Ai Dreams Forum

Robotics => Robotics News => Topic started by: Tyler on October 13, 2008, 02:54:46 pm

Title: Financial Crisis Inspires RoboRaptor Soup
Post by: Tyler on October 13, 2008, 02:54:46 pm
Financial Crisis Inspires RoboRaptor Soup

Daily deal site
recently had a contest asking the question:
Show us how past or current Woot products helped people survive the
Great Depression.
First place winner - Robosoup
by Jatanis.
Once their batteries ran down, Roboraptors - once a
gleaming example of cutting
edge robotics technology - had to be sacrificed for the greater good.
Researchers are still uncertain if the hearts of children consuming the
benefited from extra lithium in their diet, but unconfirmed episodes of
infra-red vision
and sensitivity to nearby game controller usage were reported.