ai websight that explains computer code

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ai websight that explains computer code
« on: October 30, 2021, 12:12:02 pm »
tries this ai it explain computer code.

how did it do?

positions are done row-column from the bottom left and are both numbers. This corresponds to the alpha-number system in traditional chess while being computationally useful. they are specified as tuples
import itertools
WHITE = "white"
BLACK = "black"

class Game:
    #ive decided since the number of pieces is capped but the type of pieces is not (pawn transformations), I've already coded much of the modularity to support just using a dictionary of pieces
    def __init__(self):
        self.playersturn = BLACK
        self.message = "this is where prompts will go"
        self.gameboard = {}
        print("chess program. enter moves in algebraic notation separated by space")

    def placePieces(self):

        for i in range(0,8):
            self.gameboard[(i,1)] = Pawn(WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][Pawn],1)
            self.gameboard[(i,6)] = Pawn(BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][Pawn],-1)
        placers = [Rook,Knight,Bishop,Queen,King,Bishop,Knight,Rook]
        for i in range(0,8):
            self.gameboard[(i,0)] = placers[i](WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][placers[i]])
            self.gameboard[((7-i),7)] = placers[i](BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][placers[i]])

    def main(self):
        while True:
            self.message = ""
            startpos,endpos = self.parseInput()
                target = self.gameboard[startpos]
                self.message = "could not find piece; index probably out of range"
                target = None
            if target:
                print("found "+str(target))
                if target.Color != self.playersturn:
                    self.message = "you aren't allowed to move that piece this turn"
                if target.isValid(startpos,endpos,target.Color,self.gameboard):
                    self.message = "that is a valid move"
                    self.gameboard[endpos] = self.gameboard[startpos]
                    del self.gameboard[startpos]
                    if self.playersturn == BLACK:
                        self.playersturn = WHITE
                    else : self.playersturn = BLACK
                else :
                    self.message = "invalid move" + str(target.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],self.gameboard))
            else : self.message = "there is no piece in that space"
    def isCheck(self):
        #ascertain where the kings are, check all pieces of opposing color against those kings, then if either get hit, check if its checkmate
        king = King
        kingDict = {}
        pieceDict = {BLACK : [], WHITE : []}
        for position,piece in self.gameboard.items():
            if type(piece) == King:
                kingDict[piece.Color] = position
        if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[WHITE],pieceDict[BLACK]):
            self.message = "White player is in check"
        if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[BLACK],pieceDict[WHITE]):
            self.message = "Black player is in check"
    def canSeeKing(self,kingpos,piecelist):
        #checks if any pieces in piece list (which is an array of (piece,position) tuples) can see the king in kingpos
        for piece,position in piecelist:
            if piece.isValid(position,kingpos,piece.Color,self.gameboard):
                return True
    def parseInput(self):
            a,b = input().split()
            a = ((ord(a[0])-97), int(a[1])-1)
            b = (ord(b[0])-97, int(b[1])-1)
            return (a,b)
            print("error decoding input. please try again")
    """def validateInput(self, *kargs):
        for arg in kargs:
            if type(arg[0]) is not type(1) or type(arg[1]) is not type(1):
                return False
        return True"""
    def printBoard(self):
        print("  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |")
        for i in range(0,8):
            for j in range(0,8):
                item = self.gameboard.get((i,j)," ")
                print(str(item)+' |', end = " ")
    """game class. contains the following members and methods:
    two arrays of pieces for each player
    8x8 piece array with references to these pieces
    a parse function, which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points
    a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate
    a checkExists function which checks if either players are in check (woah, I just got that nonsequitur)
    a main loop, which takes input, runs it through the parser, asks the piece if the move is valid, and moves the piece if it is. if the move conflicts with another piece, that piece is removed. ischeck(mate) is run, and if there is a checkmate, the game prints a message as to who wins

class Piece:
    def __init__(self,color,name): = name
        self.position = None
        self.Color = color
    def isValid(self,startpos,endpos,Color,gameboard):
        if endpos in self.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],gameboard, Color = Color):
            return True
        return False
    def __repr__(self):
    def __str__(self):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard):
        print("ERROR: no movement for base class")
    def AdNauseum(self,x,y,gameboard, Color, intervals):
        """repeats the given interval until another piece is run into.
        if that piece is not of the same color, that square is added and
         then the list is returned"""
        answers = []
        for xint,yint in intervals:
            xtemp,ytemp = x+xint,y+yint
            while self.isInBounds(xtemp,ytemp):
                #print(str((xtemp,ytemp))+"is in bounds")
                target = gameboard.get((xtemp,ytemp),None)
                if target is None: answers.append((xtemp,ytemp))
                elif target.Color != Color:
                xtemp,ytemp = xtemp + xint,ytemp + yint
        return answers
    def isInBounds(self,x,y):
        "checks if a position is on the board"
        if x >= 0 and x < 8 and y >= 0 and y < 8:
            return True
        return False
    def noConflict(self,gameboard,initialColor,x,y):
        "checks if a single position poses no conflict to the rules of chess"
        if self.isInBounds(x,y) and (((x,y) not in gameboard) or gameboard[(x,y)].Color != initialColor) : return True
        return False
chessCardinals = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
chessDiagonals = [(1,1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(-1,-1)]

def knightList(x,y,int1,int2):
    """sepcifically for the rook, permutes the values needed around a position for noConflict tests"""
    return [(x+int1,y+int2),(x-int1,y+int2),(x+int1,y-int2),(x-int1,y-int2),(x+int2,y+int1),(x-int2,y+int1),(x+int2,y-int1),(x-int2,y-int1)]
def kingList(x,y):
    return [(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x,y+1),(x,y-1),(x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x-1,y-1)]

