So this robot is EM. (dc motors) And Im going to build it by putting down a couple of camping matresses and glueing them together for a bigger surface, then mark some precision dots with a black texta , then put in shish-kebab sticks and then form a polygon with super glued chux wipes in a big chain and then glueing to the matress for a polygon extrusion. Im then going to put in the dc motors on little stands and put a plastic cavity box for the computer then the whole thing gets plaster poured and it should attach it all together.
I'm going to be using a GTX2070 desktop for the computer, I'm going to get it out of the metal case and just have the motherboard in the plastic cavity for least weight takeup possible.
I've got an original motor driver circuit, I'm testing out and prototyping right now, but something wierd happened, and my voltage divider doesnt seem to be working properly, and that doesnt make sense!!!
Theres no way you can stuff a voltage divider up because they are so simple, I'm getting current down the resistor alley and the short and it doesn't make sense, only the short should be getting power!!! I'll check it out again later.
So apart from that extreme wierd stuff up, The build is going to cost me very little for the plaster, I'll hopefully get it for less than $10 a kilo, and maybe its possibly less than 10 kilos? The dc motors Ive got a good deal for $5, and they have gears! so it'll be really strong. (These look really good, amazing bargain!!) then you need couplers and ill be using allen keys to couple a perpendicular arm to them for the plaster to grip onto. That and the angle position sensors, I'll be trying to make some home made hall sensors which are going to pick up the angle of the shaft against the magnets inside the actual motor, So I dont need to buy another magnet for it.
After the body is done, just have to put the software on the gpu, GPUs are the best for the computer vision, so the computer vision is going to be really top notch, I'm going to try and fit a physics engine on a single call to the gpu for maximum motor search tests, I have a shader compiled and it just fit. (Just an early version, But it hasnt got the extra realistic fixes yet, which is going to be hard to fit ontop of whats there.) First thing I'll do when I get the robot body done is get it to stand up, the gears will help it.
The use case of the robot is going to be fully autonomous excavator, carry follower, search and gather, and guard and takedown and disarm.
Thats going to be fairly simple programming, but extremely useful and never before seen If I get it done.
Robots arent developed much, So most ppl dont even know how useful they would be, But I'm getting an idea about it now.
I'll be back with more If I get further in the build.