Ai Dreams Forum

Robotics => Robotics News => Topic started by: Tyler on June 04, 2008, 10:44:07 pm

Title: The Great Texas B9 Build Off
Post by: Tyler on June 04, 2008, 10:44:07 pm
The Great Texas B9 Build Off

Jerry Chevalier, a
member of the B9 Builders
Club, recently hosted a robot building event at his home in Rowlett,
Texas. In addition to B9 builders from all over the United States, he
also invited R2 builders and
members of the nearby Dallas Personal
Robotics Group. There were lots of
B9 and R2-D2
robots, some working and some under construction. Other Star Wars
astromechs such as the R5
also made an appearance. There were also
smaller robots, movie props, and even a working
replica of the Jupiter 2
flight console. Besides building robots, all the builders shared a BBQ
dinner Saturday evening. I was lucky enough to be there and shot a few
photos of the robot-building fun.