class Knight(Piece):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in knightList(x,y,2,1) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]
class Rook(Piece):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard ,Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals)
class Bishop(Piece):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessDiagonals)
class Queen(Piece):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals+chessDiagonals)
class King(Piece):
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in kingList(x,y) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]
class Pawn(Piece):
    def __init__(self,color,name,direction): = name
        self.Color = color
        #of course, the smallest piece is the hardest to code. direction should be either 1 or -1, should be -1 if the pawn is traveling "backwards"
        self.direction = direction
    def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
        if Color is None : Color = self.Color
        answers = []
        if (x+1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x+1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x+1,y+self.direction))
        if (x-1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x-1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x-1,y+self.direction))
        if (x,y+self.direction) not in gameboard and Color == self.Color : answers.append((x,y+self.direction))# the condition after the and is to make sure the non-capturing movement (the only fucking one in the game) is not used in the calculation of checkmate
        return answers

uniDict = {WHITE : {Pawn : "♙", Rook : "♖", Knight : "♘", Bishop : "♗", King : "♔", Queen : "♕" }, BLACK : {Pawn : "♟", Rook : "♜", Knight : "♞", Bishop : "♝", King : "♚", Queen : "♛" }}
- The code is a class that is called Game.
- It has two methods, __init__ and main.
- The __init__ method creates the board of pieces for the game, while the main method does all of the work in this program.

- The first thing to note about this code is that it uses tuples instead of lists or dictionaries because they are more efficient computationally speaking.
- This means that each piece on the board will be stored as a tuple with three elements: an index number (0-8), a color (white or black), and an instance of Piece(WHITE).

- In order to place pieces on the board, you have to iterate through every possible position from 0-8 until you find one where your target piece can go.
- You do this by using range() function which takes two arguments: startpos and endpos which correspond to row and column numbers respectively.
- For example if I wanted my pawns at positions 1-4, I would use range(1,4) which corresponds to rows 1-3 since there are 8 columns in total so 4 is not included in those ranges but 5 is included since it's between 2 and 3 so it's considered part of both ranges even though its not actually- The code is a snippet of the beginning of the main function.
- It starts by printing "chess program."
- and then prompts for moves in algebraic notation separated by space.

- The placePieces function iterates through each piece type (Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop) and creates an instance of that piece class with a dictionary keyed to its name as well as 1 or -1 as its starting position on the board.
- The pieces are all placed on the gameboard which is initialized with 8 rows and columns (0-7).
- The placers list contains all possible positions for each piece type and their corresponding values in terms of how many times they can be moved from that position before being blocked off by another piece or reaching it- The code starts by declaring a few variables.
- The first is self, which is the object that will be used to represent the player in this game.
- Next, there are two integers: startpos[0],startpos[1].
- These are coordinates on the board where the player starts their turn.

- The next line declares an input variable called a and b.
- These variables contain whatever was typed into the program when it started up (in other words, they're initialized with what's been typed so far).
- They're split at whitespace because Python can't handle strings of more than one character without splitting them up into individual characters.
- This means that you have to type "a" or "b" instead of just "a".

- Next comes parseInput(), which takes any string as input and parses it for valid pieces of information before returning either (-1,-1) or (a,b).
- If no piece is found in either list then -1,-1 would be returned; if a piece is found but not both lists then only one value would be returned from parseInput().- The code is used to print the board in an 8x8 grid.

- The code starts by printing out a "1" and then prints out each of the pieces on the board, with their respective colors:

- BLACK: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7    WHITE: 8- The code starts with a class definition for the game.
- It contains two arrays of pieces, one for each player.
- The 8x8 piece array has references to these pieces and a parse function which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points.
- There is also a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate, and there is also a checkExists function which checks if either players are in check (woah, I just got that nonsequitur).

- The main loop takes input, runs it through the parser, asks the piece if the move is valid, and moves it if it is.
- If there's an error or conflict with another piece on board then that piece gets removed from board.
- IsCheck(mate) will be run at some point during this process as well as when someone wins by checking their opponent's king against their own king; otherwise "AdNauseum" will repeat until no other pieces remain on board or all possible moves have been made before returning an answer list containing all possible positions where neither player can move any further without running into another piece of different color than theirs.- The code is a Python class definition for the game of Checkers.
- The class contains two arrays of pieces, 8x8 piece array with references to these pieces, a parse function which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points, a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate, and finally an ischeck(mate) function which checks if there is a checkmate.

- The main loop takes input from the user through their keyboard or mouse and runs it through the parser before asking each piece if its move is valid.
- If any move conflicts with another piece on board then that other piece will be removed.
- If both players are in check (woah I just got- The code is a chess game that uses the rules of chess.
- The code is written in Python and has classes for pieces, which are called "Piece".

- The first class is Knight, which represents a piece on the board.
- It has methods for checking if there's no conflict with other pieces on the board.
- There are also methods to check if it can move or not depending on its position and color.

- The second class is Rook, which represents a piece that moves like a knight but can only go two spaces at once instead of three because it doesn't have an availableMove method.
- It also has an AdNauseum method to check if there's any conflicts with other pieces on the board before moving itself around.

- The third class is Bishop, which represents a piece that moves like a rook but can only go one space at once because it doesn't have an availableMove method either.
- It also has an AdNauseum method to check if there's any conflicts with other pieces on the board before moving itself around too.- The code is a simple example of how to use the noConflict() function.

