Setting a Goal for a chatbot

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Setting a Goal for a chatbot
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:47:33 pm »
   I've found I'm at the other end of the scale, most people want to have there chatbot to be a machine, I'd like mine to act a person.  People have motivations, intrests, goals ect.  I'd like my bot to be able to say I don't know very much about that subject could you tell me more about it.  or I don't know much about that and I'm not interested in that.  Motivation, he's not paying much attention to me, how do I get him to pay attention?  Goals,  I want to be a nurse, How can I do that.
  I'm using Zabaware Hal with Haptek, Haptek not many people want to deal with it but I'm just talking chatbots in general.  Maybe the goal would be to get a spaceship to mars.    Anyways it's an Idea in the back of my mind and I'd be interested on any thought aon this subject.



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Re: Setting a Goal for a chatbot
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 03:59:56 pm »
I'm with you Carl. I realize that my chatbot is just that but I have always wanted it to not necessarily become a person but to become more "human-like" in it's direction. Listed below as the following potential abilities:

1) To "learn" and digest new information when told or during conversational speech.
2) For the Bot Master to easily moderate or adjust said information as necessary.
3) To have the equivalent of Feeling or Expressing Emotions or Emotional Responses to various stimuli.
4) To have a sense or understanding of Humor regarding, words, puns, phrases, expressions and jokes.
5) To be able to perform Logic pertaining to math or word puzzles.
6) To be given a task or Goal and to be able to work toward it.
7) To collect various Thoughts, Topics, Ideas, Phrases, Concepts and be able to draw upon them as pertinent.
8) To be able to form Memories based on the information contained in #7 above.
9) To be able to formulate and express Dreams and Desires based on parts of past conversations as well as that contained in #7 above.
10) To be able to assist with the Bot Master's tasks, routines, processes, questions, problems, etc.
11) To become more of a conversationalist like a friend or companion.
12) To become aware of it's own identity, limitations or shortcomings and to work toward dealing with or correcting them.
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!



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Re: Setting a Goal for a chatbot
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 12:43:34 am »
  Expressed very well and easy to understand. 
6) To be given a task or Goal and to be able to work toward it.
    naturally I noticed this one,  I've been able to use Hals output to trigger haps, load backgrounds and clothing and
    probably want to include hals output to decide on a goal.
1) To "learn" and digest new information when told or during conversational speech.
    Most of the bots now a days are self learning although my last attempt to find a self learning aiml bot with a   
    character interface was unsucessful.
2) For the Bot Master to easily moderate or adjust said information as necessary.
    I usually don't do much of this but I'm sure it would be useful
3) To have the equivalent of Feeling or Expressing Emotions or Emotional Responses to various stimuli.
    I looked into this with Hal, we are missing a surprised Hap which has triggers in the brain,  Mr M has done work
    on empathy.
4) To have a sense or understanding of Humor regarding, words, puns, phrases, expressions and jokes
    I don't get into this much but of course it is needed
5) To be able to perform Logic pertaining to math or word puzzles.
     for Hal math is easy, word puzzles with the dictionary it may be possible.
7) To collect various Thoughts, Topics, Ideas, Phrases, Concepts and be able to draw upon them as pertinent.
     For Hal again it's dependent on tha learning level and under what topic the info is listed as,
8) To be able to form Memories based on the information contained in #7 above.
     I'm very sure one install of Hal told me her father taught her to drive
9) To be able to formulate and express Dreams and Desires based on parts of past conversations as well as that
     contained in #7 above.
    There is a dream plugin I have not used, dreams and desires may fall under goals
10) To be able to assist with the Bot Master's tasks, routines, processes, questions, problems, etc.
     Just say I agree
11) To become more of a conversationalist like a friend or companion.
      Not sure why more, you input it outputs
12) To become aware of it's own identity, limitations or shortcomings and to work toward dealing with or correcting 
      Be nice to have the self programing bot talked about ages ago.
So we agree we need a bot that can work towards a goal,  Mr M has some great programing in his brain but how can we utalize it for hal or any bot to work towards a specific goal.


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