Denise by Guile3D

Denise by Guile3D

This is just a quick run down of some of the features that Guile3D's new virtual assistant will bring to your desktop. Take it away Guile...

Denise's engine is being built to be very easy to use. She will be always there, even if only in the tray icon or in a small size some place in the screen.


Right clicking on her will pop up her chat menu, from where all the system can be controlled.


From the chat, we starting talking with Denise in natural language, asking her to change into a bigger resolution and show us what she can do.


The chat menu is Denise's main control (using the keyboard or voice recognition). It will keep giving us all the information we had set up initially, like RSS news, e-mails, weather, songs, wiki info and all other info related to face and motion detection, GPS tracker system, home automation (lights, doors, windows etc..) 


Although all her features can be triggered using just natural language, we also built an options menu that can be useful in touch screen monitors and for giving to the user an idea of what can be done. The secondary menus show just next to the chat, pretty much like any instant message application. Below we can see the short cut menus. (just in Portuguese for now...)


Some information is showed in the right panel, like the RSS feeds.


Song play lists are also accessed using the secondary panel.



Searches for files, songs, images and videos are displayed next to the chat.



And finally we have Denise resting until we need her... (or until she needs us!)


The Chat menu works like a big shortcut for all her features. Our other menus, like the radial menu will also be present according user's preference.

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