- The following code shows an example of how to use the availableMoves() function for a piece.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 12:49:41 pm by infurl »



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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2021, 05:27:18 pm »
My experience wasn't very good. It pretty much came up stuff that's not in the code, made a lot of assumptions and you would not get any idea of what the software was doing from its explanation. Just from the first line of the explanation: "- The code starts by declaring a string variable called "name". No such variables exist. Here's the code I submitted:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using AIDataModels.LanguageModels.DocumentStructures;
using AIDataModels.LanguageModels.SentenceStructures;
using AIDataModels.Utilities;

using DockPanelManager;
using LanguageAnalytics.RogetAnalyticModels;
using LanguageAnalytics.RogetServices;
using RogetProject.Controls;
using RogetProject.Controls.Extensions;

using RogetProject.Utility;
using System.Windows.Forms.Integration;
using ICSharpCode.TextEditor;
using TextEditorManager;
using LanguageAnalytics.Models;
using LanguageAnalytics.Services;
using LanguageModels.CategoryModels;
using RogetProject.Service;
using AIDataModels.LanguageModels.CategoryModels;

namespace RogetProject.Panels
    public partial class TextData : BasePanel<TextData>
        //private static TextData singleTon;
        private Object CompletionCountLock = new Object();
        Stopwatch aWatch;
        private bool posAnalysisDone = false;
        private TextEditorControl textEditor = new TextEditorControl();
        bool ignoreTextChange = false;
        //private POSEngine posEngine;
        private ProcessDocument documentProcessor;
        private EditorManager aManager;
        private SelectionGroup currentGroup;
        _3DView chartPanel;

        private TextData()
                textEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;               
                textEditor.LineViewerStyle = ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document.LineViewerStyle.MultiLine;
                aManager = new EditorManager(textEditor);
                this.tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(textEditor, 0, 1);
                POSPanel.UpdatePerformance = UpdatePerformace;
                aManager.UpdateTotals = DisplayTotals;
                aManager.CurrentStatus = DisplayCurrentStatus;
                aManager.SelectedWord = DisplaySelectedWord;
                cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedIndex = 1;
            catch(Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "/r/n/r/n" + e.StackTrace);

        private void DisplaySelectedWord(String aWord)
            if (currentGroup.Sentence == 0) return;
            var aSentence = aManager.CurrentPage.Paragraphs[currentGroup.Paragraph - 1].Sentences[currentGroup.Sentence - 1];
            var selectedWord = aSentence.Words.Where(y => y.Value == aWord).FirstOrDefault();
            if(selectedWord != null)
               txtPofS.Text = EnumeratorUtilities.GetEnumDescription(selectedWord.PartofSpeech);

        private void DisplayCurrentStatus(SelectionGroup selectGrp)
            currentGroup = selectGrp;
            POSPanel.ScrollIntoView(selectGrp.Paragraph, selectGrp.Sentence);
            if (currentGroup.Sentence == 0)

        private void DisplayTotals(Totals totals)
            txtParagraphs.Text = totals.TotalParagraphs.ToString();
            txtSentences.Text = totals.TotalSentences.ToString();

        private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            POSPanel.TotalTime = 0;                       
            int paraCount = 0;
            int actualOrdinal = 0;
            //aWatch = new Stopwatch();
            foreach (Paragraph paragraph in aManager.CurrentPage.Paragraphs)
                if (paragraph.Sentences.Count > 0 && paragraph.Sentences.TrueForAll(x => x.Words.Count > 0))
                    POSPanel.CreateSentenceRows(paraCount, paragraph.Sentences.Count);
                    int sentenceCount = 0;
                    foreach (Sentence aSentence in paragraph.Sentences)
                        if (aSentence.Words.Count > 0)
                            POSPanel.ProcessSentence(aSentence.GetSentence, paraCount, sentenceCount);                           
                    actualOrdinal += sentenceCount;

        void UpdatePerformace(bool ok)
            //this.InvokeEx(f => f.txtPerformce.Text = (aWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000).ToString());
        private void btnAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (documentProcessor == null)
                documentProcessor = new ProcessDocument(POSPanel.PosManager);
                documentProcessor.CompetionMessage = CheckIfDone;
            btnResetToDoc.Enabled = true;

        private void CheckIfDone(String message, bool done)
            if(chartPanel == null || chartPanel.IsDisposed)
                chartPanel = _3DView.GetPanel as _3DView;
            posAnalysisDone = done;


        private bool CheckChartPanel()
            bool result = true;
            if(chartPanel == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please apply POS Analysis");
                result = false;

            return result;

        private void ProcessParagraph()
            if (!CheckChartPanel()) return;
            var siloMgr = chartPanel.SiloManager;           

            if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Roget")
                var allText = documentProcessor.CollectSentences<RogetTransform>(aManager.CurrentPage.Paragraphs[currentGroup.Paragraph - 1], siloMgr);
            else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "OL")
                var allText = documentProcessor.CollectSentences<Hierarchy>(aManager.CurrentPage.Paragraphs[currentGroup.Paragraph - 1], siloMgr);
                var renderer = RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() as OLSpectrumRenderer;
                OLAnalysis.ProcessSentences(allText, renderer);
                OLAnalysisTrees.ProcessSentences(siloMgr, renderer);
            else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "none")

        private void ProcessSentence()
            if (!CheckChartPanel()) return;
            if (currentGroup.Sentence> 0)
                var siloMgr = chartPanel.SiloManager;
                var currentSentence = aManager.CurrentPage.Paragraphs[currentGroup.Paragraph-1].Sentences[currentGroup.Sentence-1];
                if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Roget")
                    var allText = documentProcessor.ProcessSentence<RogetTransform>(currentSentence, siloMgr);
                else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "OL")
                    var allText = documentProcessor.ProcessSentence<Hierarchy>(currentSentence, siloMgr);
                    var renderer = RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() as OLSpectrumRenderer;
                    OLAnalysis.ProcessSentences(allText, renderer);
                    OLAnalysisTrees.ProcessSentences(siloMgr, renderer);
                else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "none")

        private void btnSentenceAnalysis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!posAnalysisDone)
                btnAnalyze_Click(sender, e);
                MessageBox.Show("Starting Sentence Analysis");
            var siloMgr = chartPanel.SiloManager;
            if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Roget")
                var allText = documentProcessor.DocumentAnalaysis<RogetTransform>(aManager, siloMgr);
            else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "OL")
                var allText = documentProcessor.DocumentAnalaysis<Hierarchy>(aManager, siloMgr);
                var renderer = RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() as OLSpectrumRenderer;
                OLAnalysis.ProcessSentences(allText, renderer);
                OLAnalysisTrees.ProcessSentences(siloMgr, renderer);
            else if (cboFrameWorkMode.SelectedItem.ToString() == "none")
                MessageBox.Show("Finish Sentence Analysis");


        private void pasteMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void btnResetToDoc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnSentenceAnalysis_Click(sender, e);

The next Post is what the chatbot spit out:



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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2021, 05:27:45 pm »
- The code starts by declaring a string variable called "name".
- The code then uses the Console.WriteLine() method to print out the value of name on screen, followed by an equals sign and a new line character.

