at the same time I can't wrap my head around these... things, these... um... links, these... ... ... Gah. I am approaching the wrong way. I've to redo it.

Edit: The phases of my project has been further expanded into 7 phases.
  • Phase 1 - Research the SC Essential Patterns(Done)
  • Phase 2 - Plan the 0D System (In-Progress)
  • Phase 3 - Program the 0D System
  • Phase 4 - Genesize the 0D
  • Phase 5 - Genesize myself into 0D
  • Phase 6 - Genesize the SC
  • Phase 7 - Unknown Final Phase
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 06:50:00 pm by kei10 »
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Re: Project True AI "SC0D" - Phase 2 of 7
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2016, 09:22:35 am »
Looks like it has never been a good idea to program this project as console interface. There are just too much ridiculous limitations.

Now it appears that I have three choices --

  • C# Windows Forms
    • The downside is that Windows Forms is less common now. I sure love being pessimistic...
  • C# Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
    • The downside is that WPF seems rather complicated, but powerful.
      The stuffs about DataContracts gives me headache.
      Although I've used it to program Named Binary Tag (NBT) swapper program, and it was neat.
  • C# ASP.Net (ASPX)
    • Hmm, I feel like using this, so that I don't have to deal with possible networking stuff in the future.
      Now the downside would be that I am relatively new to this.
      The web page requires a constant connection, like an online game to work properly -- or perhaps.
      It needs a high-frequency messaging -- and I think I've found what I am looking for; SignalR.
      Now I am just wondering if it is really a good idea.
Hmmmmmmmmmm....... ...

 I guess I'ma attempt ASPX first before WPF. ASP.Net looks fun.

Edit: *Dies* ... I... guess I'ma go with WPF for now...
Edit 2: No no no no no, I gotta keep going!
Edit 3: Okay, this doesn't look too bad. It seems I can separate into a Shared Project and use on any template I like.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 03:32:18 pm by kei10 »
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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2016, 01:10:41 pm »
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute kei.......I've came here before but this time I looked more and see your pics etc.

They are, quite un-unified though kei (also much more messy than mine bro)...are you holding back something? Can you PM me it?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 09:23:49 pm by LOCKSUIT »



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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2016, 11:37:08 am »


Please learn to read the original post.
I am indeed holding back everything for now.

Because I have nothing to show to anyone beside the broken scribbles, and showing those scribbles were just meant to give me motivation to work. They weren't intended to reveal anything.

Sensitive information that reveals more than to be seen were erased.

I'm planning to reveal everything about the 0D as soon as I've finished Phase 3, 4, and 5. I'll also host the 0D for the public and receive feedback from anyone.
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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2016, 07:42:50 pm »
pm me it

i am a god truck



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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2016, 09:01:59 pm »
PM you what?

Edit: Wait, what's this? Are you impatient? XD

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute Locksuit".

Now, if you please...
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 09:36:57 pm by kei10 »
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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2016, 10:38:03 pm »
no keyboard 4 a few days.....clickclick

impatient....................u release ur blueprint? or forever secret?

there won't be anything i don't have. Pm me it, i need it now



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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2016, 12:36:27 am »
Well I haven't got much to show you.
Perhaps my new scribble which is in progress might appease you?

2016-10-09 Sunday 07.25.40 AM

Consider if you can make sense of what I am doing, since I've stated clearly that my line of work is different from everyone else.

I didn't erase anything this time. Have fun.
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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2016, 03:10:33 am »
(laptop keyboard)

...You GOT to be kidding...

Nothing has to be that non-intuitive to understand.

And a lot of it is about compounds and molecules and etc.

Where is your super master diagram/note?

If you could just show it to me, beautiful things would happen instantly.



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Re: Project True AI "SC 0D" - Phase 2 of 8
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2016, 04:24:17 am »
Good work finding out it's compounds and molecules. *slow clap* ...

But mind you, the scribble is one of the progress to the master diagram thing you wanted. Because I still haven't even found out the entire system yet, I can't show you nothing, literally.

Nevertheless, the hint about what I am doing is everywhere, but you won't be successfully guessing it.

After all, what a strange work that I need to involve compounds and molecules! O0
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