New user, eager to learn

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New user, eager to learn
« on: May 27, 2014, 11:21:27 am »
Hi everyone,

I've only taken a few classes in programming and am taking a few classes on neural networks and cognitive science, though these courses barely scratches the surface.
After reading around alot I figured it's time to actively take part in discussions instead of just passively reading them. Being so new to the topic (and feeling that alot of it is still way over my head) I figure I might start with making a chat- or twitterbot as a pet project and this forum seem to have quite a few resources on just that.
I've previously started a BA in sculpture but dropped off when I noticed that my mind kept wandering of to computer science and different aspects of AI. So now I'll hopefully be starting my BA in comp sci this fall and want to make the most out of my time there.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!



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Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 04:11:30 pm »
Hi Virre and welcome :)

Yes we have a lot of information for that kind of thing here. Hope you find something useful :)

Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2014, 10:49:08 pm »
Hello all, am also a new user eager to learn how to create an AI. I actually have a pretty good idea of what I want too. But I have no idea of how to start or what to learn to begin creating it. I stumbled across this forum while searching for how to create one. So what am asking is how can I begin. Let me give a brief description of what I want to create. First of I want it to live on my computer and I dream of giving it the capability to move to my phone when I command. It should be able to go to websites. Notify me when I have an email, or a message from facebook or a text message. It should be able to give me reminders of things to do and let me know the weather when I want. Things like this and what I really want is to be able to program it to do other things as well. There are so many ideas for this thing that I can't write em all down. Furthermore I want it to look like megaman or whatever I want.

So is there anyone will to give me some material to read and start learning. I am a student at Barry University my major is Computer Information Studies and I have done my first programming class in VB and I have just began learning Java this summer. Trying to grasp the concepts of object oriented programming



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Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2014, 08:20:26 am »
@ virre and Forgotten Hunter,

Welcome aboard! Glad to have you both with us. Look around and ask questions.

Although most Smart phones can now do those things you'd like to develop in your own AI, there's no reason you can't devise a "better mouse trap".

Good luck with your dreams and do enjoy our AI Dreams! ^-^ O0
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!



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Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2014, 03:32:23 pm »
Hunter, welcome to AiDreams :)

If you went with Java it could run on both your PC and I'm guessing Android phone, but I expect you would have to do some platform specific coding too. Java is a nice language I did a little work with it when trying to build an AIML chatbot for my phone. But then CallMom came out and so I didn't bother as it had already been done. You might want to take a look at CallMom as it happens, as it does a lot of this stuff you mention.

If you went with VB you can easily tap into Windows speech and do clever mouth syncing with an animated model and things like that. If you went with AIML as your core chat system then you could relatively easily sync the language files over devices - maybe with an online service.

Like Art says, have a look around here and see what's possible. There's a lot of information about here :)

Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2014, 06:25:07 am »
That's for the respose from such high ranking members. I appreciate it and as to call mom I kudos to those guys they already have created their dream and I hope to create my dream AI too. So please I am asking you to help me find something to get me started creating. From looking at the links and from researching these forums I think I have grasped two things. First Chat bots are where I should begin and they have engines. Second of all this AIML is used to let the bots have response.
What is unclear is do the bots know how to execute commands because of the engine or the AIML?



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Re: New user, eager to learn
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2014, 12:14:28 pm »
To answer your question in a word, Yes.

How the bots come up with an appropriate answer is another venture.

Usually the workings of the "Engine" allow for a NLP (Natural Language Processing) Interpreter to assess and handle the input then it "chooses" what it deems to be a more favorable answer to the input. Some of these "Answers" could be from a database, table, scripted choices, pattern matched selections, Internet retrieved best fits or other sources.

The Engine also contains a set of "Rules" that the chatbot will use that might house, symbols, conditional expressions, math subroutines, perhaps spelling or grammar, and other "Do's and Don't's" for the bot to help it "understand" the input.

I'd like to direct you to a really nice posting by a friend or ours. He explains a lot of the workings and comparisons of chatbots. Check it out:
In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!


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