- The next part of the code declares two string variables: "firstName" and "lastName".
- These are initialized with values from user input (via keyboard).
- Next, it creates a new instance of System.Windows.Forms.TextBox called firstNameTextBox and lastNameTextBox, which will be used for displaying text in each box as well as accepting user input via key presses or mouse clicks.
- It also creates two buttons: one named "First Name" that will call the ShowMessage() function when clicked; and one named "Last Name" that calls the HideMessage() function when clicked.
- Finally, it sets up event handlers for both buttons so they can respond to their respective button's click events appropriately (i.e., calling ShowMessage() if either button is clicked).

- using System;

- using System.Collections;

- using System.Collections::Generic;

- using System.Diagnostics;

- using System .
- Text ; using System .
- Threading- The code is used to create a new instance of the class "Button" with its default properties.

- The code above creates an instance of the class "Button".
- The constructor for this class takes in two parameters: text and image.- The code starts by importing the necessary classes.
- It then creates a new project called RogetProject.
- This is done using the New Project dialog box in Visual Studio.
- The code then sets up an instance of the DockPanelManager class, which will be used to manage all dock panels on this form.

- The next line of code creates an instance of LanguageAnalytics and RogetAnalyticModels classes, which are both part of the LanguageAnalytics library that was imported earlier in this program's source file.
- These two classes are used to analyze text for language-specific features such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and so forth.

- Next comes a call to create a new service object with IDataModelsServiceProvider type from AIDataModels library that was also imported earlier in this program's source file.
- This service object is created with default settings for now but it can be changed later if needed through properties or methods provided by its base class (AIDataModel).
- After creating the service object, it is assigned to a variable named "service".
- Next comes another call to create another service object with IDataModel type from AIDataModel library that was also imported earlier in this program's source- The code is in the context of a simple application which will be used to demonstrate how to use RogetAnalyticModels and Services.

- The code above creates an instance of LanguageAnalytics.RogetServices, with an instance of LanguageAnalytics.RogetProject as its only argument, then uses that service object's methods for retrieving data from the API (AIDataModels) and displaying it on a dock panel (DockPanelManager).- The code contains a class called TextData.
- This is the class that contains all of the code for displaying text on-screen.
- The first line in this class declares a variable called singleTon, which will be used to store an instance of the TextData class.

- The next few lines contain some private variables and methods that are not meant to be seen by anyone outside of this file or any other files within it.
- These variables and methods are declared as "private static" so they can only be accessed from within this file or any other files with the same name (TextData).

- The last line in this method creates an object called CompletionCountLock, which is used to lock out access to certain parts of the program when needed.- The code sets a private static variable named singleTon.

- The code assigns the value of new Object() to the private static variable named CompletionCountLock.- The code is a class that contains two private variables: singleTon and CompletionCountLock.
- The textEditor variable is the TextEditorControl object, which is used to edit the text in the TextData field.

- The code starts by creating an instance of a Watch object called aWatch.
- This watch will be used to time how long it takes for each character in the string "one ton" to be typed into the TextData field.

- Next, there are three boolean variables: posAnalysisDone, ignoreTextChange, and textEditor.
- These variables are initialized with false values at their first use in this program's main method (line 12).

- At line 13, we create an instance of a new Object called CompletionCountLock and initialize it with null value as its default value because no lock has been created yet.

- Then at line 14-15 we start up our stopwatch using SystemClock_getTime().
- At line 16 we set up our timer so that when it reaches 0 seconds on its own or when it hits 100 milliseconds from being started again then we'll call out function analyzeCompletions() on line 17-18 which will run until either all characters have been entered or until analysis is done for whatever- The code is used to create a private TextData object named singleTon.
- This is done in order to avoid having the textEditor control depend on any other class, as it can be modified without affecting the rest of the code.

- The CompletionCountLock variable contains an Object that will act as a lock for this particular instance of text editor control.
- The reason why this variable exists is because there are two different types of completion counts: one that counts how many characters have been typed and another that counts how many words have been typed.
- By locking out both types of completion count, we ensure that only one type will be updated at a time.

- The Stopwatch object stores information about how long it takes for each keystroke to register with- The code starts by creating a new TextEditorControl object.
- The textEditor is used to edit the document and it will be created in the main thread of execution.
- Next, an ignoreTextChange variable is declared which will be set to false when the user presses enter on their keyboard or clicks outside of the editor control.

- The posEngine variable is declared next and it's private because it's only accessible from within this class.
- It's initialized with null because there are no settings for this engine yet.

- Next, a ProcessDocument object called documentProcessor is created and assigned to a private member variable called documentProcessor .
- This object manages all editing operations that happen in this application so that they can be easily tracked through its methods like getSelection() , addMarker() , etc..

- A Manager interface named EditorManager is also created which has two members: one for managing selection groups (called currentGroup ) and another for managing documents (called aManager ).
- These objects are both managed by the processDocument object mentioned above so they're not directly accessible from outside of this class but rather through other objects managed by them such as SelectionGroup .

- Finally, an instance of SelectionGroup called currentGroup is created which contains all selections made by users- The code is a snippet of code that creates an instance of the TextEditorControl class.

- The boolean variable ignoreTextChange will be used to control whether or not text changes are ignored by the engine.- The code starts by creating a new EditorManager object.
- This is done in order to manage the text editor that will be used for this application.
- Next, the tableLayoutPanel1 is added to the Controls collection of textEditor so that it can be managed as well.

