Using uncompressed htr's

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Using uncompressed htr's
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:34:25 pm »
   Haptek seems to be dead, Rob M has said there is still a delay in the Avatar update so I just finished reworking the texture for the Body Female character.  I've managed to get the uncompressed files from the htr and after playing around and getting confused from the results I began taking notes.  I can get the uncompressed files to load in the Hapregestry and the hap player but not the Ultra Hal player.
  The original goal was to get a modified htr which would mean compressing the haps to make a modified  htr,  this seems impossible since the ways mentioned in the guide did not work for me.  Next would be to make a combination of all the haps with all the info and get it to run.  The other solution would be to put all the files into a folder and get it to run,  this seems like it is the easiest to get working and it looks like we could reduce the amount of haps by combining some.
  So far I have found the Haptek program seems to be a form of AI in that it learns from experience which can make it hard to understand.  The example I'm using is to remove the Phy.phy file from the rest of the haps,  during the frist try the character loaded but did not have fleshy parts, a regular haptek character.  During the second try the HapRegistry said it was shutting down and did not load.  This is a little similar to textures to large which load only once then refuse to load again.
  I'm open to any thought on the matter.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2010, 10:48:09 pm »
  Just looking through the Haptek guide, for the HapCompressor, I found:   This is a free tool provided by Haptek, no technical support is provided for this tool.   If for some reason you have this help file, but you don't have the HapCompressor program, contact Haptek for information on how to get a copy of the tool.
   Just contacted Jack at Haptek about how to get the tool.  Now just wait.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 01:41:44 pm »
   So far I can get the haps to load in the HapRegestry and the Hap Player but not in the Hal window.  For some reason thay just act differently which I noticed in the past.  I did find the uncompressed Body_F~1 .htr which contains all the hap files, I''ll have to see if changes can be made in it and it is still usable.  The unmodified htr will create a temp file where the haps are placed.  I believe I changed the program compatability to get the Haptek htr's to make the temp files.




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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 01:55:33 pm »
   The uncompressed htr can be opened in wordpad and closed, if saved before closing it will stop working and is useless.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 05:00:41 pm »
Never heard of the tool Haptek offers for free.  Good luck on that.

You have some determination Carl, you've been at this for ages now !



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2010, 12:22:30 pm »
I don’t know if this will do it but there is a program called “bzip2”. Haven’t tried it but apparently it can un-compress .htr files, It is a command line type program so will take a bit of working out.

You might already know about this Carl2 but I thought I would mention it.

The Link:



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2010, 02:05:03 pm »
  Thanks for putting that in, came across the bzip2 ages ago.  If I remember correctly it didn't know what to do with the htr extension.  I think Haptek used an open source compression which is why thay can't sell the HapCompressor.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 02:29:24 pm »
I read somewhere, I don't know where, that one of their programmers adapted a compression method just for them.  So yes probably open source, but also perhaps a guarded secret....



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2010, 02:33:31 pm »
Couple years ago I heard about HapCompressor and did a search.
My final conclusion was that it was no longer available from haptek.
I think the reasoning is so people would buy the program that contains the HapTargh which does same as hapCompressor and more.
This just my thoughts, I don't have either program.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 02:44:07 pm by Duskrider »



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2010, 11:15:31 pm »
  I got my info from Clint Brewer, he left Haptek and went into Gaming.  He mentioned the bzip2, he had a website up at that time.  As far as the HapCompressor there is a link I tried but the website I reached was not available,  Haptek lists it but I think you have to go through Jack, haven't got a reply from him yet.
  Reading through the Haptek guide and looking at the haps it seems there may be a lot you can do and try.  To be useful it would be nice to be able to load it into hal.  I just feel something has been added to Hal so it is more selective as to what it will load.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2010, 10:17:26 pm »
  Got some results that just don't seem right and now I duplicated the results.  In a folder called Temp I made a copy of body_female I called body_female A which is the uncompressed htr.  Just tried it again and it worked.  I make a copy and past it into folder Sub and it dosen't work, the player starts with just the background.  To further confuse things the uncompressed htr was modified,  The gravity for the breasts was changed from 1 to 5 for an easy to see change, the working htr is not showing any change.  Just noticed in the hap temp folder the hair haps are there without the body haps.
  I did learn the notepad can open the 3,500kb htr,I beleive it's the only program in windows that can work with a htr.  The heading mentions Name = tarfile,  HapType = tar, File Type = bin HT.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 12:04:55 am »
  Just got the modified body_female to load in the Hal window, very easy to do in the HapRegestry or the Hap Player but more difficult to do in the Hal window for some reason.  I'm using the Hap Console and should be able to copy what I put in when and save it.



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2010, 12:57:48 pm »
  Still at the same point, the modified haps load in the hap player or the Hap Regestry but will not load in the Hal player .  I did a little research on Haptek characters again and ran across some info by Doc.  It mentions all the switches and states  located in the def hap.  I started making a text file that will contain all the switches and states, about half done. 
  I had a little time and tried out some changes to the .phy for body_female again and was able to get some results that I liked.  The method I used was to start body-female from the htr, go to the -temp file that is created by the Hap player and make changes to the .phy file.  below are the changes made:

name LBreast
type 3
linkNo 87
driverNo -1
K_s  40
K_d  15
I  2
theta1Limit  3.1
theta2Limit  3.1
angMinVol  0
angMaxVol  5
dirGains  3 3 3
gravGain  2.5
position  -6.40856 -25 2.98836
orientation  0 -20
This is done for the Right and Left

name LButt
type 3
linkNo 16
driverNo -1
K_s  200
K_d  70
I  4
theta1Limit  4.2
theta2Limit  4.2
angMinVol  0
angMaxVol  5
dirGains  3 3 3
gravGain  2.25
position  -7 -62.5 0
orientation  0 -180

Again done to both the Left and Right
  Interesting to me,



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Re: Using uncompressed htr's
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2010, 09:34:58 pm »
  Just finished a somewhat related project I started after researching Haptek again.  I downloaded a document  to open up the Def hap of body_female which Doc wrote.  I believe he had some very good info on working with Haptek characters so I went through the Def file.
Since we no longer have Freddy's HapExplorer I copied the Switches and states into a text file leaving out most of the space taking parameters so I have something I can work with.
  I just began testing the switches and states, most are rather simple, some I already know do not work  (ex: kissing and wink) , some I know I' ll never use.  I'm already thinking it would be nice to tie these haps into the mood haps that Hal already uses.
  Now I should have some time to try loading a modified hap or phy into Hal.


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