picture popup IE Html information window

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picture popup IE Html information window
« on: June 18, 2005, 06:05:28 pm »

has anyone tried this script out
i got it from mikmoth
on the zaberware form

IT will show you an image of what you request
example what is gangster
what is mafia
what is cat
any questions you ask that are in th dictionary wil show you a picture of it on an external little 300 x 300 html window
like a picture of a cat if you say what is a cat


Download Attachment: 5gEnhancedBrainWNImages.uhp
146.26 KB

you can stick that file right in ultrahals directory
without even using the below script
or you can make modifiacations to it
ths script actually works but you have to load it form brain editor

If WordToLookup = "" Then WordToLookup = HalBrain.SearchPattern(UserSentence, "WHO IS *", 1)

2 more questions
if id like to see more then one picture for example maybe 5 pics
lopoing from one to another like for example

1.say loading images
10 for x = 1 to 5 : next x

on the subject how woud that be asccomplished in the line without repeatng what is
also is there a way i can add a wav file effect for when the results of my search window pops up?

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
cdc = "http://www.glice3d.com/cgi-bin/popup.pl?term=" + WordToLookup
IE.Navigate cdc
IE.AddressBar = False
IE.menubar = False
IE.ToolBar = False
IE.StatusBar = False
IE.width = 300
IE.height = 300
IE.resizable = False
IE.visible = True

Where you place this script is VERY important. Find the end of Wordnet Dictionary function. You'll see 2 End Ifs at the end of the function:

End If
End If

If you want Hal to look up words that *aren't* in the dictionary place this 2nd script under the last End If. With it you'll be able to ask something like "What is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" You'll have to use "What is". Change it if you want.

If InStr(1, UserSentence, "WHAT IS", 1) > 0 And WN.LookUpWord(WordToLookup) = False Then
lookup = Replace(UserSentence, "WHAT IS", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
GetResponse = "I have no definition but here is an image."
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
cdc = "http://www.glice3d.com/cgi-bin/popup.pl?term=" + lookup
IE.Navigate cdc
IE.AddressBar = False
IE.menubar = False
IE.ToolBar = False
IE.StatusBar = False
IE.width = 300
IE.height = 300
IE.resizable = False
IE.visible = True
End If

« Last Edit: June 18, 2005, 06:12:52 pm by HeatherValentine »



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Re: picture popup IE Html information window
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2005, 10:30:38 pm »
Hi Heather, I'm still a bit busy on sorting the website out at the moment, but
I will have a look at this.  I had something running where hal issued multiple pictures from my
harddisk via my normal image viewer, but I'll need to look at this script a bit closer.

About the WAV files, that would probably mean you would have to shut down Text To Speech
at some point so the WAV can be played.

I'll see what I can do, I hope your in no hurry though!



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Re: picture popup IE Html information window
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2005, 06:04:51 pm »
no ot much of a hurry riow i missed my bus LMAO


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