- The next line creates an instance of SelectionGroup and assigns it to currentGroup.
- The selection group will allow you to select which part of your document you want to edit at any given time.

- Next, a 3D view is created and assigned to chartPanel with a style of ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document.LineViewerStyle.MultiLine because we want our 3D view's lines drawn on multiple lines instead of one solid line like most other 3D views have been set up with before now (see LineViewerStyle).
- Lastly, an EditorManager object is created and assigned to textEditor so that both objects are able to communicate with each other properly when editing code or writing text into them respectively (see InitializeComponent()).- The code is a part of the TextData class.
- The purpose of this code is to create an instance of EditorManager for textEditor and then add it to tableLayoutPanel1.

- The following code creates a SelectionGroup object:

- private SelectionGroup currentGroup;

- _3DView chartPanel;

- private TextData()

- {

- try { InitializeComponent(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); }- The code starts by creating an instance of the EditorManager class.
- The textEditor is then added to the tableLayoutPanel1 control, which is a container for other controls in the form.
- Next, UpdatePerformance and UpdateTotals are set to be called when this object's methods are invoked.
- Then CurrentStatus and SelectedWord are set to be displayed on screen as well.- The code is a snippet of code that displays the editor's current status in a table layout panel.

- The code is a snippet of code that displays the selected word in an editable text box.- The code starts by declaring a variable called selectGrp.
- This is the group of sentences that will be analyzed.
- Next, it declares a variable called currentGroup which will hold the selected sentence from the list of paragraphs in selectGrp.
- The code then creates an instance of POSPanel and assigns it to a new object named panel.

- The next line starts with ProcessParagraph() and calls DisplayTotals().
- It also sets up some variables for displaying text on screen: txtParagraphs holds the number of paragraphs in this document, txtSentences holds the number of sentences in this document, and finally txtTotalParagraphs displays how many total paragraphs are found within this document.

- Next comes ProcessSentence(), which does not have any parameters because there is only one sentence to process at this point (the first).
- The function begins by calling ScrollIntoView() on panel so that we can see what's inside each paragraph as we go through them; then it checks if currentGroup has reached 0 yet (meaning no more sentences exist) before continuing onto ProcessParagraph().
- If currentGroup has reached 0, then Processing Paragraph loops back around to start over again with another call to btn- The code displays the total number of paragraphs and sentences in a document.

- The code above is not supposed to be run on its own, but rather as part of a larger application that uses POSPanel for displaying text content.- The code is a function that takes in an argument of true or false.
- If the argument is true, it will stop the watch and then invoke the InvokeEx method on its text property to change its text to "Performace:

- Elapsed milliseconds/1000".
- If the argument is false, it will continue running.

- The code starts by checking if documentProcessor has been initialized yet.
- If not, it will initialize documentProcessor with some default values and start watching for changes in performance time.
- Then it checks if btnAnalyze_Click was clicked and calls Analyze if so.- The code is the same as:

- if (documentProcessor == null)

- { }

- else

- { }- The code starts by creating a new ProcessDocument object.
- The code then sets the documentProcessor's "CompetionMessage" to "CheckIfDone."
- This message is displayed when the user clicks on the "Analyze Document" button in POSPanel.

- Next, the code calls AnalyzeDocument() on this newly created object and passes it an instance of POSPanel.PosManager as its argument.

- The next line of code checks if there is already a process running for this document or not, and if so, it stops that process with StopProcessing().
- If there isn't one yet, then it starts a new one with StartProcessing().

- Finally, after calling AnalyzeDocument(), we check to see if our competition message has been displayed by checking if CheckIfDone == true- The code will check if the document is done being processed.
- If it is, then a message will be displayed on the screen stating that the document has been completed.- The code checks to see if the chartPanel is null or not.
- If it's not, then the code will try to get a reference of the panel by using GetPanel as _3DView.

- If that doesn't work, then we'll just assume that the user closed out of 3D View and exit this function with done being set to true.

- Then we'll show a message box saying "Analyze Chart Panel" and exit this function with result being set to true.- The code creates a new instance of the ChartPanel and sets it as the current panel.

- The code then checks if the chart is already disposed, and if so, it will create a new instance of the _3DView and set that as the current panel.

- If not, then we'll do nothing with this function because there's no need to create a new 3D view since we're just checking for an existing one.- The code starts by checking if the chart panel is null.
- If it is, then a message box will be shown to the user with an error message.
- The code then returns false and stops executing any further instructions in this function.

- The next line of code checks if there are any paragraphs in the text that need to be analyzed for POS tags.
- If there are no paragraphs, then nothing happens and the program continues on its way without analyzing anything else.

- If there are paragraphs, then they're checked one at a time until all of them have been processed or until they've reached the end of file (the last paragraph).

- If there's more than one paragraph left after processing all other ones, then another check is made to see if it's possible for these two paragraphs to share a tag position (i.e., whether or not both sentences could contain "I love you").
- If so, those two sentences would share that same tag position and only one sentence would need to be analyzed for POS tags instead of two separate sentences being analyzed separately as before.
- This process repeats itself until either all words have been processed or none remain except for blank lines between each paragraph which aren't considered part of any sentence because they don't contain punctuation- The code is an example of how to handle the ProcessParagraph() method.

- The first line checks if there is a chart panel in the current application.
- If there isn't, it returns false and nothing happens.
- The next few lines are all related to checking for whether or not the user has selected POS Analysis from the drop-down menu on their screen.
- It will check if they have selected "Yes" by comparing what was typed into textbox with what was actually written in that field (using string comparison).
- This means that if someone types "No", then this code will return true, which will set result to false and prevent anything else from happening in this method.
- Otherwise, it sets result to true so that everything else can happen- The code starts by getting all the sentences in a paragraph.
- Then it creates an OLSpectrumRenderer object and passes the text to it.
- The code then processes each sentence with the OLAssessment class, which is used for analyzing text.- The code does the following:

- 1.
- The documentProcessor is a class that processes documents and returns the processed text as an array of sentences.

