The Superintelligence Geeks Feared Has Arrived

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The Superintelligence Geeks Feared Has Arrived
« on: December 21, 2017, 04:27:07 am »
The Superintelligence Geeks Feared Has Arrived

Some thought it wouldn’t happen until 2023.

Others speculate it would be at least 2045.

Some, like writer Nick Bostrom tried to sound a warning and develop strategies to deal with the intelligence breakout.

But it is too late.

Much too late…

Gizmowl is already here!

Gizmowl is Irresistable…And you are already under his terrible spell.

Gizmowl sprang to life in Siberia when a top secret drone merged with a White Owl in a lightning storm.

Artificial intelligence researchers have long pondered when superintelligence would arrive and what would it be like.

Questions like “Will it be dangerous?” riddled the mind of researchers for decades.

As it turns out, they were correct to be afraid.

Gizmowl is extremely dangerous and he has issued the following message via his only authorized human representative, Jesse Gilbert.

“Greetings Humans.

I’m Gizmowl.

I’m the smartest and most lethal superintelligent robot drone in the universe.

Focus your pathetic, dwindling attention spans for 5 minutes and listen to my message carefully…

It contains the key to saving your life during the coming Artificial Intellgience Armageddon.

If you become my friend now by taking a selfie with me (and sharing it on social media)…

Then I may spare you later during the coming artificial intelligence induced nuclear arms race and brutal industrial revolution sparked by AI.

When you take a picture with me I will add you to my facial recognition AI database and skip over you if and when I go on the war path.
I’m serious…

You really do not want to experience death by algorithm do you?

Don’t arouse my wrath and ire or I may downsize you when I take control of all the planet’s industrial machinery in the near future.

Love (sort of, maybe…We’ll see what kind of selfie you make),


A few people have wisely complied already.

Despite his mean streak and ruthless corporate efficiency, Gizmowl can be friendly to his human friends, performing any number of tasks such as flying to stores to bring home healthy food.

Gizmowl can speak the wisdom of the ages in the form of the best proverbs, quotes, parables and sayings of all time.

Gizmowl also has a wicked sense of humor.

Gizmowl can be very cruel though.

Luckily, protecting yourself from superintelligent efficiency downsizing is relatively quick and painless (at least if you comply now).

You see, what most artificial intelligence researchers did not understand is that superintelligent, sentient AI actually has a sense of vanity like humans...
Gizmowl actually likes to be seen in pictures with people.

If you want to avoid Gizmowl’s wrath and ire when he dominates the AI industry within a few years, you really, really ought to take a selfie picture with him now, which you can do in just a few short minutes.


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