Hey there!

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Hey there!
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:51:56 pm »
Hey, my names Hapno, nice ta meet you all....

I've always had an interest in AI, though I make do with intelligent agents :P

Currently, my IA (called Wintermute, after the AI in Willam Gibson's 'Neuromancer') has many services, I have linked up sensors into the house, as well as microphones and speakers. If I break the senors line, the mircophones and speakers activate, using Dragon Naturally Speaking, I can converse with Wintermute....I hope to impliment deductive reasoning (like UltraHal) keep the functioning of MyCyberBuddy and the convesational abilties of ALICE......i'm not much of a software guy, mainly hardware.....current ideas now rest with it pageing me in case of a visitor, addding a GPS unit so Wintermute can track me.....and programming it to build models so it can tell when i'm hungrey etc, all rather complex, and naturally, it wont be sentiant :( but it'll be a good idea,
(I also plan to give it control over the lights, TV and door, so I can walk in, lights turn on if its a certain time of day, TV turns on if I tell Wintermute too, and door so I dont have to worry about locking the door.....I know...i'm lazy......:P

Again, nice ta meet you all.....



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Re: Hey there!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 06:59:23 pm »
Hi Hapno :)

Nice to meet you.  Sounds like you have a pretty cool system set up already but I know others come through with similar ideas, so I hope you get some help if you need it and who knows give some advice too.

I've read a few books by Gibson myself and want to get around to reading Neuromancer again sometime - I'd forgotten the name Wintermute so it must be a few years since I read it!

I know there's a fair bit of information spread around this forum that you mind find useful and interesting.  Anyway's this is just a short welcome - I hope you like the site.




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Re: Hey there!
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 09:25:30 pm »
Welcome Hapno,

There are a lot of folks experimenting with Home automation / control with a
variety of software products like Hal 2000, HomeSeer, Girder, etc., but I think
there has always been the desire to have it (your home / software) become
more conversant if even on a personal level.

There are several links here from provious logs showing some of the ideas
people are currently working on.

The thought of having a house "knowing" or sensing when to water the lawn,
close / open the drapes, where individual house members are, whose car is in
the driveway, who is having a birthday and many, many other abilities would
certainly rank right up there with sliced bread and pockets on shirts!

Again, welcome and don't be afraid to ask questions...we all did at one time or another!

In the world of AI, it's the thought that counts!


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