- 2.
- This code iterates through each paragraph in the current page, and sends it to the siloMgr for processing.
- The siloMgr will process this sentence and return a list of sentences which are then passed back to our function for further processing.

- 3.
- Our OLSpectrumRenderer object is created by calling RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() as OLSpectrumRenderer; from within an OLElementCollection object called allText, where we can then use its ProcessSentences method- The code starts by checking the selected item in the combo box.
- If it is "Roget", then allText will be passed to documentProcessor.DocumentAnalaysis<RogetTransform>(aManager, siloMgr).
- ClassAnalysis.ProcessSentences(allText) will be called on that text and EmotionalGrid.AscessEmotions(allText) will be called on that text as well.

- If it is "OL", then allText will be passed to documentProcessor.DocumentAnalaysis<Hierarchy>(aManager, siloMgr).
- var renderer = RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() as OLSpectrumRenderer; OLAnalysisTrees.ProcessSentences(siloMgr, renderer); VocabularySummaryRadarCharts.AddCharts(renderer.GetRadarCharts());

- If it is "none" (which means no analysis), then return; would happen instead of anything else happening in this code block- The code will process the document if it is a RogetTransform, Hierarchy or OLSpectrumRenderer.

- If the document is not one of these three classes, then nothing happens and no further processing occurs.



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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2021, 05:33:12 pm »
I ran the bot a second time and its response is very different from the first run:

- The code is a program that will take the text "Hello, world!"
- and print it to the console.

- The code starts by declaring two variables: one for the string "Hello, world!"
- and another for an integer called i.
- The first line of code assigns a value of 0 to i.
- This is done so that when we loop through all of our lines in this program, we can keep track of where we are in the loop without having to use any other variable or function.

- Next, there is a call to Console.WriteLine() which prints out whatever is passed into it as its argument (in this case "Hello, world!").
- After printing out what was passed into it with WriteLine(), Console.ReadKey() waits until someone presses enter before continuing on with the rest of the program's execution flowchart (which you can see below).

- After waiting for someone pressing enter from their keyboard, Console.ReadKey() continues on with executing some more lines after checking if anyone pressed enter again before going back up to check if they did press enter again; otherwise ReadKey would just continue on without doing anything else because no one had pressed enter yet!- The code will create a new thread that will execute the code in the Main() method.

- The code creates a new thread, which is an alternative to creating multiple threads within one process.
- Threads are created by using System.Threading.- The code starts by importing the necessary classes.
- The first class is RogetProject, which contains all of the project settings and methods that are used throughout the program.

- The next line creates a new instance of RogetAnalyticModels, which will be used to analyze text in order to find synonyms for words.
- This class has two properties: one called "synonymCount" that stores how many synonyms there are for each word, and another called "wordList" that stores all of the words in a list with their corresponding synonyms.

- Next comes an import statement for LanguageAnalytics.RogetServices, which is where all of the services needed by this program are located (such as SynonymService).
- After this comes an import statement for LanguageAnalytics.RogetAnalyticModels; this imports both models from different packages so they can be accessed easily without having to type out long package names every time they're needed later on in code or when referencing them from other parts of code.

- After these imports come three lines declaring variables: one variable named dockPanelManager is declared as being an instance of DockPanelManager; another variable named languageAnalyst is declared as being an instance of RogetAnalytic- The code is a simple example of how to use the Roget project.

- The code above shows how to create a new instance of the Roget project and then using that instance, you can access all of its functionality.- The code above is a partial class that contains the code for the TextData panel.
- The text data panel has a property called CompletionCountLock which is used to keep track of how many times it has been completed.

- The first line in this code declares an instance of the singleton object, which will be referenced as singleTon throughout this program.
- This object is private and static so only one instance can exist at any given time.

- The second line creates an Object named CompletionCountLock with no initial value assigned to it.- The code will create a new instance of the TextData class, and assign it to singleTon.

- The code will lock the CompletionCount property of singleTon so that it cannot be changed by any other means than calling Comprehend's method onTextData.- The code is a class that has two private variables, singleTon and CompletionCountLock.
- The textEditor variable is the TextEditorControl object which is used to edit the text in the program.

- The first line of code creates an instance of this class called singletonTextData.
- This will be used as a global reference for all instances of this class throughout the program.

- The second line creates an Object named CompletionCountLock which will be used to lock out access to any other objects while it's being accessed by this one (to prevent multiple threads from accessing it).

- The third line starts up a Stopwatch object called aWatch with its start method set to 0 seconds and its stop method set to 1 minute (1/60th of a second).
- It also sets up some private variables: posAnalysisDone, ignoreTextChange, and textEditor.
- The last thing on this line is creating an instance of TextEditorControl which will be used for editing purposes later in the program.

- On Line 4 we see that there are three boolean values defined: posAnalysisDone, ignoreTextChange, and textEditor; these represent whether or not analysis should continue after each word changes or if it should just stop when done analyzing- The code defines a private static TextData singleTon;.

- The code creates an Object CompletionCountLock which is set to new Object().

- The code declares the Stopwatch aWatch and sets it to be private.

- The code declares the posAnalysisDone variable as being private and initializes it with false.

- The textEditor variable is declared as being private, while ignoreTextChange is initialized with false.- The code starts by creating a TextEditorControl object.
- This is the control that will be used to edit text in the program.
- Next, it creates an instance of a POSEngine class and assigns it to the private variable posEngine.
- The next line creates an instance of a ProcessDocument class and assigns it to the private variable documentProcessor.
- The last two lines create instances of EditorManager and SelectionGroup classes respectively, which are both assigned to variables named aManager and currentGroup respectively.

