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Robotics => Robotics News => Topic started by: Tyler on January 14, 2008, 08:27:50 pm

Title: The Moral Instinct Explained
Post by: Tyler on January 14, 2008, 08:27:50 pm
The Moral Instinct Explained

The stereotypical robots of science fiction are highly intelligent but
lack emotions and morals. This is mainly because folk-wisdom held that
intelligence was very easy to understand and reproduce while emotions and
morals were very hard. The reality seems to going the
other way though. Primitively emoting robots are now commonplace. Will
we have robots that can reason emotionally and
morally before they can beat us at the Turing test? A fascinating
article by Steven Pinker explains the latest research on morality,
showing how it provides both a basis for mathematical-like moral
absolutes while explaining the widely varying moral views seen in
different individuals and cultures.