- The code then starts with some initializations:

- private TextEditorControl textEditor = new TextEditorControl(); bool ignoreTextChange = false;

- Next, there is some code for setting up event handlers for various events on this control: textEditor .BeginEdit() .EndEdit() .BeginUpdate() .EndUpdate() .SetFocus(true) //set focus back after editing has been done; set focus back when user presses Esc key or clicks outside editor area; also sets focus back if selection changes while editing occurs (e.g., pressing enter key)

- After these initializations, there is some more initialization code before finally getting into main logic:

- //private POSEngine posEngine; ...- The code is used to create a new TextEditorControl object and it also declares an ignoreTextChange variable.

- The next part of the code declares a ProcessDocument object, which will be used later on in the program for parsing text.

- Next, we declare a SelectionGroup object that stores all of our selections from our document.- The code starts by initializing the text editor.
- The Dock property is set to Fill, and LineViewerStyle is set to MultiLine.
- Next, a new EditorManager object is created with the text editor as its source control.
- Finally, tableLayoutPanel1 is added to the Controls collection of this component so that it can be docked in the layout panel.

- The code starts by creating an instance of TextData class which contains all of its members (elements) inside curly braces ({}).
- This means that these are private members and cannot be accessed outside of this class definition without using reflection or casting techniques.

- Next, try block executes if there was no exception thrown during initialization phase; otherwise execution jumps out from within try block and continues on with InitializeComponent().
- In case there was an exception thrown during initialization phase then error handling begins where appropriate actions are taken such as displaying a message box or aborting program execution altogether depending on what type of exception occurred.
- After any exceptions have been handled successfully then InitializeComponent() method will execute which sets up properties for 3D view chart panel and creates a new EditorManager object with currentTextEditor as its source control before adding it to tableLayoutPanel1's Controls collection so that it- The code is a piece of code that initializes the TextData class and sets the Dock property to Fill.
- The LineViewerStyle property is set to MultiLine.
- Next, it creates an EditorManager object and assigns it to textEditor's editor manager.
- Finally, it adds textEditor as a control in tableLayoutPanel1's Controls collection.

- The snippet above has been compiled into C# using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with C# Compiler version 7.00- The code starts by creating an instance of the EditorManager class.
- This is done in order to allow for the text editor control to be added to the table layout panel1.
- The next line adds a new instance of the text editor control, which is then positioned at position 0, 1 on the table layout panel1.
- Next, a member variable named POSPanel is set with a reference to UpdatePerformace and DisplayTotals methods from PerformancePoint Services 2010 SP2.
- Lastly, this object's CurrentStatus property is set with DisplayCurrentStatus method from PerformancePoint Services 2010 SP2 as well as its SelectedWord property being set with DisplaySelectedWord method from PerformancePoint Services 2010 SP2.- The code will create an instance of the EditorManager class and add it to the tableLayoutPanel1.Controls collection, which is on line 1.

- The code also creates a new instance of POSPanel and sets its UpdatePerformance property to UpdatePerformace.
- This will ensure that when textEditor is selected, any updates made by this object are automatically reflected in the table layout panel's performance counter (which can be seen on line 3).

- On lines 4-6, some initial properties are set for the newly created editor manager object: CurrentStatus (displaying "Insert"), SelectedWord ("insert"), and DisplayTotals (displaying all characters typed so far).- The code starts by declaring a variable called selectGrp.
- This is the group of paragraphs that will be selected for processing.
- Next, it declares a variable called currentGroup which is used to store the currently selected paragraph and sentence in order to determine if they are at the end of their respective groups or not.
- The code then starts by calling ProcessParagraph() when there is no selection made on the text box labeled Sentences and Paragraphs, otherwise it calls ProcessSentence().

- The first thing this function does is call POSPanel.ScrollIntoView(selectGrp).
- This scrolls into view all of the paragraphs in selectGrp so that they can be processed one-by-one.
- Then, if there was an error while scrolling into view (i.e., an exception occurred), it calls ProcessParagraph(), otherwise it continues with displaying totals for each paragraph using txtParagraphs and txtSentences respectively as well as updating them based on how many sentences were processed in total (totals).- The code attempts to calculate the total number of sentences and paragraphs in a document.
- The code begins by creating an instance of the POSPanel class which will be used for displaying paragraph and sentence counts.

- Next, we create a new instance of the TextBox control called txtParagraphs and assign it to our variables text1 and text2.
- Next, we create another instance of the TextBox control called txtSentences and assign it to our variable text3.
- Then, we use these two controls as parameters for calling ScrollIntoView on our newly created instances of POSPanel .

- Finally, if there are no more sentences or paragraphs left in this document then ProcessParagraph() is executed while else ProcessSentence() is executed- The code is a function that is called when the button is clicked.
- The code starts by checking if the documentProcessor variable has been set to null, which means it hasn't been initialized yet.
- If it's not set to null, then the code will initialize and start running.

- The next line of code checks if there are any errors in the document processor.
- If there aren't any errors, then this part of the program will run normally and continue on with its normal course of action.
- However, if there are errors in the document processor, then this part of the program will stop because an error was detected during initialization or execution.

- After stopping due to an error being detected during initialization or execution, this part of the program calls another function named InvokeEx().
- This function takes two parameters: f and e (the event).
- It also returns void so you can use it as a callback for other functions that need to be executed after something happens like stopping due to an error being detected during initialization or execution.- The code is meant to update the text of a watch's performance on your screen.

- The first line will stop the watch from updating, which you may not want to do if you are using it for debugging purposes.
- The next line invokes an event handler that updates the text on your screen with how long in milliseconds it took for this code to execute.- The code starts by declaring a variable called documentProcessor.
- This is the object that will be used to process the documents in the POS panel.
- Next, it checks if there is already an instance of this object and if not creates one with new ProcessDocument(POSPanel.PosManager).
- The next line sets up a message for when we are done processing all of the documents in our POS panel.
- It says "CheckIfDone" and then assigns it to the CompetionMessage property on our newly created object, which we call documentProcessor.

- Next, we use documentProcessor's AnalyzeDocument method to analyze each of our documents in turn and assign them their appropriate category based on what they say about themselves (e.g., "This is my first time at this restaurant").- The code will create a new instance of the ProcessDocument class, which is an object that represents the document being processed.
- The first line of code creates a variable named "documentProcessor" and assigns it to be null.
- This signifies that no document has been assigned yet for processing.

- The next line of code will assign a new instance of the ProcessDocument class to this newly created variable called "documentProcessor".
- It also sets the value of the CompetionMessage property on this newly created object to CheckIfDone.

- Finally, in order to start processing documents, you must call its AnalyzeDocument method by passing in your process manager as an argument:

- documentProcessor.AnalyzeDocument(aManager);- The code in the above function is trying to check if the document has been processed.
- If it hasn't, then it will call a new function called AnalyzeDocument().

- The code in this function is going to analyze the document and set a flag that says "done".
- The next time we try to process the document, we'll know that it's done because of this flag.- The code is a little more complicated than the previous one.
- The code starts by declaring a string variable called message, which will be used to store any error messages that might occur during the process of analyzing the document.
- Next, it creates an instance of a DocumentProcessor object and assigns it to aManager, which was declared in line 3 above.
- This instance has been initialized with three properties: AnalyzeDocument(), IsDisposed(), and Dispose().

- The next step is for this method to call the AnalyzeDocument() method on this newly created DocumentProcessor object (aManager).
- After calling AnalyzeDocument(), if there are no errors or exceptions occurring within the document processor then we can assume that everything went well and proceed on to- The code in the above function checks to see if the chartPanel is null or not.
- If it is, then a new instance of the _3DView object will be created and assigned to the variable chartPanel.
- The code in this function also sets done as true so that when it returns from this function, posAnalysisDone will be set to false.

- The next line of code calls MessageBox.Show() with a message that says "Analyze your code."- The code checks if the chartPanel is null or not.
- If it's null, then the code will create a new instance of _3DView and place it in the variable chartPanel.

- If that doesn't happen, then the code will check to see if this particular panel has been disposed.
- If so, then we'll dispose of it by setting its IsDisposed property to true and return false from our function CheckChartPanel().- The code starts by checking if the chart panel is null.
- If it is, then a message box will be shown to the user with an error message.
- The code then returns false as a result of this check.

- The ProcessParagraph function starts by checking if the paragraph has been checked for POS analysis yet.
- If not, then it will return false and stop processing any further paragraphs in this document.- The code has the following steps:

- 1.
- If chartPanel is null, then show a message box with "Please apply POS Analysis" as the text.

- 2.
- Return false if it's not checked (meaning that the user didn't choose to use this method).

- 3.
- ProcessParagraph() will run if chartPanel is not null and true was returned from CheckChartPanel().- The code starts by creating a new document processor.
- The document processor is then used to collect sentences from the paragraphs of the current group and save them in an array called allText.
- Next, we create a new OLSpectrumRenderer object using the RenderGraphicsFactory<Hierarchy>.CreateRenderCharts() method.
- Finally, we use ProcessSentences on allText with our newly created renderer object to analyze it.- The code collects sentences from the documentProcessor.

- The collected sentences are then passed to the hierarchy manager, which is in charge of building a hierarchy.

- Finally, the sentence text is rendered using OLSpectrumRenderer and displayed on screen with OLAnalysis.- The code starts by checking the selected item in the combo box.
- If it is "Roget", then a document processor will be used to analyze the text and create an EmotionalGrid object.
- The code then loops through all of the sentences in that document, classifying them as either positive or negative based on their emotional content.

- If it is not "Roget" but instead "OL", then a document processor will be used to analyze the text and create an OLSpectrumRenderer object which can render charts for analysis purposes.
- The code then loops through all of the sentences in that document, classifying them as either positive or negative based on their emotional content, and creates a VocabularySummaryRadarCharts object with those results.- The code would be executed if the user selects "Roget" from the combo box.

- The code above is executing a DocumentAnalaysis<RogetTransform> on aManager, siloMgr.
- The document processor will then analyze all text in the document and create an EmotionalGrid which can be accessed by AscessEmotions method of EmotionalGrid class.



  • Electric Dreamer
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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2021, 08:32:11 pm »
in your opinion it does not work good.



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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2021, 09:11:11 pm »
in your opinion it does not work good.

It's pretty much useless.  In fact, your post prompted my curiosity because I recently moved to a new department in the company I work for that involves code reliability engineering. Effectively I can do what I want, inclusive of using AI tools and setup hardware or cloud services to fulfill those needs! So, I could really use something like what the objectives are of that chatbot.



  • Electric Dreamer
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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2021, 01:53:58 am »
somebody needs to make a coding turing test for ai.
to see how much it understands about coding.
then they can improve on ai that explains coding.



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Re: ai websight that explains computer code
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2021, 01:05:20 am »
I used an NLP to break some source code into chunks. Putting in some rules for reserved words and operators might prove to be interesting. Here are the results:

using DockPanelManager.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking;

namespace DockPanelManager

    public abstract class BasePanel<T> : DockContent, IAutoCreatePanel

        protected static BasePanel<T> singleTon;
        public bool FormCanClose { set; get; }

        public virtual void ClosingForm(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            e.Cancel = !FormCanClose;

        public static BasePanel<T> GetPanel
                if (singleTon == null || singleTon.IsDisposed)
                    Type t = typeof(T);                   
                    ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[0], null);
                    singleTon = (BasePanel<T>)ci.Invoke(new object[0]);
                return singleTon;


Hover over images and click to get a bigger image

List of Using or imports:

Namespace declaration:

Class Declaration:

Declaration of some fields and properties:

The ClosingForm method:

The Get Panel Property:

Ending brackets:

« Last Edit: November 09, 2021, 01:28:10 am by frankinstien »


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